
Medical Marijuana

Marijuana Federal Referendum VOTE REMOVE OFF DEA Schedule
DelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaHawaiiIllinois
MontanaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew Mexico
New YorkNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregon
PennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermontWashingtonWest Virginia
OK, here is the final CONSPIRACY and it has been figured out and there is legal case precedent for causal linkage to the release of nano particulate by RAYTHEON in a GOVERNMENT CONTRACT called Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection (CLOUD SEEDING) distributed in the ATMOSPHERE (or AIR YOU BREATHE) that lives for one day inside the human body but MONSANTO in collaboration with RAYTHEON are doing just that because, suprise, surprise, MONSANTO has the only genetically strained MARIJUANA READY seed that cures you of your internal fungal infection because it has a molecular biology of potassium iodide inside the WASHINGTON STATE PATENTED MARIJUANA STRAIN and that is worth each SEED multiplied by the CANVAS THREADS of the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America.

13.7 BILLION in REVENUE for the Government

The United States of America CONSTITUTION was written on HEMP = Medical Marijuana! Tell your Senator or Congess member that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT needs to take Medical Marijuana off Schedule 1 NOW! Lets Debate the value of the commodity of HEMP / Medical Marijuana for the United States of America!


1st Commissioner of the Bureau of Narcotics

The man pictured above did not know that Marijuana contains CBD's that cure epilepsy but he is single handed responsible for putting MARIJUANA on the DEA's Schedule 1 list of drugs. This makes it so that NIH is the only federal entity that can grow the MARIJUANA that would be studied, which is all just a lie. We have 30+ years of scientific research into indisputable facts and evidence accepted in a table of authority as a brief before any Federal Circuit Court in this country. I am AMICUS CURIAE to President Donald J TRUMP & the REPUBLICAN Administration and have studied shepadization of Administrative, Civil, Criminal, Bureau of Indian, Family Matter and CONSTITUTIONAL Law! We the People highly admire Bob Ferguson of WASHINGTON STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL (who follows the LAW) is a tremendous solicitor general opinion on the subject of MEDICAL MARIJUANA. It will take a SENATOR or CONGRESSMEN to draft legislation removing MARIJUANA off the DEA's schedule 1 and give We the People a VOTE or United States wide REFERENDUM VOTE of the People! Will you be the politician that steps up to this very serious plate or issue? Please ? 

I have worked hard to obtain 4000 hours logged to become a legal technician in Washington state and work Amicus Curiae contracts out of DC. The CLASSIFIED work is a CONTRACT with both the Federal Government and a Law Firm in DC. The element produced is always the BRIEF and how good are we at SHEPADIZATION plugged into MOTION aligned with PROCEDURAL element but most importantly the SUBSTANTIVE NATURE of the legal argument. This blog article is NOTICE that We the People have made this request formally and in the public domain. 

Remember that prior to 194X land owners were required to grow HEMP which was Rope, Canvas etc... on their properties. This was one of the STAMPS you were required to have. 


The war on drugs has most people believing there is no legitimate argument for marijuana, causing it to be highly looked down upon and illegal under federal law throughout the United States. But there is an exceptionally large body of research pointing to the positive impact marijuana can have on various health ailments, with recent research revealing a link between marijuana and Alzheimer’s – showing that THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, may be beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients.

As published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology, a Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology study shows that Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) both “competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation.” In other words, cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis could halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Marijuana and Alzheimer’s – Alzheimer’s Help without Nasty Drug-Induced Side Effects

Many drugs on the market today address symptoms of Alzheimer’s by targeting and inhibiting the AChE enzyme, a neurotransmitter. This leads to decreased levels of AChE, thereby resulting in reduced symptoms.

The problem with many Alzheimer’s drugs like donepezil (known as Aricept), however, is that they are associated with seizures, among other nasty side-effects. But it isn’t too surprising—donepezil is in the same class of chemicals as many insecticides and agents of chemical warfare like nerve gas.

THC inhibits AChE on par with Aricept, and it even prevents brain plaque buildup—AchE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation for the scientifically well-versed. The researchers studied the reduction of Aβ aggregation after administration of donepezil and tacrine, which resulted in 22 percent and 7 percent reductions, respectively. “Compared to currently approved drugs prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,” says study author Lisa M. Eubanks, “THC is a considerably superior inhibitor of Aβ aggregation, and this study provides a previously unrecognized molecular mechanism through which cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this debilitating disease.”

