
Chemical Trails & TAX DOLLARS being WASTED

Federal Chemical Trail #Geoengineering EVIDENCE on the United States HOUSE of CONGRESS SERVER CAMBRIDGE REPORT Proof of the LINKAGE between Royal & Secret Society in Peter Strzok FBI text message - John Brennan & James Clapper WEAPONIZED not HAARP but weather CONTRACTS through RAYTHEON, BOEING, LOCKHEED MARTIN, NORTHRUP GRUMMAN, ETC all tied to DoD. UNRAVELING this BEAST has taken an EXPERT Department of Defense INVESTIGATOR (ME) and We have the EVIDENCE that will be presented to a Grand Jury but the problem now is Robert Mueller who works for the ILLUMINATTI SECRET & ROYAL SOCIETY and is considered ESPIONAGE that linked UAE & SAUDI ARABIA with Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton was given IMMUNITY from Prosecution under the FBI and Peter Strzok. The WEATHER is and was WEAPONIZED by the Department of Defense but used NEFARIOUSLY and we are seeking PROSECUTION but there is two sides and the other is basically the ILLUMINATTI and their mission statement and it is disrupting the IONOSPHERE and has upset the Extra Terrestrials displayed and interpreted by the DoD in Crop Circles. This is truly the Revelation of John from the Prophet and Chapter in the Bible ISAIAH and is a SPIRITUAL WAR of GOOD versus EVIL. the EVIL ILLUMINATTI does not want you to know. The ILLUMINATTI has the DRONE FLIES! the BIG ONESthat hear and see everything YOU DO! That;s 4K ULTRA HD LIVE VIDEO FEED TO POTUS on ANYBODY in the WORLD from the SATTELITES WE in the DoD BUILD! I absolutely LOVED this documentary. I was a DEVELOPER of ROTHR or Relocatable Over The Horizon Radar that works in conjunction with HAARP on a RAYTHEON CONTRACT. Your research is good but BUT again I am FEDERAL OFFICER CMDR Gregory M Volz and here is EVIDENCE and I report through NavOps to MADDOG or James T Mattis the Secretary of Defense and he and I know all the CONTRACTS in the United States dealing with the Department of Defense and our skies are being threatened by both RUSSIANS, CHINESE, IRANIANS and others for which we sold them our aircraft. The PENTAGON does NOT want to admit that this is manipulation of GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS by a NEFARIOUS ENTITY known as the "SOCIETY" both the SECRETR SOCIETY in the USA & the ROYAL SOCIETY in BRITAIN or also CONTRACTS by MOD or Ministry of Defense but the SECRET & ROYAL SOCITIES are the ILLUMINATTI and Bill Gates is FUNDING the delivery of CHAFFE CHEMICAL BOMBARDMENT in illegal CONTRACT over Washington state and I filed the case with state attorney general Bob Ferguson and am using his written testimony that cites MILITARY OPERATIONS and again I AM supposed to know we are Northwest Border Protection with Jurisdictional Authority over Bureau of Indian Affair Wash State Patrol Wash Dept Fish Wildlife but the illegal CONTRACTS are with Department of the INTERIOR and NOAA.

We have made a connection between Hillary Clinton (Russian Masegatai WITCH), James Clapper & John Brennan (WARLOCK Black Evil) running the operation #CrossfireHurricane and embedding both CIA & FBI assets into the Donald J Trump campaign also using CONTRACTS to weaponize the SKY with planes delivering PIGS BLOOD in Chemical Trails and we have EVIDENCE in a government ice cream product that contains embryo & red dye? WTF?

Chemical Trail PILOT suffers MASSIVE
HEAR ATTACK from a new technology LASER WEAPON

Recently over the NORTHWEST United States of America and specifically Washington state several pilots were targeted by a new CHINESE technology LASER WEAPON. The FAA was notified that planes were flying lower than 10,000 feet when one that was delivering chemical trails or #GEOENGINEERING of Solar Radiation Management, which is the one that delivers trails of white poison in the form of Aluminum Barium (Rat Poison) and Strontium. This process is supposed to diffuse the SUN due to GLOBAL WARMING but what they have done is cook us all in a microwave.

PILOTS are DYING now because there is a real WAR by Dane Wigington and #ANONYMOUS who have threatened to shoot at the pilots of these aircraft delivering Chemical Trail Poison with their LASER WEAPONS to ultimately give the PILOTS a HEART ATTACK. Don't be fooled this new technology is being promulgated by the CHINESE as well as the RUSSIANS and the IRANIANS!

DEAD Chemica,l Trail Pilots due to targeting them and their hearts with LASER WEAPONS.

At first the United States NAVY Pilots laughed then they realized that hey I might be next!

They kept flying and delivering Chemical Trail Poison and sure enough they were targeted and a PILOT DIED from a HEART ATTACK!

This is all over a CONTRACT that was sold by the United States NAVY to Grays Harbor County and Washington state in an illegal CONTRACT with NOAA to deliver Chemical Trail POISON in the form of Aluminum Barium (Rat POISON) and Strontium.

This plan is an AGENDA and OPERATION by Barak Obama and JOHN BRENNAN and he still holds a SECURITY CLEARANCE! WHY? because James Clapper Nad John Brennan are the "SECRET SOCIETY" mentioned by Lisa Page at the DoJ and Peter Strojk at the FBI!

CONSPIRACY to COMMIT TREASON against the President of the United States of America includes JOHN BRENNAN, JAMES CLAPPER then ROBERT MUELLER JAMES COMEY & ANDREW McCABE and it was orchestrated and we have EVIDENCE and PROOF beyond reasonable doubt.

