



The Age of Homo Sapiens - The generally accepted age for Humans on the Earth 4.5 Million years (plus or minus about 1%). This value is derived by the acheological lines of evidence.

The TETHY's SEA is pushed closed by the moving of TECH-TONIC plate shifting NORTHWARD of the entire AFRICAN CONTINENT. This Locked in OCEAN WHALES dated 3+ Million years ago in the Sahara Desert. Could this also be the cataclysmic event that caused the GREAT FLOOD?
Sahara Desert AGE?

(Satellite River Theory in the SAHARA DESERT shows stone tools and man eating animals) Man followed the MEGA LAKES in SAHARA DESERT North - KABARAN / NATUFIAN cultures.

I want to officially state here in this chapter that the PYRAMIDS were built and located all over the planet. Pyramids have now been found in BOSNIA, and under water off the coast of Cuba. The PYRAMIDS were RAM (HYDROGEN = WATER) PUMPS. That is a FREE ENERGY principle that creates a pocket of air in-between the open chamber and the flowing water as you see in the picture above. A RAM PYRAMID HYDROGEN WATER PUMP could potentially and theoretically run forever, DISTRIBUTING DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRICITY, once started. Imagine the PYRAMIDS on the GIZA PLATEAU, one BLACK, One RED and one GLEAMING WHITE! This was the FREE DIRECT CURRENT ENERGY SOURCE all over the world. MICAH insulator paths for conducting the electricity have been found in a secret chamber in TEO TIJUACAN. 

There were great rivers that ran right up to the PYRAMIDS. The EGYPTIANS floated the stones in and with their expert rope skills, levered 100 ton blocks into place. 

The MAYANS and the EGYPTIANS being related were experts in WATER / ROCK. The ancient civilizations built huge terraced decks with edible vegetation that was watered from the TOP DOWN by the flowing water coming out of the TOP of the PYRAMID! 

The following VIDEO will explain the principle and could be a FREE ENERGY SOURCE for all of us to use. 

Before watching the VIDEO, I wanted to say that I also believe that the Earth was covered with a tremendous amount of water. 

 Williamson Ram Pump - Kevin Smith Steelworkers version 

The ORIGINAL or ORIGINATION of the CREE Indians of Georgia, are related to the MAYAN, who are related to the EGYPTIANS who are related to the MENKAREN LYRANS. 

The Northwest UFO Chasers CONSORTIUM has physical, material and substantive evidence showing a extra terrestrial connection between the CREE, MAYAN, EGYPTIAN, MENKAREN. The MER - KA - BAH principles of the PYRAMID and the ENERGY surrounding, is like putting two three dimensional triangles together to make a multi hedron star of David. 

  Merkabah [ RECORD NO. 108 OUT OF 906 ] - Merkabah 

What the RAM HYDROGEN WATER PUMP technology and the MER - KA - BAH have to do with anything and everything! The hierarchy of extra terrestrial ANGELS of GOD and how they move inter / hyper dimensional, is the same principle by which they came and delivered the technology in sacred geometry to ENOCH. The ANGEL was URIEL and he delivered to ENOCH the SACRED GEOMETRIC FORMULATIONS pointing to SIRIUS "B" near Orion's Belt! . That was known as ENOCH's PORTAL. ENOCH's PORTAL was activated by PYRAMID POWER. However the PYRAMIDS they sat in WATER.


The knowledge of sacred geometry handed down originally to priesthood Masons, are the same individuals that today want the energy source to be OIL, BLACK GOLD. 

The ANU - NA - KI or genetic modifiers from SIRIUS "B" near Orion's Belt, and an ANGEL named URIEL gave ENOCH the SACRED GEOMETRIC FORMULATIONS, along with GOLDEN TABLETS to put in a SECRET VAULT under either the PYRAMID or TEMPLE of King Solomon. The genetic modifiers or ANU - NA - KI needed to design a slave race to mine for the GOLD the ANU - NA - KI wanted. The MAYAN are the genetic descendants of these genetically designed people. They moved into underground tunnels and caves and came out near the Caves of TAYOS in Ecuador. Then spread out through South America into modern day Peru. 

What I will have to state here is the connection and why modern academia is trying to keep this new Archeology a SECRET! The SACRED GEOMETRIC FORMULATIONS are considered SACRED SECRETS to the 33rd DEGREE MASONS. The MASONS are the organization that fronts for the ILLUMINATTI but is really about the ORIGINS or ORIGINATION POINT of the beings that genetically modified us on planet Earth. 


