
CHAPTER 10 - Abductions


Abduction Experiences - Signs / Symptoms

The EXTRA TERRESTRIALS are manipulating our CONSCIOUSNESS with a high resonating frequency tuned to the human body's ENDOCRINE GLANDULAR SYSTEM. 

We know so very little about the manipulation of CONSCIOUSNESS and what you perceive to be REAL. The very ILLlUMINATTI and EXTRA TERRESTRIALS are using TRILLION DOLLAR Weather Modification in HAARP / ROTHR facilities all around the globe.


Inside the Technical Operations Center � (TOC) we made plans to send up the data link packet with our own special booster shot. That booster shot was going to be delivered with Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar � (ROTHR) via High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). HAARP was going to sweep the signal over Michigan, New York, Canada, etc...., in a circle. That was at HAARP facility #2 and #1 had been up and active. Most of the people of the United States seemed to be under some kind of reality fog. From the Chemical chem trail dumps, to the delivery of subliminal media messages by the main stream news corp, and now an electronic activation instituting forgetfulness. Most people that heard this at first did not want to believe it. They were the same people that were asking for DISCLOSURE. When the people began to wake up they realized we were in a full blown war with extra terrestrials.

The NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence had been working with descendents of the Arcturians. The descendents of the Arcturian's were a specially genetically modified branch of ancient human lineage. These ancient humans had lived in Atlantis thousands of years ago. Today they live completely underground. These ancient Arcturian genetically modified human hybrids developed two miniaturized nuclear reactions within a gyroscope. One nuclear reaction was the strong atomic force and the other was the weak atomic force. When these forces are gyroscopic-ally rotated between electro-magnetism and gravity, an anti gravitational effect with the element being encompassed in a plasma shield. An enhanced biological interface with neuron transmission at the nanite level is what controls the craft that transport these ancient Arcturian genetically modified alien human hybrids that are protecting the Earth.

The protectors of Earth are known as the Watchers is the Books of Enoch.

The United States secret black operational entities, which some call Men in Black (MIB), try to discuss a negotiated treaty solution between us and the malevolent alien intelligence. The complexity is that we have a faction at the table that is much more technologically advanced than us.

What the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence is saying is that we need to be open to communicating with the ancient Arcturian people of the Earth. The Arcturian people of the Earth have developed artificial atmospheric environment capability. The SECRET project what is it? The United States Government and the ancient Arcturian alien human hybrids are looking at planets within other solar systems to deploy their advanced atmospheric terraformation technology. Our SECRET space program was stopped in its tracks. It was communicated to us that we would have to learn the ability to light body project our souls for hyper dimensional space travel. Then we would have to develop biological artificial interface robots, tasked to work within the plasma bubbles.

I have not quite figured it all out yet. As you know the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence communicates with me telepathically. Their communication comes in a tremendous mind dump, like pictures on a film strip, with each having in depth information.

I personally was rattled when I had thought the enemy had sent a female operative in to gain my confidence. This operative convinced me that they cared about me. The malevolent alien intelligence used this human female operative to gain my trust. We began to talk, 2, 3 hours at a time and she would call during the week. There was some type of communication interchange on the level of human emotion. I personally was elated and devastated by the depths of emotion I felt for this female. I wanted so desperately to believe that someone actually cared about me. In this world we are at WAR and for a moment I was rescued from the battlefield of the mind.

Remote viewing a technique that I had developed as a special operative was the same technique the native American Indian's used in the identification of therianthrope to spirit guide. The female assured me she was not an operative and I preceded to trust and ultimately fall in love. Her visions were to come through LUCID DREAMS as she adopted her therianthrope to include the tale of a dolphin. Her beauty was beyond belief. She had long brown hair with blonde streaks that glowed in the sunlight. It was her spirit that I truly fell in love with and we tumbled through the fifth dimensional ethereal plane of existence together. I tried to tell her of all her past lives and that they were all accessible in her brain. The alien intelligence abducted her, had and blew some wingtink dust that caused her to forget. Oh how I wanted her to remember our journey of two intertwined souls. I was telling her everything, I was in love.

