
Donald Trump for President of the United States of America

I am a white male 54 Democrat my whole life and I am seriously thinking of voting for Donald Trump. Donald Trump has hit some nerves with Democratic voters and it leads me to believe that there has been a communication between the Clinton administration and the Tramp candidacy and if something were to happen to the Hillary Clinton presidency run at the last minute everybody in the country will end up voting for Donald Trump to be President of the United States of America and this is a definite reality even though all of the correspondence on CNN and NBC don't seem to want to admit the truth. On the issue of illegal immigration or even just immigration itself when they send us an individual that crosses the border that has some type of complexity then we must charge the Mexican government for allowing that Mexican citizen to come across the border but when they create that problem we need to charge Mexico and then we charge Mexico we put that money in an account and that money grows and guess what we use it for Border Protection. So in that sense Donald Trump is exactly right we need to make these other countries pay for what they are delivering to us whether it is good or bad and there needs to be a process now. With one supercomputer similar to the IBM Watson we can singlee give everybody a background check in the United States and we can also give every immigrant that is trying to cross the border a background check in that simple supercomputer system if we keep it simple instead of arguing over complexity in the Senate and the House of Congress. Further I would like to go on and state that the inspector general that was researching examining and investigating American lake and their dysfunction for Disabled American Veterans. It is shameful what is happening that men are not receiving any type of care for their post traumatic stress disorder or their traumatic brain injury in fact some of them are being turned away and actually dying. Then when veterans get on the phone they do nothing but argue about standards and policies and weather year allowed to you have end up having six dd214 and they look at them and they go in the heck you're not entitled but then me here wait oh we're confused you have the originals. Like I said the issue of veterans is shameful in this country and Donald Trump is going to address that and if he doesn't we will impeach him. I've listed most of the issues in a list and I'm mentioning them as we go down through here but I noticed that I've already mentioned veterans and immigration now I would like to list problems with the IRS the Justice Department and close monitoring of all sent it oversight committee hearings is showing that there is disdain for any movement in a positive direction from anybody anywhere.

The biggest issue in the world today is weather modification that was started by the United States Navy on two programs by Raytheon one called other relocatable over-the-horizon radar and the other harp high auroral research project. These two programs have now systematically built functional facilities that shoot Terra wattage end of the ionosphere disrupting the magneto sphere and ultimately will destroy the atmosphere and when they do that we are all dead. The pollution that is being exhausted out of the back end of jets all over the world is leading to rain falling in locations that it shouldn't it's creating floods tornadoes and earthquakes and all you have to do is look at the news and it's coming from the pollution that is being exhausted by jets and all of this is called chem trails and no it is not a conspiracy theory.

Further I want you people to know that the rich mostly and maybe not Donald Trump but I do not know for sure members of the Bilderberg Group that go back with Masonic knowledge to the fact that the group of people known as the Canaanites and remember Adam and Eve had two sons Cain and Abel Cain slew Abel and the Lord came down and said I will curse the Canaanites and their descendancy and ultimately what he did was he brought the flood to the earth according to Scripture. My point here is that the Canaanite Phoenician Carthaginians have now been determined by human genome to have existed in North America and are the original Native Americans. They worshipped a Minotaur who in the books of Enoch they say was a fallen angel named Moe walk who required the sacrifice of children on stone tablets at Stonehenge in both Europe and North America. We have the slab that the children were set on that they were killed on we have bones we have archaeological evidence that is systematically being hidden from you by the Smithsonian Institution in the United States government. Now do you speak in to see the correlation here like I do when they talk about Planned Parenthood and the extraction of fetal tissues and the selling of children's body parts. It is the same evil Illuminati entity that is manipulating and requiring sacrifice and blood from our children. The evil Illuminati basically goes back to the Canaanites and this is the knowledge in the world that we have today in the DIA. We know about the three groups Canaanites, AMORITES, EDOMites. The word Edom in Babylonian is the same as Eden for the Israelites. King OG of Bashan that we uncovered was a giant written about in Scripture. Goliath a Canaanite also a giant that David slew. My point here is that when you the United States people are told the truth about history at the Smithsonian Institution has been keeping from you it aligns with spiritual scriptural literature starting from the books of Enoch the entire body of the Naga Mahdi the Bible and then if you include the Mahabharata the Tibetan conjure and many other Joseph Campbell documents the picture becomes quite clear that we are a special people genetically designed by a more advanced intelligence that is in control weather our atmosphere. This advanced intelligence lives deep within the earth and is in control of the atmosphere as it works today they gave us the original technology and we live within their technological bubble. So if the president of the United States of America is willing to become truthful with the American people about these subjects and address these subjects then yes we will vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States of America but if Donald Trump fails any reason and it any point even after tonight's debate in our minds are primary candidate is Hillary Clinton and the women's movement and civil rights in this country.

We have an epidemic in this country with local police departments not understanding the Constitution of the United States and yes there were a lot of a sitter constitutionalists out here so the police need to make sure that they are certified as to having taken a constitutional law class. I am tired of posting videos there are so many of them of police officers violating the same laws that they are supposed to be sworn to uphold. I've seen cops pull guns and shoot people that have absolutely no weapons of any kind on them other than a video camera and if the police consider a video camera a weapon then that's their problem but it is perfectly legal to videotape a police officer doing anything at any time to you there by the American people can prove what the police departments have consistently lied about. And yes black lives matter.

Lets make America Great Again together by supporting Donald Trump!

These are some of the names and interesting topics that may come up tonight in the debate.

+Barack Obama  +Hillary Clinton +donaldtrump +Bernie 2016 

1. IMMIGRATION - IMMIGRANTS from South America are being blatantly discriminated against so tear the WALL DOWN! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are murdering our citizens and we have proof from sanctuary cities. YES, charge Mexico and any other country for sending us their problems and use that money to background check immigrants on a supercomputer dedicated to the process. Make the super computer background data available to all law enforcement. 

2. VETERANS - Veterans Administration kills VETERANS waiting for doctors and DOES NOT provide any type of PTSD or TBI help at the Veterans Administration sites! 

3. WEATHER MODIFICATION - We need to TAX the JETS that are releasing condensation trail POLLUTION, even if it is the United States Navy.

4. MARIJUANA - Remove medical marijuana off the DEA's SCHEDULE 1 by giving the American People a VOTE!

5. Financial Crisis failure of JUSTICE Department to prosecute Criminal, Administative & Civil.

6. The United States should borrow 14 Trillion from the WORLD BANK at 0% interest and fix the INFRASTRUCTURE in the United States.

7. Get Out of the middle east FINANCIALLY! 

8. NSA Spies - stop listening to our cell phone conversations 

9. CIA Tortures - NO MORE WAR! 

10. IRS Political Agendas illegal - hold people accountable. 

11. Hold Credit Reporting agencies accountable for non accurate reporting before SENATE OVERSIGHT.