


An ANGEL named MORONI who was the son of a man named MORMON from a time period known as ADENA HOPEWELL or JAREDITE of 2400BC in North America. This Angel of GOD showed a man by the name of Joseph Smith where the GOLDEN TABLETS along with two stones were buried in a small hill known as CUMORAH where a WAR had killed the ADENA HOPEWELL or JAREDITE decendents. 

GOLDEN TABLETS were found by a CATHOLIC PRIEST named Father Krespi.

WATCH the Father Krespi PLAYLIST but first READ the Article


We are all related to METHUSELAH by GENESIS. Genesis is the geneology of ISIS. ISIS is ISHTAR INANNA the wife of ANU. ANU is the lead genetic engineering scientist that came to planet Earth from the Orion belt at least once during a complete rotation of the Earth's precessional rotation cycle of 26,000 years. We found the sacred geometry built into the structures on the GIZA plateau in EGYPT. The EGYPTIAN PYRAMID is a HYDROGEN high to low frequency resonating chambered water pump! The man that built the SECRET chamber for his father ENOCH was METHUSELAH. Two GOLDEN tablets that were inside the ARK of the covenant were hidden in a VAULT nine levels deep under MT MORIAH. The ARK however was transported from and to EGYPT periodically to invoke the NUCLEAR (the two golden tablets with something SECRET in-between) power source to make the HYDROGEN WATER PUMP run forever.

after watching the DOCUMENTARY and following the line around the Earth starting from Easter Island to Peru to Petra to Damascus to Ankor Wat, in other words, pyramids built along this line around the Earth leads to a conjecture, 


by CMDR Gregory M Volz of Northwest UFO Chasers.

There was a nuclear event between UR and CAIRO or ENLIL and ENKI. ENKI is ENOCH ! Golden tablets that were the battery source of the capacitor within the pyramid at GIZA! same tablets are given to Joseph Smith by MARONI.

A man by the name of Joseph Smith has a vision of an ANGEL with the name MARONI. MARONI the ANGEL hands a GOLDEN BOOK and the book was later named the book of MARONI. The ANGEL MARONI claimed to be from the star system known as the PLEIADES. MARONI the ANGEL told Joseph Smith where to dig up what today we know to be archaeological artifact evidence of these plates, in a location known as CUMORAH. Similar writing on tablets of archaeological artifact evidence have been found all over North, Central & South America with writing. If we were capable of translating the plates correctly they might have indicated an advanced knowledge coming from star beings in the PLEIADES. Joseph Smiths encounter with an extra terrestrial / ANGEL / INTELLIGENT ALIEN was a vision. That vision led him to want to trust the Native American Indians to tell him where what he termed the new ZION. Joseph Smith died in 1844 and was killed by mob violence for his beliefs. Joseph Smiths successor was Brigham Young who brought the people to Utah at a place called Parawan Gap. A local Native American YUTE TRIBE Indian Chief named Wakara showed proof of the petra glyphs depicting star beings or extra terrestrials. The petra glyph depictions showed beings with halos, space ships, antennae, space men with space suits.