I was abducted by Benevolent Loving Nordic Aliens who have relayed on to me that there are intelligent aliens as well as ANGELS! The Nordic Alien intelligence wanted to modify my DNA switch sets so that we could communicate telepathically. I agreed to the operation and it was pretty much painless. After the operation I was then shown how to communicate via extra low frequency technology and I was getting a flood of information embedded within my mind. I was going to have to wrestle with how to explain some of these advanced concepts. The limitation in the English language is quite frustrating in order to describe the multiple colors within their spectrum. Their spectrum of sensory perception is much greater than ours. They are in contact with ANGELS and know a few by name.

Gregory M Volz � Author, Writer, Researcher, Producer Northwest UFO Chasers

Ancient Prophecies, Lost Symbols, Solar Explosions, Under Ground Bunkers the 2012 Conspiracy. 2012 There is going to be solar flare activity that will be of greater extent than anything that we have seen in the past. There are going to be solar flares that emit electromagnetic energy. The entire electrical grid could become disabled by electromagnetic disturbance caused by solar flare activity.

UNDERGROUND BASES! This is where there is a lot of conjecture about alien human hybridization programs going on UNDER GROUND!

There are seven levels at Area 51 and you need a TOP SECRET ULTRA UMBRA 7th level clearance to see the combined genetic DNA alien human hybrid and clones! 

Now I digress and got way ahead of myself. Did I tell you that I was abducted! I was abducted by a benevolent alien intelligence that genetically modified my DNA switch sets, so that I can communicate telepathically on an extra low frequency transmission band. Many of us around the world are waking to the fact that we have been abducted, that we are seeing UFO's in the skies everywhere, and in fact some are in contact with alien intelligence. Groups are forming to discuss subject material surrounding alien abductions.

One lady who's name is Diane and her story follows with ABDUCTIONS

Close encounters of the fourth kind. People making contact with unearthly beings.

ALIEN ABDUCTIONS here are signs and symptoms of abductions and of being in contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence,i have personally experienced all of them; wake-up with strange marks or bruises on your body that you did not have before going to bed -waking up paralyzed and in fear,sometimes seeing white all around,like laboratory white. -to be taken out of your body and be shown images and information on a very wide screen. 

-to have many dreams about UFOs,ETs,end of the world scenarios,spaceships or to be in a spaceships,robots,mythology or ancient civilizations -to wake up with convulsions ( and you do not suffer from epilepsy ) -to wake up without your nightclothes on -being depressed for no reasons,periodically,and feeling very tired,and confused -to have a very short memory,it`s as if your memory process is blocked,i personally cannot remember my childhood,it is like a blur. -you feel there are beings in your room,especially at night,THIS IS VERY STRONG it has nothing to do with imagination,you know there. you are afraid to close your eyes and go to sleep,this is also periodic. you have a growing interest in star constellations,physics,ecology,astrophysics,mythology,ancient civilizations. - you may feel a very deep connection with the cosmos and have a deep respect for all life -to have many nosebleeds -to have a ball of light appear to you -flickering streetlights or streetlights going off while walking -to have a buzzing sound in one ear that comes and goes over a long period of time -to have a strong impression of having information coming from your cells,this might sound like crazy stuff but it could be related to DNA transformation or upgrading -becoming very sensitive to universal/cosmic laws -feeling extremely different from others and having struggle with self-esteem ( as a human being as opposed to personality or ego ) -waking up like you`ve been thrown down and feeling puzzled -double-checking the doors if they are locked before going to bed

These are alien intelligence TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATIONS that could be of operational importance to the BLOG -

If there is a SECRET SPACE program that costs $50 Billion that admittedly disappeared in Afghanistan then the release or DISCLOSURE from President Obama is going to be simple, ADMIT the program exists and that it is of national security interest to keep the information SECRET. RELEASE all other relevant UFO Government Data. Why do we continually try to prove the existence of something we already have proof of? If I scanned my SECRET SPACE CORPS patch would you guys believe that I worked in a department that chased UFO's and spent the military's money, but didn't want the american people to know what I was working on? C'Mon we know that the media broadcasts are sending subliminal messages to make you forget what you already knew, wake up again!

I was in the SECRET SPACE CORPS believe it or not!