@POTUS @INTERIOR These are the LAWS & ACTS that are in VIOLATION by the illegal CONTRACTORS doing #GEOENGINEERING!

The Department of the @Interior is hereby NOTIFIED that the G20 NATO Climate Accord funding #GEOENGINEERING or the delivery of Chemical Trail Dumps or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection is in DIRECT CONFLICT & in VIOLATION of LAW with the CLEAN AIR ACT. We have been exhausting REMEDY and filed with our state attorney general criminal division who suggested the MILITARY was involved. Both the Department of Homeland Security and and the Department of Defense became alarmed as to these CONTRACTORS delivering the pollution problem.

I am a AMICUS CURIAE with JURIS DOCTORATE FEDERAL ATTORNEY at LAW and work for the Department of Defense I want to tell you why they #GEOENGINEER. 

1. The military applications include the dropping of aluminum oxide, barium & strontium and have convinced whoever gave them the contract that this enhanced Satellite Image Technology which is used to spy on CHINA & North Korea. 

2. G20 NATO CLIMATE AGREEMENT had them #GEOENGINEER to supposedly reverse INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION and this was there solution at the United Nations. (by the way this is in VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR ACT). 

3. HIGH level DoD is worried that Extra Terrestrial life that is harmful to our planet and the #GEOENGINEERING helps hide planet Earth from being detected. (this was another excuse for a CONTRACT during Obama Administration).

 There are more BS lines about SAI Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection or Chemical Trails than you can think up. These were all to access a huge pile of TAX money in the EPA but most of the projects are WEATHER MODIFICATION for different purposes. HAARP, ROTHR but a CORPORATION you can target for sure is RAYTHEON, HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY, Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. Until you truly get involved and we could use your help writing letters to Senators to make them aware that there has been a VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR ACT and definitely file a complaint with your states Attorney General even for the REJECTION LETTER as that helps Attorney's EXHAUST REMEDY! 

We have actually gotten INJUNCTION for them to STOP after threatening PILOTS with FEDERAL CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.

The GROUP #ANONYMOUS, Dane Wigington & Governor Jerry Brown and many other crazy men who feel they are being threatened and poisoned by Chemical Trails are now threatening to SHOOT at the Aircraft delivering chemical Trails with both LASERS & Real RPG'S. 

New EVIDENCE showing an aircraft that was delivering chemical trail with CONTRACTOR NAME on plane and identification elements for anybody to make complaint to their states attorney General.


These are the LAWS & ACTS that are being VIOLATED by the Delivery of Chemical Trails which is WASTING United States TAX DOLLARS.

Julianne Assange & President Donald J TRUMP are working together to list the CONTRACTS & CONTRACTORS (IE: NAVY RAYTHEON Air Force) that the CIA & NSA are using to deliver GEOENGINEERING Chemical Trail POLLUTION in VIOLATION of LAW!

The United States NAVY and the #DEEPSTATE that was and still is being run by BRENNAN & CLAPPER through the Main Stream Media is alive and well over the skies in the Northwest United States. On CHRISTmas day these bastards (ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS IE:RAYTHEON BOEING ETC...) started building their GRID PATTERN in the sky known as #GEOENGINEERING of CHEMICAL TRAILS or SAI. When will President TRUMP STOP this WASTE of MONEY on delivering POISONOUS CHEMICAL TRAILS.

RADAR mapping is for HD VIDEOMAPPING by Sattelite and the PRIME CONTRACTOR is RAYTHEON. If the SHEEPLE want a TARGET then the CORPORATION RAYTHEON and the MILITARY are to BLAME. CHAFFE is Aluminum Barium & Strontium with sometimes a little PIGS BLOOD mixed into containers on AIRCRAFT. Jamming RADAR is nothing NEW to these bastards that run the THADD ROTHR HAARP programs that CIA Brennan & Clapper have admitted. What we DON'T KNOW is who is the ANTI-CHRIST that is manipulating the ATMOSPHERE and slowly killing & injuring United States American Citizens by dropping this CHAFFE and these are CONTRACTS between RAYTHEON PRIME CONTRACTOR and the United States Navy & Air Force. When the states needed MONEY the Evil Entity with the CHAFFE is right there to CONTRACT with the states and they call it Electronic Warfare Games in Grays Harbor County. It's so funny because their patch on the arm says we are above the clouds and they call themselves ET'S because they think the American People or United States Citizens are STUPID SHEEPLE and they are the ILLUMINATTI!

Both CLAPPER & BRENNAN were on NBC & CNN over the weekend as the BILLIONAIRE OWNED NBC & CNN run by Jeff Zucker are waking up to the fact that the American people know that these individuals were running the HAARP, ROTHR & THADD programs which you know to be CHEMICAL TRAILS or SAI as they CRAP their pollution on United States Citizens from the backend of aircraft that is manipulating the weather.

Julianne Assange and PRESIDENT Donald Trump have begun to show COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY through WIKILEAKS which is 100% accurate and can't be disputed. The FBI and Robert Mueller are building a CASE with EVIDENCE supplied by WIKILEAKS. It is Donald Trumps plan to FLUSH NBC Mika & JOE down the toilet as the American people just can't believe how STUPID Hillary & Bill Clinton using the Clinton Foundation SOLD Uranium to, NOT RUSSIANS but the OLIGARCHS (or RICH EX USSR RUSSIANS or the USA's OLD ENEMY), Stole money from HAITI, worked with Huma Abedin an ESPIONAGE SPY in collaboration with a SAUDI PRINCE who funded the crimes that are being presented through WIKILEAKS that were perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and that is the TRUE definition of CRIMINAL COLLUSION. I am a INVESTIGATOR, or should I say Department of Defense & Justice CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR that collects and preserves EVIDENCE on the RECORD and submits it to Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice in the CRIMINAL DIVISION. Nothing I am stating here is CLASSIFIED except the TRUE findings of the FBI and Robert Mueller in pursuit of CRIMINAL MOB ACTIVITY that was perpetrated by the CLINTON's in a COLLUSIVE ACTIVITY to include the AWAN Brothers and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. When you use stupid analoies about connecting the dots, YOU have to have a PEN that WORKS. Sorry I tuned in to NBC to burst their whiney bubble! The American people also know that Jeff Zucker and the owners of NBC & CNN have a LOT to LOSE and are in a very fight of the NBC Broadcasting Company, which may end up in the hands of the TRUMP, KUSHNER (who is an OLIGARCH) & JULLIANE ASSANGE.

