

Bill Ayers was BOMBED right before Donald J Trump became President. FOX is NOW FAKE NEWS because of MURDOCH in the BILLIONAIRE WARS - George H W Bush GREAT MAN! However #DEEPSTATE @CIA ran Osama Bin Ladin OPERATION CODE NAMED "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" with Bush Jr around Christmas table & other UNION OIL EXECUTIVES son OSAMA bombed NAVY ship name COLE @CIA NavOps UDT CLASSIFIED UFO believer ! There are MEN and then there are MEN that READ Top Secret Classified Material and then there are MEN that ACT upon the information from and in the CIA about that TSC and HW Bush was that guy before he was President. REAGAN handed him a UFO problem in the REAGAN EXTRA TERRESTRIAL ALIEN I WONDER SPEECH. UFO'S? PHOENIX flashes constellation of TRIANGULUM to Department of Defense and who was President? What that meant to Ministry of Defense Nick Pope and Secretary of State at the time was that an Earthling had made a 2.5 LIGHT YEAR round trip through a wormhole from the SUN in our solr system to where it exits or starts as it were the constellation of TIANGULUM with stars ENKI-ENLIL-ELOHIM = god's, EA or YAWEH, ANU = GOD ALMIGHTY or the HAND CONSTELLATION. TIME is ONLY RELEVANT in the 3rd dimension. QUESTION what TIME is it there? The TIME LOOP from our SUN to its ASS end TRIANGULUM. YES the ALMIGHTY GOD modified different species on Earth to ultimately reduce the life to around 125 years old or again a TIME CALCULATION so CONJECTURE NOW to previous species NEANDERTHAL 7 Afro Ferensis DNA modified and ours is HOMO SAPIEN so THREE species looping in TIME or the ELLIPTICAL ORBIT of the Earth Around our very own SUN which is about 26,000+ years but actual calculation is 365.25 days or one side of the GIZA PYRAMID and 2.5 ton blocks each 2.5 million blocks 2.5 sun no LIGHT YEARS away from your understanding? Sincerely CMDR Gregory M Volz USN(R) ret disabled wounded warrior department of defense

Main Stream Media WALL of Shame -

These are the individuals that deserve the FAKE NEWS AWARDS from President Donald J TRUMP and he is at WAR with every single individual listed here. These are the guys behind the veil and that veil must be lifted and the American People must be made aware who is NOT MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #MAGA

ABC is owned by DISNEY 
and DISNEY is owned by COMCAST 

This is the man responsible for ABC and is another enemy of President Donald J TRUMP

Robert A. Iger - The Walt Disney Company


NBC is owned by COMCAST & GE and is known as NBC UNIVERSAL INC.

One of Donald J TRUMP'S mortal enemies is 
Steve Burke (businessman)
 fighting Donald J Trump with the NBC MANDATE to produce DIRT on Donald J Trump. 

CBS & VIACOM are owned by Sumner Redstone - BOMBED

CBS is run by 
Leslie Moonves - BOMBED!

CNN is owned by Ted Turner - BOMBED
Turner Broadcasting System is a division of TIME WARNER


Thomas M. Rutledge is at odds with Donald J Trump over the communications in this count

For some time I have known that we in the United States of America along with OUR President Donald J TRUMP are having BILLIONAIRE WARS over the MEDIA. In other words BILLIONAIRES listed here are literally firing shots and launching bombs at the American people through every aspect of TELEVISION & RECORDING MEDIA.

I believe that if we were as AMERICANS to put pressure and heat upon these individuals listed here that we could MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. We know that the individuals listed here are creating the false narrative that the RUSSIANS COLLUDED with OUR President and his REPUBLICAN administration. Whether these individuals listed are DEMOCRATS, LIBERALS or REPUBLICAN (that just don't understand) is NOT important. 

If there is a SATAN or a DEVIL that is perpetrating EVIL upon all of us then the SATAN DEVIL is using these individuals to further his goal. 

BIBLICAL VISIONS and the question of whether we are repeating the past in TIME? I highly suggest that you read the stories of CYRUS the GREAT who delivered the JEWS from the bondage of BABYLON but was killed by a RUSSIAN WOMAN known as the Massagetae. So a RUSSIAN WOMAN (Hillary Clinton) tried to defeat Donald J TRUMP or OUR President!