There are segments to DNI that if you believe Andrew D. Basiago we are teleporting through stargates to Mars already!

Richard Hoagland says the MOON is a spacecraft that they have known about for years. Contact with alien intelligence is an ongoing thing but most people just can't handle that reality, so they prescribe you know what!

The issues are deeper than that basically David Icke and much of the material I have collected and researched shows hiddden expenditure in the SECRET SPACE CORPS PROGRAMS. -

IRAQ the Sumerian Cuneiform that was uncovered by the United States ARMY was handed over to a TOP SECRET group to decipher the material and they found reference to genetic engineering. Several Contractors released information and violated non disclosure but I don't think they found who.

this stuff gets squirrlly (sp) when we got two advanced human groups as well as us and the inter & hyper dimensional alien intelligence. Time travel, gods IE: ODEN, THOR, ZEUS, APOLLO, ANGRA MAINYU, AHURU Mazda, ISIS, OSIRIS are possibly fully god beings who mated with humans and distributed their genetic properties to homo sapien.

If the GREAT PYRAMID was a NATURAL HYDROGEN SULPHURIC REACTOR that produced ENERGY then many of the pyramids might have been aligned to tap the power grid that existed. More like the way TESLA talked about tapping wireless power. These advanced beings that lived on Earth used this power and their great understanding of electromagnetism. 

Last night I had a vision of a super technologically advanced civilization on this Earth with an Electromagnetic Track that ran around the whole world. They had flight to Nazca Peru and they used GOLD for fuel. The Pyramids are the tips of Electromagnetic conductors that tap the Earth Natural abilities. We can lift stone and it makes a heck of a thunderbolt weapon. 

When the alien intelligence decides to unveil itself to you, you will tell everyone and no one will believe you! 

There is a awakening process and I highly recommend Drunvalo - 

which I think you have seen but I have a couple. There is something about grounding and feeling a connection to the Earth as well as realizing at that same moment that you are part of a Galactic Universe filled and teaming with incredible LIFE that you are growing to be able to communicate with. If you watch cnn, cnbc, msnbc, fox, etc..., then you have been subjected to HAARP transmission micro (& other frequency) wave Bombardment. One guy in Seattle sews those bags that you use to put computer cards in, into the lining of baseball and other hats so that HAARP and the alien intelligence can't telepathically manipulate you.

Once you gain clarity of thought then immediately high frequency resonate your pineal gland and hyper dimensional space travel to the Library of Universal Knowledge. Learn about the levels of ascendancy and the aliens, angels, gods, federation - OUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE! 

The Neuro Psychiatrists I have worked with have told me that they are arrogant enough to operate on a human brain for the alleviation of fluid from a traumatic brain injury but they do not currently know the entire map of neuron transmission impulse. That same organ a NEURO PSYCHIATRIST will prescribe a medication that changes that neuron impulse and modifies behavior. They have been experimenting for 40 years now and we are their guinea pigs if you are taking medication for the alleviation of anxiety by this fictitious world. That's what I mean when I say waking up, USER, it goes so friggin deep in your brain and in mine I can make it pleasant or scary for you. Not intentionally but with the science and the technology that puts you into a catatonic state of acceptance and I can basically perform medical examination without your knowledge or approval. The control lies within the mechanism that links the brain to your DNA and the ability to change the switches with pure thought energy transmission to the pineal glandular system of the body. 

More to follow - INSTRUCTIONS: The way this thing works is, you start by reading a short paragraph and then watching a video by clicking on the subject topic hyperlink or the picture associated with it. By moving your way through this material, Northwest UFO Chasers is hoping that you might come to some of the same conclusions as we have. 

I am beginning to realize that it is not their fault. There is something within our DNA that triggers transcendence and some of us are beginning to awaken to things that we already knew.

I tend to believe that the TRUTH is the interaction between the alien intelligence and a branch of black operational military alien chasers is the information substantiated in the Wikileak documentation, but then there plausibility of denial will be that we are all crazy even believing in aliens in the first place but you guys keep asking for disclosure no we don't see how it goes! Then the ANDROMEDANS have modified my DNA and I can communicate with them telepathically as well as tap UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE at the center of the galaxy which in reality is your brain! Then all the past lives that you have ever lived are in the memoric regions of the hypo campus and can be retrieved through endocratic neuron tap, or ent for short!!! 