When are the SHEEPLE and that includes YOU that are reading this and doing nothing, going to figure out that an EVIL ENTITY is manipulating the weather and creating HURRICANES, EARTHQUAKES, TORNADOES, WILD FIRES, POLLUTION, ELECTROMAGNETIC MAGNETOSPHERE interference which is (your ATMOSPHERE that you BREATHE).

The issue is GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, and because the states are so broke that they are CONTRACTING to have CHAFFE POLLUTION delivered in the air making chemical trail patterns everywhere across this planet.

What (THEY) the Evil Entities are trying to do is get the SHEEPLE to PANIC and JUMP OFF the CLIFF.

YES there is something YOU can do about it and (it) being CHEMICAL TRAIL POLLUTION called CHAFFE and Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection of NANO PARTICULATES to include the poisons ALUMINUM BARIUM & STRONTIUM.

When are YOU going to CONTACT you state Attorney General and tell him or her that you do NOT want to CONTRACT with EVIL ENTITIES like the United States Government in the use and delivery of WEATHER MODIFICATION known as #GEOENGINERRING or GEO-Engineering.

Until the People WAKE UP and contact a Senator, Congress person or even their Attorney General and make complaint you will suffer FIRES in California, Hurricanes across the Southwest, TORNADOES in the Midwest and EARTHQUAKES in Japan & Mexico.

All of this is being orchestrated by High Access Auroral Research Project - HAARP, Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar - ROTHR & Terminal High Altitude Defense Deterrent - THADD and all together known as STAR WARS which was initiated by Ronald Reagan.

The NEXT thing that is going to happen is we are going to wipe North Korea off the map?

YOU must bathe in Johnson's Foot Soap which has POTASSIUM IODIDE. Wash all your clothing in BORAX. Injest both high levels of POTASSIUM IODINE in bicarbonate or fresh banana's. SODIUM BICARBONATE 1 tsp morning & 1 tsp at night. QUIT being a VICTIM to the EVIL. We have known of this battle coming for a long time and WAR causes this type of ATMOSPHERE which is being perpetrated on California, Oregon & Washington states as they are the first lines to NOTICE CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS of WAR in the AIR. YES that is what I said and some is for the United States Militarty to detect an incoming missle launched by Kim Jung UN and the North Korean REGIME! The SECRET CONTRACTS show NANO technology releases metallic substances for enhancement of NAVY RADAR and RAYTHEON has the CONTRACT for which Donald J TRUMP just gave RAYTHEON more BILLIONS to MODIFY the WEATHER for the NAVY and their WAR in the Pacific. IRAQ, Afghanistan & Pakistan have been like this since 2000, then SYRIA 2006 and the CLOUD COVER with BIOLOGICAL WAR and enhanced mettalic NANO. Jane, JANE, JANE, neither YOU nor Dane can stop this madness but targeting RAYTHEON with protesters and understanding that under the lie of PROTECTING UNITED STATES CITIZENS the Department of Defense runs these NOAA CONTRACTS. Most are TOP SECRET HAARP, ROTHR, or BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL WEAPONS with RADAR ENHANCEMENT. I am worried about your mental state as it is an indicator that you are predisposed to CANCER in the BODY which heightens your response. By injesting Sodium Bicarbonate twice a day it will keep the CANDIDA ALBICANS FUNGAL INFECTION caused by the Chemical Trails to a safer PH in the BODY! Get your PSA tests and look to see that I am telling you the TRUTH. YOU MUST get your body neutral with JUICING and SODIUM BICARBONATE to save your life as they try to kill you off! YOU are definitely an EMPATHIC on the side of GOD & GOOD! One more thing, draft letters to state attorney general threatening the pilots with CRIMINAL VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR & WATER ACTS. It is better if you can get the LETTER DRAFTED by a ENFORCER of CRIMINAL LAW as in the Inspector General assigned by the Department of Justice which has been NOTIFIED by CMDR Gregory M Volz and these issues I can assure you are under review and investigation by the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION. Both Kelly & McMaster have been briefed!

Actually (WE) the Department of Defense knows what's up! I have been assured that their is a higher more advanced intelligence that has left and come back to planet Earth on the cycle of the earths 26,000 year elliptical orbit around the sun. We re-incarnate and you can search your soul for the TRUTH that GOD left each of us. I am a firm believer in the LORD but you and I know as we are the first to feel the passing of the Eclipse that the Spiritual AWAKEN saith the Prophets of GOD! Trumpets to the Angels of Mighty and we can only be suited and ready for the call but in the mean time DO NOT get in the way of Mephistopheles BAAL BA-EL (means brother god in Hebrew) the Canaanite Brother God the Caniba - el the Cannibal? The ones who worshipped BAAL are the Phoenician Canaanite Giants who ate other men and GOD came with a flood once to planet Earth but the intelligence modified the DNA of NEANDERTHAL NEPHILIM or the Mighty Men of Re known as stated in the Bible or Genealogy of ISIS or Genesis. My GENESIS TABLE and what NIMROD or NEMRUT the NEANDERTHAL NEPHILIM GIANT KING on Earth
The harvesting of human body parts at the MAYO CLINICS and the linkage to the dried blood mixture called chaffe being put into containers onboard aircraft for delivery in your skies called Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection or Chemical Trails is being blown WIDE OPEN. The lawyer in this video presents factual EVIDENCE connecting multiple murders to the CLINTON FOUNDATION and the MAYO CLINICS who harvest body parts. I have stated that the Royal Society, Bill & Melinda Gates, and the Queen of England are funding the weather modification #GEOENGINEERING of the SAI Chemical Trails. 