Marijuana Misconceptions

This is hardly the first time research has shown that marijuana fights the very disease it’s been accused of causing. Dr. Sean McAllister’s research at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco answers the age-old question: Does marijuana cause cancer? He shows that cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy. Let’s not also forget about Mike Hyde, the father who helped his 3-year-old son beat brain cancer with oil from marijuana.

+CNBC Prime Investment in MARIJUANA BUSINESSES in Washington state are really getting started. There is a business owner who is going to offer $10,000 stock to capital investors. It is the farming of MARIJUANA and the extraction of OIL that produces the BIO - ETHANOL! The entire United States Department of Defense budget for vehicles was estimated on BIO DIESEL.


Hemp fuels- Environmentally friendly fuel sources
The basics: Hemp can provide two types of fuel.
1. Hemp biodiesel – made from the oil of the (pressed) hemp seed.
2. Hemp ethanol/methanol – made from the fermented stalk.
To clarify further, ethanol is made from such things as grains, sugars, starches, waste paper and forest products, and methanol is made from woody/pulp matter. Using processes such as gasification, acid hydrolysis and enzymes, hemp can be used to make both ethanol and methanol.
In this day of oil wars, peak oil (and the accompanying soaring prices), climate change and oil spills such as the one in the gulf by BP, it’s more important than ever to promote sustainable alternatives such as hemp ethanol. Hemp turns out to be the most cost-efficient and valuable of all the fuel crops we could grow on a scale that could fuel the world.
And as it turns out, the whole reason for hemp prohibition – and alcohol prohibition – may have been a fuel the realization that OIL production is threatened by any competing fuel source, especially one that requires no modifications to your car!
What is Hemp Biodiesel?
Hemp biodiesel is the name for a variety of ester based oxygenated fuels made from hemp oil. The concept of using vegetable oil as an engine fuel dates back to 1895 when Dr. Rudolf Diesel developed the first diesel engine to run on vegetable oil. Diesel demonstrated his engine at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 using peanut oil as fuel. Hemp biodiesel come from the pressing of the hemp seeds to extract the oil. Through a process explained here , hemp biodiesel can be made.

Hemp biodiesel can be made from domestically produced, renewable oilseed crops such as hemp. With over 30 million successful U.S. road miles hemp biodiesel could be the answer to our cry for renewable fuel sources. Learning more about renewable fuels does not mean we should not cut back on consumption but does help address the environmental affects of our choices. There is more to hemp as a renewable fuel source than you know

Why Hemp Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel that runs in any conventional, unmodified diesel engine.

It can be stored anywhere that petroleum diesel fuel is stored. Biodiesel is safe to handle and transport because it is as biodegradable as sugar, 10 times less toxic than table salt, and has a high flashpoint of about 300 F compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which has a flash point of 125 F.

Biodiesel can be made from domestically produced, renewable oilseed crops such as hemp.

Biodiesel is a proven fuel with over 30 million successful US road miles, and over 20 years of use in Europe.

When burned in a diesel engine, biodiesel replaces the exhaust odor of petroleum diesel with the pleasant smell of hemp, popcorn or french fries.

Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel in the US to complete EPA Tier I Health Effects Testing under section 211(b) of the Clean Air Act, which provide the most thorough inventory of environmental and human health effects attributes that current technology will allow.

Biodiesel is 11% oxygen by weight and contains no sulfur.

The use of biodiesel can extend the life of diesel engines because it is more lubricating than petroleum diesel fuel, while fuel consumption, auto ignition, power output, and engine torque are relatively unaffected by biodiesel.

The Congressional Budget Office, Department of Defense, US Department of Agriculture, and others have determined that biodiesel is the low cost alternative fuel option for fleets to meet requirements of the Energy Policy Act.

Click here to view one method of making biodiesel with hemp seed oil

FUEL the oil pressed from Marijuana SEEDS makes BIODIESEL !