To put together the full understanding of the connection between the STONEHENGE MONUMENTS and RAM HYDROGEN WATER PUMPS that delivered DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRICITY you will have to read my entire book. I can tell you that it gets very exciting deciphering the ENKI ENOCH VORTEX PORTAL information hidden in the MAHAT BARATTA HINDU, TIBETAN KONJUR BUDDHIST, SUMERIAN ISLAMIC MUSLIM, ANCIENT HEBREW JEWISH CHRISTIAN NAG HAMMADI, BOOKS of ENOCH, HYPOSTASIS of the ARCHONS, BIBLE and CIA linguistics data.

the answers were ultimately in this VIDEO - 

 Secrets in Plain Sight 

Was MOSES (MOSHE) of the JEWS / CHRISTIANS  also AHK-NATEN the brother of RAMSES II? -

WAS the great pyramid at Giza a huge DC BATTERY with the ARK being plated in GOLD and the DIRECT CURRENT powered the machines that left marks on the cheeks of the RAMSES II statues?

and then a GREAT LIGHT clicked ON! The PYRAMID was a CUBE with a huge three dimensional ball at its center. This then led to a calculation that showed a MASTERY of DIRECT CURRENT and an ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE into the IONOSPHERE that made the entire GLOBE SPARKLE like one of those STATIC ELECTRICAL GLOBES you buy at the mall. The only difference is that THEY the EGYPTIANS were doing it with the EARTH.


SACRED GEOMETRY in the meteric foot is the sacred geometric number 33, which we know is the reference that the DRUID MASON ORDER received from the EGYPTIANS, but the EGYPTIANS received their knowledge from the ancient Sumerians, who received their ancient knowledge from the ARYANS of IRAN, who received their knowledge from KING ALU - LIM or ADAMU or ADAM a genetic decendent of, YES GODS ADAM.

The genetic meaning of the word GENESIS is the key in that the statue of liberty is the representation of the lady freedom which is really ISIS. ISIS is really ISHTAR INANNA one of the members of genetic scientists on the team that came to Earth. See the latest ANU or UR - ANU (s) article. It is no coincidence that the name UR is the city of the ADAMU or the ALU - LIM.

When the genetic engineers sinned they became the NEPHI - LIM.

The Mormons have a book about the genetic decendency of NEPHI.

I like to take the PhD Thesis work from Archeology, Egyptology, Geology, Geneaology, Theology and through artificial intelligence and natural language interface have it produce the movie (IE: Microsoft Movie Maker Automated)! This is all based upon only a percentage of known truth to exist in documented format to include other video, graphics, articles & books. I preface everything with I do not have any or all of the answers but togther we can put the pieces of this strange world together and come up with a fantastical MOVIE that no one wants to believe.

The spiritual literature goes hand in hand with the ancient structural finds and there is a correlation to the ancient temples built out of solid granite in Ethipoia with the ruins of Puma Punku and Tiwanaku. In the spiritual literature it talks of angels who might be aliens helped build these structures. They tell who, what, when, where, why and how. Yet a geologist will reject a theologist, and an egyptologist will deny a geneologist. If we were to and we have put the information into a super computer it can tell us the movie of real life. We have it in the black operational TOC or technical operations center today. - My ultimate point is share and accept the data amongst disciplines to understand the truth of the picture 

‎Advanced anti gravitational technology at work? I have been following a trail of Megalithic Stone construction that has led from King Solomons temple, to Ethiopia solid building chiseled out of one piece of rock, underground to SUMER - Mesopotamia at ERIDU, to cave system under the Atlantic ocean to the caves in ECUADOR where golden tablets were handed to a father Crespi with Sumerian art on the artifact. The corridor that start at Puma Punku / Tiwanaku runs underground through Lake titicaca across the altiplano of Bolivia with Megalithic construction sites popping up all over Peru and then ultimately into ecuador. This corridor also shows up in Dr Spencer Wells work on the human genetic genome chromosomal marker indicators of a race of red haired indian giants who came out of the earth in Ecuador and are the fore fathers to the CREE and ANASTASI indians of all North America. MEGALITHIC STONE construction was recently uncovered in OHIO and represents a snake eating an egg. The wireless power transfer of the hydrogen power plants known to you as pyramids gave the wireless power infra structure to lift the diarite megalithic blocks with an anti gravitational technology symbolized by ZEUS - JUPITER - ODEN weapon ELECTRO MAGNETISM. All I can tell you at this point is that if you put a weak nuclear hydrogen and repulse it against a strong nuclera helium reaction GYROSCOPICALLY inbetween ELECTRO MAGNETISM and GRAVITY you get an ANTI GRAVITATIONAL PLASMA EFFECT which is the advanced beings known as ANGELS. There were 72 of them named in spiritual literature. There was a more advanced ancient culture and civilization that lived on the earth.

The question is? - Were the Pyramids Underwater Hydrogen Reactors or Musical Notes?