Do you realize we have now linked the Royal Society, Bill & Melinda Gates, the PHARMACEUTICAL manufacturer working with the MAYO CLINICS and financial transactions from the Clinton Foundation show DRIED EMBRYO BLOOD being put into FOOD Preservatives and this product was added to Aluminum, Barium & Strontium combined in containers on aircraft known as CHAFFE dropped on American Citizens all over the United States of America. I have a CAMBRIDGE REPORT and deep level analysis by REX BAER from the LEAK PROJECT showing the linkage of EVIDENCE and this ties to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the AWAN Brothers with the Murder of Seth Rich which leads us back to Hillary Clinton and ultimately Barak Obama.

Queen Elizabeth? You are talking about a ninety year old? The most outrageous thing the queen has done of late is to adopt another Corgi! As the head of the Church of England, I doubt Her Majesty would drink dried babies' blood.

Archon Harvesting Centers - Real Reason Aborted Baby Cells in Foods & Vaccines - I am positive and have a great deal of EVIDENCE in a CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REPORT I know you don't research things out but I really need you to read this and put two and two together! Until we can get SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN to understand that the Royal Society on #GEOENGINEERING is in VIOLATION to the CLEAN AIR ACT. It is the QUEEN & the ROTHSCHILD'S doing what they want to in direct contradiction to humanity, but my point is follow the MONEY. If we can get some politicians to buy in to SUE the ROYAL SOCIETY for doing #GEOENGINEERING in VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR ACT, as of to date I have seen NOTHING stopping these bastards. Take your time on STUDYING this one Climate Change Geo engineering Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, and Governance Frameworks Lab Results Test Positive, Blood Cells Falling From The Skies. Archon Buffet -

@SenFranken @Interior @PattyMurray @TGowdySC @ABC @NBC @CBS @PBS @FOX @RealAlexJones @infowars @eddiebravo MUST READ

There is NO GOVERNMENT SCIENTIST AGREEMENT on GLOBAL WARMING CLIMATE CHANGE! YET there are TRILLIONS of DOLLARS being wasted on the POISONING of Americans by BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL WEAPONS DROPS by CONTRACTORS who have never NOTIFIED any American Citizen that they are even starting the program, denied it's existence and there has never been SUNSHINE LAW applied to any CONTRACTOR delivering GEO ENGINEERING CHEMICAL POISON TRAIL DUMPING. I now have PROOF that the Attorney General of Washington state criminal division says that they are MILITARY. We have EVIDENCE of illegal CONTRACTS by Department of Interior & Bureau of Land Management as well as National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. READ MORE LINK HERE...

I know you don't research things out but I really need you to read this and put two and two together! Until we can get SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN to understand that the Royal Society on #GEOENGINEERING is in VIOLATION to the CLEAN AIR ACT. It is the QUEEN & the ROTHSCHILD'S doing what they want to in direct contradiction to humanity, but my point is follow the MONEY. If we can get some politicians to buy in to SUE the ROYAL SOCIETY for doing #GEOENGINEERING in VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR ACT, as of to date I have seen NOTHING stopping these bastards. Take your time on STUDYING this one Climate Change Geo engineering Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, and Governance Frameworks


Image result for zucker nbc

JEFF ZUCKER is the IDIOT who is running NBC & poisoning YOU or United States American Citizens & if proven their pockets are NOT DEEP ENOUGH and we are filing CRIMINAL CHARGES Federally in every single FEDERAL District Court for the VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR & WATER ACTS!

CNN's Jeff Zucker Runs From O'Keefe–Afraid of the Truth?

When President TRUMP had the interchange with Jim Acosta from CNN and they talked of the MSM reporting FAKE NEWS, the issue is even worse, NBC the company and its employees are committing VIOLATION of 18 U.S. Code Chap 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, & SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES for which I, CMDR Gregory M Volz am putting United States Attorney General & former Senator Jeff Sessions on NOTICE as well as James Mattis our Secretary of Defense that We the People want answers as to why these operations are being conducted on average citizens and why has the current administration NOT SHUT DOWN this illegal activity?

WHO OWNS NBC & MSNBC? WHO HATES USA GOVT & President Donald J Trump? ANSWER Bill Gates! -
  Image result for bill gates melinda gates chemical trails hughes aircraft

Bill Gates & Melinda Gates want to KILL YOU with BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL TRAIL WEAPONS of NANO PARTICULATE MATTER put in the back end of aircraft and they are poisoning you without approval from the CONGRESS. WAKE UP Sheeple - PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT - Class Action for your health dumb asses that will NOT sign a petition to have CONGRESS INVESTIGATE the biggest CONSPIRACY of ALL TIME, the pollution poisoning by CHEM TRAIL Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection of the CLOUDS with POISON to MURDER & KILL YOU STUPID! LOOK UP! ---->----->---> LINK

TO: Jay Inslee Governor & Bob Ferguson the Attorney General of the state of Washington, I AM a Federal Officer and requesting that a CRIMINAL WARRANT be issued against the pilot of the airplane that just dropped BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL WEAPONS causing me direct causal linkage of my own personal health affects and we have a FEDERAL LAW in multiple federal district courts with CLAIMS & SUIT. 

