

The Human Genome & Genetic Manipulation

What do we really know about the human GENOME which is OUR DNA? 
We believe our DNA to be from INTRICATE DESIGN so complex but yet revealing in geometric mathematics that we say it came from GOD or OUR creator.

To understand DNA I highly recommend  Watson and Crick: Unraveling the Mystery of DNA but 1st,
Dr Spencer Wells of National Geographic traveled the world to take blood from men to determine the transition patterns of the first men out of the Garden of EDEN. We have identified ARCHEO ASTRONOMICAL references to the four CHERIBUM ANGELS mentioned in the bible at the four corners of the Garden of Eden. The location of the Garden of EDEN becomes EDOM in modern day IRAN and of a location where the TIGRIS & EUPHRATES rivers plus the PISON & GIHON rivers meet. We have deduced that a transition pattern must have developed from this Garden of Eden location and GOBEKLI TEPE. The Garden of Eden in TIME shows us the

1st COVENANT with GOD.
The SECRET LINK is between the Garden of EDEN or EDOM & GOBEKLI TEPE?


3rd COVENANT Domestication of Animal the Great FLOOD STORIES (NOAH & GILGAMESH)?

After watching the following documentary I am convinced that the ancient OLMECS = Aborigini, you know the ones with the helmets and the TOLTECS are the MONGLOIDS or Native American Indians. The point is we are talking about ancient cultures and civilizations that circum navigated the globe. After watching the latest DNA documentary from the BBC -

What happened was we found copper in ARCHEOLOGICAL ARTIFACTS that were smelted in the OHIO VALLEY buried near STONEHENGE! The picture of this OLMEC is showing wearing a COPPER HELMET. We also know that they wore COPPER BREASTPLATES. 

After doing some tremendous research we have correlated what MODERN ACADEMIA terms as the HOPEWELL NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS are in fact these NEPHITES and LAMANITES which are descended from the tribes of ISRAEL.

you can get more information in the ARTICLE 
An ANGEL named MORONI who was the son of a man named MORMON from a time period known as ADENA HOPEWELL or JAREDITE of 2400BC in North America. This Angel of GOD showed a man by the name of Joseph Smith where the GOLDEN TABLETS along with two stones were buried in a small hill known as CUMORAH where a WAR had killed the ADENA HOPEWELL or JAREDITE decendents. 

Modern Academia has titled the ADENA & HOPEWELL CULTURES of NORTH AMERICA which fall into the biblical time line of the JAREDITES of 2400BC. JARED or IRID (also known as the JAREDITES) 2400BC to 600AD 

Jared - Enoch went on to marry Edna, according to Jubilees, and the sole named grandchild of Jared is Enoch's son Methuselah, the longest-living human mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 5:18, 5:21, 5:27). Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Jared's age was given as 962 years old when he died, making him the second-oldest person mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. In the Samaritan Pentateuch, his age was 62 at fatherhood and only 847 at death, making Noah the oldest and Jared the seventh-oldest.

And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." The names of the leaders are given as "Samyaza (Shemyazaz), their leader, Araqiel, Râmêêl, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Dânêl, Chazaqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Batariel, Bezaliel, Ananiel, Zaqiel, Shamsiel, Satariel, Turiel, Yomiel, Sariel."

Interracial Alien Genetic DNA Manipulation

Why is it on a race track when guys try to kill each other with their cars its called hard driving but when you or I do it in our vehicle it becomes mens rea and is the criminal intent needed to charge for attempted murder? Why can't two people on facebook get along? Why are there WARS everywhere because two entities can't get along. The answer is in the defective human DNA that was modified by extra terrestrials trying to BALANCE HUMAN NATURE. One side of the BALANCE point is KILLING EVIL the other LOVE DOCILE. We found this GENE in the human genome and it led us to discover infusions of genetic material referenced by zodiacal constellation points that represent the circle of the STAR DUST of LIFE!

This is what we know - at Stanford University they are working on the human genome project. They sub contract out to private entities to do research work in the gene splicing. They have identified through tertraploid and anueploid analysis of the gene through dna extraction a separation between what are called HOMINID SPECIES (more like monkeys) which existed before HOMO SAPIEN. All HOMINID SPECIES were wiped out during two ice ages and maybe a flood, and a asteroid impact strike on the Earth. AUSTRALOPITHICUS FERENSIS, AUSTRALOPITHICUS the GENUS TYPE and FERENSIS being the SPECIES so ARERENSIS a HOMO SAPIEN had modification within its gene splice and is directly related to us in the sense that it's genome is almost identical to ours.
I have hard proof now to link all the way back to the hollow moon and a group of extra terrestrial scientists named the WATCHERS in the NAG HAMMADI and the BOOKS of ENOCH. They are the same scientists that were doing the genetic engineering on the viable HOMINID SPECIES. They located at ERIDU and BAALBEK over 35,000 years ago. 

Those groups split off and became the very first EGYPTIANS known as the MENKAURANS. The MENKAURANS circumnavigated the globe. The Earth looked different years ago even maybe prior to this time period but South America was connected to Africa, The water levels were much lower and in different places but where cuba is now was a great land mass in between South America and Africa. Further Antarctica was way more north and is floating today under miles of ice. The key here is to look at TIWANAKU architechture and compare it to MENKAURANS architechture and you will see the similarity giving the beliefe to the MENKAURANS circum navigating the globe prior to what modern academia is telling us. All of this plays into Graham Hancock (a GREAT MAN) who has proven that cities like DAWARKA written about as the birth place of LORD KRISNA exist to this day under water and he brought up many artifacts. Many cities all around the world went under water and other land location came up out of water after the two ice ages and potentially some huge cataclysmic event like an asteroidal impact storm, or a shifting of the electromagnetic magnetosphere and that leads us to conjecture that TERRESTRIAL SENTIENT BEINGS who designed our atmosphere could be the intelligence capable of moving in plasma orbs.

The Journey of Man 

is a documentary that talks about our evolution, our recent history, and how we came to be to the way we are today. It looks at the Y chromosome, that's passed down from male to male, and tracks the marker mutations to map our ancestors' journey. It's how we conquered the Earth in just the last 59,000 years.

ORIGINATION the Book by Gregory M Volz - OnlineJourney of Man: A Genetic Odyssey

I like thinking about the ZOO HYPOTHESIS in this way, what if the extra terrestrials did not understand our human emotions at all and completely discounted our emotions entirely. If you think about this and try to apply a scientific problem that leaves out human emotion and what level of sophisticated GREY ZETA RETICULI is processing a command transported by ethereal from the ORION BELT? Then we could END racism by simply creating a new HUMAN GENOME BAND on your forehead that the social media categorizes by colorized dopplar analysis in the city where Elon Musk and the TESLA are bringing, my HERO, Walt Disneys, Vision for UTOPIA back. BUT the racist part of it is that MONEY cant get you IN but your 3-D Social Network Colorized Dopplar Human Genome displayed in HOLOGRAM on YOUR FOREHEAD CAN ! 

The technology that I am developing is a MOBILE APPLICATION that takes a persons BLOOD and converts it to a piece of data that can then be projected as the HUMAN GENOME in wide range spectral analysis.

The Department of Defense developed this technology and Northwest UFO Chasers is going to implement the technology through Artificial Intelligence Mobile Application Interface. This again is so cool when you can display your HUMAN GENOME of personal DNA is a wide range spectral colorized bar display across your forehead ! WAKE UP !!!!!