TESLA's MODEL "M" BIO DIESEL Factory in Westport Washington state, realizing the infrastructure to deliver GAS is already in place. It is easy for the FARMERS of HEMP to produce BIO DIESEL in great quantity and that is what will drive the supplies of OIL down even farther. 

*********************** The following may be old but good data ********************************

GOOD NEWS LINK 3/13/2015  
Marijuana - We the People want a FEDERAL VOTE Removing Marijuana OFF the DEA Schedule 1 - so we can implement the medical knowledge we already have about medical Marijuana.

The real PROBLEM is these SENATE POLITICIANS who don't give a rats ass about YOU but can't wait on an airplane because they sequestered themselves. 

WAKE UP and contact your SENATOR and give them an EARFUL! DO IT RIGHT NOW! 

Call your SENATOR and give them an earful!

Feds force Oregon to surrender medical marijuana patient records

If you are trying to claim that there is more tar in Marijuana you are mis informed. PLEASE WATCH THE FOLLOWING TWO VIDEOS

1. Tree of LIFE

Seventeen and I just said (17) STATES are moving to legalize MEDICAL MARIJUANA.

This needs to be adopted by the DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION and will be another accomplishment. 

1. Where the hell is the AMERICAN JOBS ACT? Why does your RECORD show you voted against JOBS for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. 

2. If your wife or mother were raped and impregnated with our enemy would you tell her to conceive the child even if it was going to kill her?

3. Why won't the individuals and corporations donating prove that they help average disabled american veterans, like me? 

4. Why does upper tax bracket need a tax cut? 

5. Why are you trying to take away our MEDICARE which is the only thing we DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS HAVE!

We need POLITICAL CANDIDATES that understand that we are the ones that vote you in or out. Where the HELL is anything that YOU are doing for US the DISABLED CLASS of AMERICAN VETERAN CITIZEN? I know I personally was injured by concussion working for a Department of Defense CONTRACTOR that refuses to compensate me through insurance and the government denies my PHYSICAL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS THAT SHOULD BE PROOF. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is something a person does not ask for in their lifetime, just ask the man who committed suicide, Junior Seau. All I know is I and we need some sort of government help, and the same entity should have compensated me for national service that they want to deny.

We also want to know your stance on the alleviation of PAIN in the HUMAN BODY that extends to every joint with a neuro transmissional impulse of PAIN regularly because the brain after sustaining CONCUSSION just reacts. I need medication as in MEDICAL MARIJUANA because the prescribed crap doesn't work at all.

Again what have the REPUBLICANS done for an average american ever? YOU Rich bastards need to quit screwing us over for something we never did. It is time YOU RICH BASTARDS understood that it takes a cooperative effort and YES you are going to be TAXED MORE, THERE NEEDS TO BE TAX CUTS, BUT PLEASE QUIT THE BABY WHINING CRAP. Pull your pants up big boy's and work with some DEMOCRATS and look like men, not children.

YOU are making middle america SICK!

Investigative reporters are finding that FEDERAL ENTITIES ATF, DEA, FBI are wasting your TAX dollars on HOOKERS & PROSTITUTES with a lie about child trafficking. The FEDERAL ENTITIES were caught screwing the prostitutes and some were under age. All these COPS seem to have time for is busting MARIJUANA growers & smokers as well as waste their budgets on the survielance of prostitutes. Then you get idiots who want to tell you what you can and can't watch in a motel room. There needs to be a NEW set of FEDERAL GUIDELINES for FEDERAL AUTHORITIES so that they quit wasting the TAX PAYERS money! Stop going after prostitutes and marijuana growers and go after RAPERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ASSAULTERS, BANK FRAUDSTERS. In other words how about going after real CRIME. 
Pelosi Has 'Strong Concerns' Over Federal Crackdown On Medical Marijuana

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday released a statement pushing back against the Obama administration's interference with medical marijuana laws in California and beyond. Her statement comes after medical marijuana advocates delivered a petition earlier that day calling 

What we need to find is HUMILITY, when we find the HUMILITY we then can help begin to lead ourselves to PROSPERITY but you have to believe your DREAM. I will tell you know that this is where I always seem to fail. SET NO LIMITS ON WHAT GOD CAN DO. GOD most certainly can use a question such as infinity that neither you nor I can understand, but yet the reiterative design is in a Conch shell. We find that same design in outer-space, but ah, did you recognize it. 