June 2017 Westport Washington state!

Over Memorial Day Weekend  2017,  I went to Mt Rainier to get away from it all but the illegal Chemical Trail dumping in VIOLATION of the CLEAN AIR ACT was in full swing. Since I am suffering direct Aluminum, Barium & Strontium poisoning their is causal linkage and we are exhausting remedy and bringing CLASS ACTION against the United States of America in FEDERAL COURT with Dane Wigington! -

ALL YOU TRUMP SUPPORTERS, better understand the nature of
BIOLOGICAL WARFARE in the United States against IRAN +Iran ♥ (ايران) , Russia +Russia Beyond the Headlines , Syria +Syrian Network for Human Rights , CHINA +China Digital Times  & KOREA ! find out more here -


To Eddie Bravo, Joe Rogan & Alex Jones -

Dr Lenny Thyme in this VIDEO says that he believes that the United States Department of Defense are dropping metal chaffe so that EXTRA TERRESTRIALS or ALIENS from Outer Space can't find Earth!

In the following VIDEO Dr Horace Drew states that the EXTRA TERRESTRIALS that have already found us and made contact are communicating that either we DISCLOSE their EXISTENCE or we suffer the consequences of destroying the Earth because the knowledge that the EXTRTA TERRESTRIALS gave was to go to EVERYONE on the planet! That has NOT happened yet but maybe eminent that President TRUMP (DISCLOSE) or release the UFO FILES!

is SAI or Statospheric Aerosolized Injection Chemical Trails REAL?

WHY do the 11th & 2nd FEDERAL DISTRICT COURTS have injunctions against SAI? @RT and the Russians along with Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, NBC, Hughes Aircraft Company, MONSANTO, RAYTHEON are so STUPID with their FAKE NEWS when We the People have EVIDENCE that RUSSIANS are doing the SAI or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection and the Department of Defense has no capability to STOP the RUSSIANS from flying lower than 22000 ft over the United States Air Space. This is a TRUE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE GAME with RUSSIA, KOREA & CHINA. EVIDENCE PROOF HERE in this LINK -


CHEMICAL TRAILS or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection SAI DATABASE LINK -

We the People have EVIDENCE that Bill / Melinda Gates through the United States Trade Patent Office has and owns HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY. The Gates Foundation is working with MONSANTO to develop the only known CURE for TOXIC METAL POISONING coming from Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection also known as SAI.


Do you have any of these symptoms RASHES, GUT ACHES, FLU & COLD?

When you go outside is it always a dark cloud cover?

What we know for a FACT so far is that MORGELLONS is brought on by

SOLUTIONS to include POTASSIUM IODIDE, IODINE, EPSOM SALT BATHS, using the OLD BORAX laundry soap, as we TARGET a FUNGAL INFECTION brought on by Electronic Biological Warfare Chemical Trail Dumping also known as #GEOENGINEERING!

EL BASHAR ASSAD is the ANTI CHRIST, the Devil Satan who has PUTIN RUSSIA and the MSM or Main Stream Media along with POLITICIANS arguing while he destroys the planet!

The United States Air Force is also testing an updated version of their MK-ULTRA mind control and after they get the Nano Particulates into your system and that means that you have Aluminum , Barium, Strontium & nano particulate metals inside, the United States Air Force then uses their Satellite to shoot a MICROWAVE BEAM from outer space directed at YOU an unsuspecting United States Citizen. The reason is that they don't like you talking about or thinking about UFO'S, GIANTS and of course MIND CONTROL. 

I personally have been poisoned with metals and subjected to their particle beam weapons. 

We are all poisoned by the illegal dumping of chemicals Barium, Aluminum, Strontium and other nasty nano particulate matter that was developed by MONSANTO who is working in collaboration with Bill / Melinda Gates Foundation with CONTRACTS going to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the United States Air Force and the Department of the INTERIOR who have CONTRACTS to dump these chemicals across the United States of America on unsuspecting CITIZENS. I began to feel tremendous health problems and they describe it as a CHEM TRAIL FLU, but the truth is we have had Doctors analyze the findings for which I have provided the best VIDEOS here on this page. If you are suffering health problems related to CHEM TRAIL FLU which NO ANTI-BIOTICS will cure and you must watch the video Is Chem Trail Flu Real with Dr. Ed Group. There is a SOLUTION video called CHEMTRAIL Do you have it, find out here where you can get something that binds to the NANO particulate matter. I would like to state here that the Government was sold a bill of goods and is destroying land permanently. MY GREATEST CONCERN is that +POTUS ã…¤ +Donald J. Trump for President recognizes this as his internal THREAT to his administration and MONSANTO, HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY & Bill / Melinda Gates really want to #geoengineer TRUMP out of office. There are literally millions of people overwhelming the hospitals with symptoms that are not cured with standard anti-biotics. My thoughts are these sir and I highly suggest you talk with Michael Cohen right away on this, but we can take any CIVIL ACTION and move for JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY under Maritime Law and gain INSTANT RELIEF through the Federal Courts by of course a true Maritime Admiralty Officer, like me CMDR Gregory M Volz, however I suggest taking this to the THINK TANK and determining outcome after much input from Alan Dershowitz, Michael Cohen & Jay Sekulow. To come forward to the American People after stopping these, in my OPINION, illegal CONTRACTS with the Air Force, NOAA & Dept of INTERIOR! This Shadow Government is real sir and they mean to take you down. I am sorry for my outburst on video complaining about NO VA but this issue would take precedent. 

