

Ok here is the ANSWER to LIFE from GOD the LORD, he sends the human spirit to inhabit a body and allows us to feel the pain, and horror of this life for a reason, I can only relay my own personal experience here to follow -

I have learned to LOVE so deeply that my soul aches. I was traumatized many times just as you will be with all of the experiences of which unfortunately are primarily negative for again a reason.

It has taken me 55 years to learn this lesson I wish to pass on to you my dearest human friend. It takes a VISION, a POSITIVE FUTURE EN-VISION-MENT of GOOD, Prosperity, gratefulness, thankfulness, LOVE of GOD for Humanity, to bless humanity. We are very powerful creatures, homo-sapien humanoids who's thoughts ultimately become part of the collective consciousness of reality. 1968 was the greatest year to be alive and the reason was the word PEACE. From my heart I wish to express that I am praying, crying, begging that just one person will read this and then share it but find a person and physically share PEACE with them, whether they be a MUSLIM or a TERRORIST or a roman soldier capturing our LORD to put him on a cross!

Whether you believe it or not CHRIST has come to this planet many times and many ways for CHRIST is GOD and LORD!

If we as a body of people would STOP and just create the vision of PEACE with LOVE for HUMANITY.

Are you willing to LOVE a MUSLIM for your CHRIST, well it is time my friends to show why the ISRAELites or people of GOD are blessed. We are blessed because we profess to be CHRISTIANS. Listen CHRIST himself said to the Pharasees I did not come to save the perfect but the sinner. The biggest sinners are the ones lost hurting so much they feel like they have to murder, rape, be head and war. It is TIME for the CHRISTIANS to stand up for the Bible and quit being so politically correct and adopt the words of GOD! PEACE!

The hardest thing a true CHRISTIAN has to learn is to turn thy cheek. We the ones that have the CHRIST must invite our enemy to find out why they are so upset? Is there not enough land on Earth?

If we in the United States wish to profess prosperity then we need to understand how valuable and precious GOOD WILL is? Let's really freak the ISIS MUSLIMS out this year at CHRISTmas by sending our prayers of PEACE and LOVE. Lets give them presents and do some things to create incentives to STOP the EVIL and the VIOLENCE!

GROUPS of HIPPIES from the 60's need to pray and join with the new social media movement as well as the JEWS, the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, even NEW AGE believers, to STOP and PROJECT a POSITIVE VISION for HUMANITY and especially the middle east.

Is the Lord of the Rings real? Then why are we fighting a middle earth force? It is the ANTI-CHRIST at work confusing and projecting negativity by corrupting the minds of humans in the middle east.

If the Middle East Enemy can insert TERRORISTS then GUESS WHAT you Hippies we can insert PEACE ACTIVISTS. We need a organized social hippie PEACE movement again in this country as a PENTAGON PSY-OP. That takes a coordinated effort by the CONGRESS to appropriate money for a PROJECT PEACE INITIATIVE and develop a PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION to re program the ISIS ISIL ALQUEDA TALIBAN TERRORIST PTSD TBI WAR VETERANS with a Mental health protocol. The money we could use for this statement of work and the development of a plan of action and milestones to kick off the social media movement of  project PEACE.

Please join with us by again just finding one other who is in need and share the PEACE and the LOVE as we move closer to the rememberance of our LORD Jesus the CHRIST who died on a cross and hopefully not in vain by some of you? Make yourself a little uncomfortable and just find a man with PTSD and share PEACE and LOVE. Find a MUSLIM and share PEACE and LOVE. Find a hurting teenager with homicidal suicidal thoughts and share PEACE and LOVE. Which leader, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, or any politician will expand on this PEACE project to share the PEACE and the LOVE worldwide.