


As I was doing my research a pattern began to develop. The correlation of the stories between ancient Sumeria and the stories of the ancient Israelites was to coincidental. I was reading and or watching videos out of the Northwest UFO Chasers Video Library when I found a passage about ENKI communicating with NOAH about the flood which was a breach at the Straits of Hormuz, near the Gulf of Oman.

In the Books of ENOCH it tells the LORD notifying ENOCH to tell NOAH to get ready for the flood. 

Then I thought what if ENOCH was ENKI? What I am saying here is that very easily it could be two completely separate ancient cultural civilizations and their accounts of what transpired but all we have left are fragments of written record.

ENOCH was a very interesting man that was favored by GOD, taken by an angel named URIEL and shown the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. ENOCH lived to like 900 years old. 

What the evidence is showing is that an entity more advanced than humans, abducted a human named ENOCH and enlightened him on the genetic modification of the human genome known as the tree of life. 

What was indicated was a reference to twelve constellations which refer to the genetic modification insertions into the human genome. This intelligence that was communicating with ENOCH was showing a contact and an importance of a descended lineage on planet Earth. 

There was a time prior to the flood when the ANGELS of GOD or can we say these higher intelligent beings who mated with the hominid species on Earth that they (the ANGELS or higher extra terrestrial intelligence) were genetically modifying. When they did that it gave rise to a race of GIANTS on the Earth. When the most high returned to the planet Earth to find this abomination. What he found was GIANT cannibals that were so hungry they were eating humans and warring against each other. Humans had become vial worshipping idols and having great sex orgies. The most high ordered ENOCH to communicate with NOAH and then it also says, ENKI talked with NOAH. 

What was to come was a rebirth of lineage out of the land of EDOM came ADAMU who had CAIN & ABLE. The replaced murdered brother ENISH shows linkage to ENOCH LAMECH & NOAH. The linkage winds it's way through ABRAHAM ISAAC JACOB JOSEPH MOSES DAVID SOLOMON and also winds through many prophets of GOD like JEREMIAH, OBADIAH, and gives us the resurrection of death and birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

The twelve sons of ABRAHAM represent the twelve tribes of ISRAEL for JUDAISM and all of extended humanity. Circum navigation of the globe happened much earlier than modern academia is teaching you. One of the genetic lines of descendant MANASSEH could be potentially referenced in the Books of ENOCH as the NEPHILIM. They were the descendant tribe known as the NEPHI. That group was not in agreement with the other groups or tribes and there was a major falling out. 

Nephi states that his father was a descendant of Joseph. Latter-day revelation has clarified that the Nephites and Lamanites are primarily descended from Joseph's son Manassah, with some intermixing with the tribe of Judah (Mulekites). It is sufficiently clear that with the possible exception of the Eskimos, who may be of Siberian origin, the indigenous peoples of North and South America and of the Hawaiian and Polynesian Islands, are descendants of Lehi. Early church leaders taught that the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations were spread on a large scale on the whole of the American continents. Joseph Smith provides clear evidence or archaeological finds, catacombs in the Midwest. Church history cites that Farmers around the Hill Cumorah for years found large numbers of arrow-heads in the area where the final battle between the Nephites and Lamanites was fought. Numerous prophets have made the descent of the indigenous peoples of Central and South America from Father Lehi very clear: 

History of the Tribes 

The apocryphal second book of Esdras, regarded as genuine by many early Christians, gives the following account of the ten tribes: 

'"nd whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable people unto him. These are the Ten Tribes which were carried away captives out of their own land in the time of Oseas, the king, whom Salmanaser, the king of the Assyrians, took captive and crossed them beyond the river; so were they brought into another land, but they took this council to themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen and go forth onto a further country, where never man dwelt, that they might keep the statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered in at the narrow passages of the river Euphrates, for the most High then showed them signs and stayed the springs of the flood till they were passed over; for through the country there was great journey, even of a year and a half, and the same region is called Arsareth." (2 Esdras 13:39-45.) 

In summation whatever higher or extraterrestrial intelligence or GOD or how and what I term LORD is involved in our lives, has been involved in our lives through genetics over hundreds of thousands of years. That story has been handed down to us and great lengths to guard the secrets have taken many lives over the years. 

The MESSAGE is simple from them, the higher intelligence, the extra terrestrials, ANGELS, ALIENS, GOD & LORD says END ALL WAR ON PLANET EARTH and DO IT NOW! YOUR VERY EXISTENCE DEPENDS UPON THIS DECISION? 


Just one technology from the ANGELS is manipulating matter into ROCK! Two of those TEMPLES have not been built yet. So the keys here are the story of ENOCH and to understand that the BIBLE is a BLOODLINE from ADAM through SETH through ENOCH, 

One of the ANGELS was URIEL the ANGEL of GOD!

Uriel the ANGEL of GOD told ENOCH of a disaster to come against an abomination of mankind. This abomination in the eyes of the almighty GOD was to be wiped out by a WATER EVENT, whether that be by FLOOD of a local region, an encapsulation of the Earth in ICE, or the entire planet flooded, we do not know. However, the key here is that the information was 

handed from URIEL the ANGEL of GOD

Archangel - URIEL Guardian of the Gate of EDEN to ENOCH who then relayed the information to NOAH to build an ARK and save mankind.

a SERAPHIM Angel -

Seraphims - Level 10 - 12th Dimension . There were three we knew of written about in scripture named Michael, Gabriel, Uriel. URIEL, that is the ANGEL that gave Enoch the SECRET information believed to be sacred geometry, two golden tablets being of some type of power source. In our book we are going to explore all the possibilities and look to substantiate with VIDEO from the Northwest UFO Chasers VIDEO LIBRARY. 

I would like to make reference to the fact that URIEL the ANGEL of GOD gave ENOCH the SACRED GEOMETRIC plans that were written on GOLDEN TABLETS and put in the ARK of the COVENANT. Those SECRET SACRED GEOMETRIC FORMULATIONS are represented in GEOMETRY in the GREAT PYRAMID at GIZA. The ARK of the COVENANT with the GOLDEN TABLETS inside acted as a BATTERY which turned the GREAT PYRAMID at GIZA into a HYDROGEN ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE UNIT, similar to one of those static electricity balls you buy at the mall. The DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE from the GREAT PYRAMID at GIZA was into the IONOSPHERE. The key here is the opening of the VORTEX PORTAL by the EXTRA TERRESTRIAL ANGELS of GOD. There was a PORTAL for ENOCH who was translated and moved through the portal in transcendence of ascendence toward GOD and became the ANGEL METATRON.

Back to NOAH - 

post GIANTS is NOAH since GOD flooded the Earth to eradicate a wicked species according to scripture. Now NOAH had three sons but HAM is the important DNA lineage in that there are four sons MISRAIM, CAANAN and two others. The MISRAIM line is ANAK and ultimately type King Og of Bashan mentioned in the bible. the line of CAANAN ite is GATH or GOLIATH a PHILISTINE HITTITE! The line of decendent under MISRAIM sailed to the AMERICAS and are the 7-9 ft GIANTS with two rows of teeth. 

Many bodies of work began to come up in my research, over and over. The many bodies of work were the 

We have to go back to the fact that GOD favored ABRAHAM to understand that he had two sons ISAAC & ISHMAEL. ISAAC represents the genetic branch of JEWISH HEBREW TRADITION & CHRISTIANITY while ISHMAEL represents all of ISLAM and the people of the MIDDLE EAST (PERSIA).

and this is where the TRIBES come from!