This video makes sense when you understand who the SHADOW GOVERNMENT that is trying to corrupt the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is and that again is Bill / Melinda Gates, Hughes Aircraft Company & MONSANTO with the #geoengineering of Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection - SAI (NANO PARTICULATE that only Monsanto can cure get it!) and the Global Elite all buy the STOCK!

EVIDENCE going before the Federal District Courts

Connection between HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY & Bill / Melinda Gates Foundation


As far as the GLOBAL WARMING THEORY, the Earth is in a 26,000 yr elliptical orbit around the SUN and when the Earth gets close FIRE or ARMAGEDDON and the Ice Melts then when the Earth is at its farthest location in the elliptical orbit ICE FROZEN PLANET soon to be a FLOOD. This elliptical orbit takes 26,000 years also known as a KALI YUGA cycle of time for which the CHRIST comes to HU-MAN(s) and NOT NEANDERTHAL.

The illegal Weather Modification CONTRACTS by NOAA & Clinton Global Initiative to do #GEOENGINEERING of planet Earth pursuant to Global Warming are coming to an END, THANK GOD!

February 21st 2017 - AEROSOLIZED Aluminum & Barium

Please join me in praying to the LORD that GOD'S will be done. I point out that GOD covenanted with MAN by creating the Earth which provides an ATMOSPHERE to grow fruit bearing shrubs and trees for food to eat. MAN who has become corrupted is now destroying his own ATMOSPHERE by putting AEROSOLIZED ALUMINUM into it under several pre-texts of which I as a PROPHET of GOD know to be EVIL for whatever reason, weather modification to make it rain or now so that they can stop GLOBAL WARMING by blotting out the SUN with this blanket of material. The other context was a military application to enhance RADAR for in coming nuclear threat. All of these reasons in my opinion are NOT JUSTIFIED and I feel the LORD crying out to me and I truly feel like CHRIST when he said FATHER THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO! Neither YOU or I have any power except to pray to GOD that his will be done and I have seen it many times in my life for it is called a miracle the way GOD blinds others and they turn there heads for an instant and GOD allows what his will is to be done whatever that might be. OH how I have struggled with the story of JOB and suffered until I wish NOT to suffer any more and that means turn it over to GOD and let GOD'S will be done and I feel he will battle this EVIL and stop these oppressors. There is so much OPPRESSION in the world it makes me think that the ANTI-CHRIST is or has arrived and gaining power. SO I PRAY! I HOPE YOU PRAY TOO!

Sometimes I blame the past when my health gets out of control and say things I regret and my disability causes me great distress for which others want to LOVE me but I must let go and LOVE GOD. I need this time to reflect on GOD and the dogs no matter how wonderful they seem like children with constant pulling and demanding take me away from that pursuit. I am NOT trying to make things right with GOD, for GOD sees all and knows all about me but as the PROPHETS before me YASHUA said that we would suffer in his name.

It is time we understood who are enemy is and we can only PRAY for that enemy is ANGRY at GOD and wishes us to be FRUSTRATED and ANGRY along with SATAN but that is the trap I circle through without stopping to realize I need in that very instant to turn it over to GOD. It is so hard for me to let go and let GOD'S will be done on Earth as it is in HEAVEN for this is the lesson we are here to learn.

I want to pick up a sword and fight for GOD against the EVIL but that may NOT be GOD's WILL.

SO PRAY with me as I begin to study CHRIST and his walk in the desert when he talked to SATAN and was tempted for I may think I know and YOU may think you know but it is time to take a good hard look at what transpired in the DESERT for YASHUA Jesus the Messiah EMMANU-EL

Also I would like you to know the story of the PISTIS SOPHIA and get your opinion.

I am going to refrain from calling on the phone as it is the devils tool and I find frustration in it and I would rather write to you. I believe this is a much better way to communicate my true feelings and intentions.

You already have failed because not one of you bastards tells me why the veterans administration keeps denying my service to this country and I'm tired of pods of whales dying and flocks of different species of birds while you clamour over trump

THADD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

Operation Dome Force Protection is the name of the illegal #geoengineering CONTRACT by Bill Gates & United States Government dropping aircraft pollution on all of us!

If YOU are an individual state OUT LOUD that YOU have FREE WILL and DO NOT ACCEPT their EVIL DUMPING of Aircraft Pollutant for De-Population.

— Northwest UFO Chaser (@NWUFOCHASERS) January 8, 2017

+ABC World News Tonight +NBC News +CBS Evening News +CNN +Fox News +Donald J. Trump for President +DonaldJTrumpUpdates

George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett are in VIOLATION of 18 U.S. Code Chap 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, & SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES and here is why and how -
George Soros

We now have EVIDENCE in both Video Format and Picture format as well as uncovering a National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration CONTRACT to do #GEOENGINEERING of planet Earth. The Department of Defense was sold a LIE about being able to make it rain, but the UN DESIGNATED WHITE aircraft are now flying their aircraft lower than 22,000 feet and targeting innocent citizens with Aircraft Chemical Pollution that contains Aluminum & Barium.

This is NO CONSPIRACY THEORY and goes to the heart of the matter & why NBC owned by Bill & Melinda Gates has threatened to fire Morning Joe, Jim Acosta and any other employee not towing the line and causing disruption and chaos for President TRUMP. 

I have NOTIFIED the President & the Department of Defense and I work for Secretary of Defense James Mattis as a AMICUS CURIAE Federal Officer on CONTRACT. 

The NSA & CIA seems to be involved and I have sources within Ft Detrick Maryland who have admitted the NEFARIOUS NATURE because they are being threatened to LOSE their JOBS if they DO NOT commit this SUBVERSIVE TREASONOUS VIOLATIONS against are president and Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates as well as Warren Buffett are all behind this effort to remove the President of the United States of America. 