I feel like I want the simplicity of our own genetic capability to positively change with everybody joining in. When we have the faith of mustard seeds some people think they can't even move a molehill. On balance and substantive what they do not realize is that they are learning to DREAM. The more vivid the DREAM the easier the hand off to manifestation. TRUE ALCHEMY understood by a true phlylospopher Gregoy M Volz saying to manifest into the third dimension, but the key, HOW BIG IS YOUR DREAM? DID YOU LIMIT GOD? I personally do not need to know, those are questions for you and you alone, to ask yourself?


Historic Propositions to Legalize Personal Use Amounts of Cannabis For All Adults Hold Double Digit Leads In Colorado and Washington

Washington, DC: Millions of voters will decide on Election Day in favor of ballot measures to legalize and regulate the use of cannabis by adults. Voters in three states - Colorado, Oregon, and Washington - will decide on statewide ballot measures to legalize the possession and distribution of cannabis for those over 21 years of age. Voters in three additional states - Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Montana - will decide on measures to allow for the therapeutic use of cannabis by patients with qualifying ailments. In Michigan, voters in four cities - totaling over a million people - will decide on municipal measures to legalize or depenalize the adult use of cannabis.

Ballot measures in Colorado, Massachusetts, and Washington hold double digit leads, according to the latest statewide polls.

Since 1996, 17 states have enacted legislation to allow for the limited possession of cannabis when a physician authorizes such use. In ten of those states, voters enacted medical cannabis legislation via the statewide initiative process. To date, no statewide proposal to remove criminal and civil penalties for the broader, personal possession and use of marijuana by adults has succeeded at the ballot box.

"Cannabis prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law, impedes upon legitimate scientific research into the plant's medicinal properties, and disproportionately impacts communities of color," said Paul Armentano, NORML's Deputy Director. "For these reasons, a majority of Americans are now in favor ending marijuana prohibition and replacing it with a legal, pragmatic regulatory framework. We expect that in several states, a majority of voters will express this preference at the ballot box on Election Day."

A summary of this year's more prominent statewide and local ballot measures appears below.

NORML and the NORML Foundation: 1600 K Street NW, Mezzanine Level, Washington DC, 20006-2832

Tel: (202) 483-5500 • Fax: (202) 483-0057 • Email:
‎(H) As published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology, a Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology study shows that Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) both “competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation.” In other words, cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis could halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The war on drugs has most people believing there is no legitimate argument for marijuana, causing it to be highly looked down upon and illegal under federal law throughout the United States. But there is an exceptionally large body of research pointing to the positive impact marijuana can have on various health ailments, with recent research revealing a link between marijuana and Alzheimer’s – showing that THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, may be beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients.
As published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology, a Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology study shows that Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) both “competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation.” In other words, cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis could halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Marijuana and Alzheimer’s – Alzheimer’s Help without Nasty Drug-Induced Side Effects
Many drugs on the market today address symptoms of Alzheimer’s by targeting and inhibiting the AChE enzyme, a neurotransmitter. This leads to decreased levels of AChE, thereby resulting in reduced symptoms.
The problem with many Alzheimer’s drugs like donepezil (known as Aricept), however, is that they are associated with seizures, among other nasty side-effects. But it isn’t too surprising—donepezil is in the same class of chemicals as many insecticides and agents of chemical warfare like nerve gas.
THC inhibits AChE on par with Aricept, and it even prevents brain plaque buildup—AchE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation for the scientifically well-versed. The researchers studied the reduction of Aβ aggregation after administration of donepezil and tacrine, which resulted in 22 percent and 7 percent reductions, respectively. “Compared to currently approved drugs prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,” says study author Lisa M. Eubanks, “THC is a considerably superior inhibitor of Aβ aggregation, and this study provides a previously unrecognized molecular mechanism through which cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this debilitating disease.”

Marijuana Misconceptions

This is hardly the first time research has shown that marijuana fights the very disease it’s been accused of causing. Dr. Sean McAllister’s research at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco answers the age-old question: Does marijuana cause cancer? He shows that cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy. Let’s not also forget about Mike Hyde, the father who helped his 3-year-old son beat brain cancer with oil from marijuana.