

Important People to Northwest UFO Chasers
look at the twinkle in the soul or light body essence in Elon Musk? a GENIUS creator and a person who BENEFITS humanity! 

Elon Musk is the most important individual for the United States of America and someday you all will be asking to plug into the TESLA GRID. As I have observed Elon from a far he has created a car company and sent a rocket into outer space. He is the single definition of success in my HUMBLE opinion. I have dreamed of Walt Disney's vision of the TESLA city with the cars controlled by an artificial intelligence. The houses in the TESLA city each plug in and are manufactured by the SOLAR TESLA CITY BATTERY PLANT. The workers are HAPPY because Elon pays well and it is your decision to contribute. Commander Gregory M Volz wants to just THANK ELON for being ELON.

OH by the way the stock is worth $500 dollars a share easy! BUY $TSLA

Which state will give ELON MUSK the incentive to come and build a car factory. Certainly TEXAS is being disagreeable and that was 6500 jobs. There seem to be some crazy car dealer franchise laws in TEXAS making REPUBLICANS sound pretty stupid when they argue for FREE CAPITALISM! They argue that the distributorships in TEXAS are protecting the consumer but the consumer pays twice as much as they need to at these dealerships. We the people just want to purchase a TESLA vehicle on our credit card as well as a house plugged into the TESLA CITY GRID all run by artificial intelligence.

I Commander Gregory M Volz am an expert in AI interface application development for the United States of America and have worked on nothing but NAVY INTELLIGENCE & ARMY INTELLIGENCE INFORMATICS CONTRACTS with RAYTHEON being PRIME. I single handed wrote ROTHR and RAYTHEON knows it and owes me $378 Million Dollars.

[Sheldan Nidle] [Ashayana Deane] [Alex Collier]

Now this chapter is dedicated to the important people in the UFO community that are trying to advance information about extra terrestrials visiting our planet. 

SHELDAN NIDLE - is the head of the PAO - Planetary Activation Organization.

Sheldan talks about the Galactic Federation of Planets. What I find interesting in this video is the connection to the star system of LYRAE and the LYRANS of Menkaura on Earth. 

ORIGINATION the Book by Gregory M Volz - OnlineSheldan Nidle

Ashayana Deane - Expert in Celestial Mechanics

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