They have gone to great links to try and HARM Citizens and here are just some of the PHOTOS taken over the last months.

For MORE got to my article 

Weather Modification equals CLIMATE CHANGE - 

You already have failed because not one of you bastards tells me why the veterans administration keeps denying my service to this country and I'm tired of pods of whales dying and flocks of different species of birds while you clamour over Trump.

+POTUS ã…¤  +Donald J. Trump for President -  Ft Wainright Alaska the individuals Rick Barnhill, Erik Eichost & Gary Schuster have gone rougue and are working for +Department of Defense on these illegal CONTRACTS to deliver Aluminum & Barium & also known as Aircraft Pollution called Chemical Trails to unsuspecting citizens under the current approval of Secretary of Defense James Mattis, WHY?

and by the way YOUR stupid Veterans Administration keeps taunting me telling me that they are there to help when the CRISIS LINE has been recorded telling me to go commit SUICIDE and this BULLSHIT ARTISTS says he works for the VA with twitter handle , and I 

I know I am on to this because they came over my house like 15 of them today after complaining to these entities @B4INChemtrails @ChemtrailsNews @CAchemtrails @Chem_trails @Chemtrails_818 @Chemtrail_Watch 

The FOLLOWING PICTURES were taken on CHRISTmas day 2016. When will a SENATOR with some IMPORTANCE tell the American People what in the hell are they doing dropping this aircraft pollution right over our houses. When we call law enforcement everybody just laughs and its really getting sickening. +Senator Elizabeth Warren +Senator Doug Black +Sen. Rand Paul +Senator Bob Casey +Senator Chris Murphy +Senator Patty Murray +Congressman Xavier Becerra +Congressman Stephen Fincher +Congressman Steve Chabot +Congressman Francisco "Quico" Canseco 

February 7th 2017

January 2nd 2017 Northwest Coast Alaska Washington state

#GEOENGINEERING funded by Bill Gates & +Raytheon 

September 23rd 2015 Violating 91.119 Minimum safe altitudes; general - now they are doing this right over my house you bastards and here is the evidence and all I do is laugh because the ILLUMINATTI is so upset!

August 26th What are they now sending United States Citizens a MESSAGE? 

What the "HELL" is any Senator or politician doing about the POLLUTION coming from these undesignated aircraft? +Potus +DonaldTrump#Braaaah +Hillary Clinton +BernieSanders2016 Senator Kay Hutchison 

August 23rd in the afternoon near Ocean Shores there were two UN DESIGNATED WHITE aircraft emitting a white POLLUTION delivering a trail across the sky. 

I DO NOT KNOW if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton are BILDERBERG ILLUMINATISTS who worship the god MOLOCH that requires CHILD SACRIFICE. Same Policy Issue surrounding ABORTIONS and Fetal Organ Harvesting or the JUSTICE Department wasting money on CHILD SEX Trafficking. All SUBJECTS the BILDERBERG ILLUMINATIST'S to include Weather Modification conducted on United States Citizens and human species!

The first question I have is, Who is in control of our Air Space because it certainly is not the Air Force! They are allowing UN DESIGNATED WHITE Air Craft to emit a WHITE POLLUTION over the skies in Washington state! If the military is under CONTRACT, then these CONTRACTS need to CEASE! #TRUMP #CLINTON #OBAMA

This POLLUTION has modified the weather and is causing FLOODS, EARTHQUAKES, & STORMS! Whoever it is thinks THEY (and WHO are THEY?), the ones who are taking orders from the ILLUMINATTI which worships MOLOCH the CANAANITE GOD who demanded child sacrifice. GOD came to Earth and wiped out the Canaanites once already with a flood. National Geographic and Dr Spencer Wells are doing marker analysis on human genomes to determine the existence of the Angels of the one true GOD being extra terrestrials from Andromeda which is really HEAVEN and talked about in the Nag Hammadi and Books of ENOCH. The temples that were built by Solomon and David in ISRAEL are the same plans delivered to EZEKIEL. The ILLUMINATISTS know this ! The ones (known as the BILDERBERG GROUP to include the BUSH & CLINTON names) who worship MOLOCH in the BOHEMIAN GROVE in Northern California. When I write about the ILLUMINATI they threaten with the CHEMTRAILS from above which are their fog disbursement mechanism to KILL US ALL! The #HAILSTROM initiative was a mandate that came out of the United Nations security counsel if the WORLD was attacked by extra terrestrials. 

Weather modification is the title to the pollution that is coming from jet aircraft it is known as chemtrails. The pollution or chemical trail that you called condensation trails that was coming from jets that are circumnavigating the globe is now disrupting the magneto sphere and the ionosphere and destroying our atmosphere and when that happens we are all dead.

The President of the United States understands the secret Senate Intelligence subcommittee hearings on weather modification and the programs known as HARP and ROTHR the United States military and their plans to modify the ionosphere disrupting the magneto sphere using what they call weather modification.

Weather Modification

After a 35 year career in Intelligence for the Department of Defense to let you know that the government believes that a Advanced Terrestrial Intelligence created the ATMOSPHERE which then works with the MAGNETOSPHERE and an IONOSPHERE.

Illegal Weather Modification with pictures of planes dropping Aluminum & Barium with CHEMTRAILS

These are the SECRET Black Operational Programs by the United States Government that works with the ADVANCED TERRESTRIALS, EXTRA TERRESTRIALS & the United States Department of Defense at the Pentagon.