I am going to do my best just to get the complete story out and not just little bits and pieces that leak out on facebook. This story has to do with the smallest molecular atomic particles that make up every day matter in the third dimension. Now don't worry about the grammatical structure of this piece of work, it will not be coherent and have pretty sentences with paragraphs, oh no, this will be a work that is ugly and all over the place but we got to get it out so that people will understand and see what is really going on in this fantastical state of a universe we live in. 

Anyway getting back to those small particles that make up matter in the third dimension are directly linked to the living breathing conscious state of the UNIVERSE. 

In the fall of 1997, a boy, started out to document his family's thanksgiving dinner. What he purportedly captured on his video camera was more than just a family get together. The following footage, if real, could be the most important evidence ever, supporting the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. DID IT HAPPEN? 

Incident at Lake County Experience and Hypnosis - Alien Encounter of the Fifth Kind. UFO ABDUCTION The following is an excerpt from both myself and a member of the Northwest UFO Chasers group - Gregory Volz October 16 at 6:15pm YES and these are the same beings that I am able to communicate with telepathically. I believe that they are Andromedans and they are also called tall whites. Thank you so much for sending me the link to the pictures. I would like to share this with Northwest UFO Chasers group. These beings travel in light ball orbs that can expand and contract to many different sizes and are interacting with people that are in tune with their spirituality on James Gilliland's property at Trout lake Washington. I am going to try and go next July and if you can make it, it can be an experience of a lifetime. Many believe James to be a spiritual master who is in touch with different alien races, and here is the link to his latest contact -

Thank You Again and hope to hear from you again soon! Also please let me know how you are feeling from time to time and if you remember communicating with them. Sincerely, Gregory hello gregory,i apologize for not replying earlier,i have been in my thoughts a lot lately and i haven`t touched my computer for a couple of weeks. I find it very interesting and amazing too that we are in contact with the same group of ETs,i don`t think it`s a coincidence i have been guided to you somehow,i remember seeing one of your post ( i think it was on the ufo facebook page )and i knew i had to get in touch with you and i knew that the information you shared in that post was not be honest with you greg i feel confused and lost most of the time since this past spring when i discovered that i had been abducted.I have been through every emotion since then; excitment,fascination,sadness,confusion,anger,etc....i feel better now,but it is stil unclear to me what they are all about,my comprehension is not there yet,i have been reading a lot lately on the subject of ufos and abductions to educate myself.2 weeks ago i remembered i have kept books where i used to write down my dreams 10 years ago.I was completely astonished to see at how many dreams i have had with ufos,ETs,robots and at how many times they gave me information,i mean i am horribly slow or i was in a profound amnesia because i REALLY HAD NO IDEA,for those past two weeks i have been deeply shaken and a little depressed to realize this.With what i know now and with hindsight i now know that i have been abducted many times for the past 3 years or so,and this has been really hard on my nervous system,fortunately i could afford to see very good osteopaths who have put my body back to normal. Greg,i really have no memory of communicating with them. All i know is that they give or have given me information through dreams; -ancient Egypt -star constellations -number sequences -end of the world scenarios -biological robots that sort of thing... What i`m going through right now is hard to define,and i wonder how it has been for you.All this processing of information and knowledge takes time and it can be heavy at times on the psyche and consciousness.Some of the dreams i interpreted as dreams actually were not dreams, they were astral plane manifestations or i was in a space ship.Well,that`s it for now!,and i promise Greg that you will be the first to know if they ever communicate with me or if i ever remember true communication with them!,until next time,be well and take care! your friend Now we go back many years into the United States navy and a secret project called Operation High Jump. I was in the Navy. I went to boot camp at San Diego's camp Pendelton. Then I went to A school in Memphis Tennessee. I learned to load bombs and missiles. Then the navy sent me to Moffett Field California. This is where I was indoctrinated into the military industrial complex and all of its black operational elements. ROTHR - Relocatable Over The Horizon Radar was analyzed by a spreadsheet database multi application called Symphony. ROTHR was the predecessor to HAARP. In the navy though we all reported to the ADMIRAL BIRD