UPDATE - "Two giant underwater pyramids, made of thick glass, found in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.Posted on 27 September, 2012

These strange structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag. Studies of other devices have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, aparentemente made of something like
a thick glass, are really impressive structures, as each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

B. Meyer believes that disclosure of the secrets of the strange pyramids that are at the center of the triangle, could shed light on the cases related to the terrible and mysterious disappearances that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle. In his press conference in the Bahamas, the scientist gave a report with the exact coordinates of the pyramids and the cards with his picture. In particular, the oceanographer said that the technology is unknown to modern science, and is designed in such a way that the pyramid is under water. Perhaps a more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. There are often reports on the pyramids. American oceanographers in 1990, discovered the underwater pyramids, which are located exactly at the center of the Bermuda Triangle. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth, to look like glass or ice. The size of the pyramids are nearly three times the pyramid of Cheops. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerized data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks. The question we poneora and the matter is closed?"

Did the PYRAMIDS on the GIZA Plateau emit musical notes?


While doing some research on ancient cultures and civilizations, I began to visualize the ancient world of the Egyptians. The Egyptians had some power tools, and sonic resonance technology greater than what we have today. The great pyramid on the GIZA PLATEAU was determined to be a huge musical note playing the key of #F as well as being a HYDROGEN REACTOR. The natural undulating aqua fer underneath the great pyramid along with several other chemicals combined in the chambers to create a HYDROGEN REACTION that played a MUSICAL NOTE in the key of #F. Each of the PYRAMIDS on the great EGYPTIAN PLATEAU played a different MUSICAL NOTE and they worked in combination with each other. A High degree of resonance technology was achieved by the ancient EGYPTIANS but I know these people to be the MENKAURENS who were related to the ERIDUTIANS who were the WATCHERS a group of scientists doing genetic experimentation on hominid species on planet Earth.

The question I would like you to ask your self is, can you envision the earth spinning on its axis with vibration notes being harmonic projected into the atmosphere? The ancients were playing the Earth like a huge giant instrument, but the earth is a ball. So imagine a ball with beams of musical light ejecting from the planet in vibration and sequence.

The resonance could be heard in other countries late at night when the ancients looked into the night sky and listened.
I highly recommend watching the following video to get a better understanding of the concepts of what happened in Egypt, the use of power tools, the high levels of technology, and how we can apply that to an understanding to better ourselves today!


TODAY - I am Simonsen with an "E" not an "O", I'M Danish Viking my grandma used to say. I swear I am decendant of THOR and I cry out ODEN! Val Halla from some previous life. 

The question is? - Were the Pyramids Underwater Hydrogen Reactors or Musical Notes?

UPDATE - "Two giant underwater pyramids, made of thick glass, found in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.Posted on 27 September, 2012

These strange structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag. Studies of other devices have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, aparentemente made of something like
a thick glass, are really impressive structures, as each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

B. Meyer believes that disclosure of the secrets of the strange pyramids that are at the center of the triangle, could shed light on the cases related to the terrible and mysterious disappearances that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle. In his press conference in the Bahamas, the scientist gave a report with the exact coordinates of the pyramids and the cards with his picture. In particular, the oceanographer said that the technology is unknown to modern science, and is designed in such a way that the pyramid is under water. Perhaps a more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. There are often reports on the pyramids. American oceanographers in 1990, discovered the underwater pyramids, which are located exactly at the center of the Bermuda Triangle. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth, to look like glass or ice. The size of the pyramids are nearly three times the pyramid of Cheops. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerized data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks. The question we poneora and the matter is closed?"

While doing some research on ancient cultures and civilizations, I began to visualize the ancient world of the Egyptians. The Egyptians had some power tools, and sonic resonance technology greater than what we have today. The great pyramid on the GIZA PLATEAU was determined to be a huge musical note playing the key of #F as well as being a HYDROGEN REACTOR. The natural undulating aqua fer underneath the great pyramid along with several other chemicals combined in the chambers to create a HYDROGEN REACTION that played a MUSICAL NOTE in the key of #F. Each of the PYRAMIDS on the great EGYPTIAN PLATEAU played a different MUSICAL NOTE and they worked in combination with each other. A High degree of resonance technology was achieved by the ancient EGYPTIANS but I know these people to be the MENKAURENS who were related to the ERIDUTIANS who were the WATCHERS a group of scientists doing genetic experimentation on hominid species on planet Earth.

The question I would like you to ask your self is, can you envision the earth spinning on its axis with vibration notes being harmonic projected into the atmosphere? The ancients were playing the Earth like a huge giant instrument, but the earth is a ball. So imagine a ball with beams of musical light ejecting from the planet in vibration and sequence.

The resonance could be heard in other countries late at night when the ancients looked into the night sky and listened.
I highly recommend watching the following video to get a better understanding of the concepts of what happened in Egypt, the use of power tools, the high levels of technology, and how we can apply that to an understanding to better ourselves today!