The WEATHER MODIFICATION Senators wont tell you the truth but the facts are that we sold JETS to CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN with WEATHER MODIFICATION technology built in and THEY are now cir cum navigating the Earth delivering Aluminum and Barium as a FOG DISBURSEMENT that ultimately works in coordination with an ILLUMINATI PLOT to include HAARP ROTHR with TTY cabling under the ocean. The PENTAGON BLACK Operational Weather Modification is designed to work with genetically engineered & modified HUMAN organisms or GEMHO's!

All the Senators on the committee still continue to say that CHEMTRAILS DO NOT EXIST, so We the People have provided proof!

2014 -

Then the RAIN COMES and we repeat this cycle. 

The MUCOSA in your body is sticky and thickened by this FOG DISPERSEMENT.


these are REPUBLICAN SENATORS that are being paid by the ULTRA WEALTHY in coordination with the MILITARY to drop BARIUM / ALUMINUM in clouds to create rain and weather modification. This is what has led to TORNADOES, HURRICANES & FLOODING all over JUST THE UNITED STATES. The same weapons can cause EARTHQUAKES, IE Japan. Wake up sheeple and e-mail your Senator if you feel ILL and the weather is BAD all the time now. Then when you see a blue sky it only lasts a short while after watching these friggin jets drop the BARIUM from backends. CLOUDS come next day and they are keeping this all a SECRET at the NSA. 

The SECRET HAARP facilities are located on the same longitudinal line all the way around the planet. The facilities shoot TERRA WATTAGE into the IONOSPHERE to produce weather pattern changes and EARTHQUAKES at directed targets. Some of those targets are Katrina, Sandy, TORNADOES, FLOODS? HAARP - Don't you find it IRONIC that the Federal Government named their home loan program after HARP after we complained about weather modification with PROOF! Secret Weather Modification OPS = Operations

This always leads into the NEGATIVE so watch out for the ARCHONS and there MIND MANIPULATION, BUT, if you look on a BLUE SKY day there are nothing but CHEMTRAIL JETS DUMPING WEATHER MODIFICATION with LRAD HAARP FREQUENCY TO MANIPULATE YOUR MIND! Now the ILLUMINATI that is ORGANIZED is working through the PENTAGON funding SECRET BLACK OPERATIONAL SECRET SPACE CORPS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS. We are not the ANNUNAKI or the ANGELS - we are a genetically modified human race. The ANGELS have won and fought this battle in past KALI YUGA CYCLES. Just put baking soda and vinegar in any PYRAMID and watch the HYDROGEN REACTION push the water out the spouts and symbolizes the projection of the SOUL or LIGHT BODY through outerspace - which is where you are ultimately going to go so get READY!

Please don't just believe me - WE have listed the GPS coordinates of the HAARP, LRAD & ROTHR devices. These are the tools of the ILLUMINATI. Both the Angels of GOD and the ANNUNAKI have battled with the ILLUMINATI. The 33rd degree MASON contracted a treaty with extraterrestrials, thousands of years ago. They put your SOULS / LIGHT BODIES on the line for FREEWILL and no interaction on their part until DEC 12 2012 at 12:00AM PST. 

Washington State - FRIDAY HARBOR

I walk outside to enjoy a beautiful summer day and I look into the sky and it is like THEY (the ILLUMINATI or whoever is in control of this NEFARIOUS GOVERNMENT MILITARY ACTION) are sending us a message. There were two jets dumping something, with these long white contrails. Not just one but like multiple crop dusters these two jets were dumping their crap all over. These jets are wasting fuel by dumping it on all of us and screwing with our minds because they have loaded these jets with chemicals. All I could think was - if they decide to wipe us out that is how they are going to do it. They are just going to dump a true TOXIN on all of us. 

So here is the pattern, a BEAUTIFUL CLEAR BLUE SEATTLE SKY. Then a jet or two together come across the sky and these white con trails are left of which I am sure if you have looked into the sky that you know exactly what I am referring to. Then a few hours later the skies accumulate with white cumulus rain clouds. Then supposedly by sheer coincidence this stuff ends up on our outlying grass.

I know that there are a lot of conspiracy theories on this subject matter. This is just a small amount of EVIDENCE that is leading to a bigger picture of human manipulation. 

If you do not call or write or message your SENATOR & CONGRESSMAN and tell them we are tired of watching them waste this money in the military or on private contractors in GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS then you are accepting the FACT and EVIDENCE that THEY are trying to kill us all. 

HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

ROTHR - Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar


I was stationed on TREASURE ISLAND in the NAVY and I wrote Half Grey, a story about the island. There was an Admirals home that was beautiful but we were dosed with chemicals and forced out of the military involuntarily. They have never acknowledged this publicly but our team did some bad ass stuff with Under Water Demolition known as the UDTs. Nose cups, wet suits, oxygen breathing apparatus, dolphins, and the beautiful waters near Bremerton Washington. Advanced projects were in the interchange of communication between species ultimately analyzed for patterning in a super computer. HAARP & ROTHR are actually the communication device that blasts high energy wattage in a pulsing factor at the constellation of ORION. The elites have tried to keep all of this a SECRET from YOU. The massive amounts of energy they are blasting into the IONOSPHERE is causing weather pattern disruption. The EARTHQUAKES, TORNADOES, TSUNAMIS, HURRICANES ARE BEING CREATED by the SCIENTISTS who are working for ultimately the ILLUMINATI but are playing with technology of the GODS?

For anyone still “on the fence” about weather modification / manipulation :

all links below should satisfy MOST questions: save the pdf’s before they’re gone for good from the net!

HAARP patent:
weather modification COMPANIES in operation today inside the USA:

example of the HAARP RING anomalies we’ve been witnessing:

LINK TO Chemical Trail Tweet -->