


I will show how the EMMANUEL is the CHRIST which is also one of the Angels of GOD. URIEL an Angel of GOD was showing ENOCH all of these things, all written about in the Books of ENOCH. Most of you know about Michael & Gabriel but what about knowing that URIEL & EMMANUEL are also extra terrestrial Angels of GOD.

Remember the Zen Master Buddhist says listen to the breath and then you realize you are hearing the MIND and that is the one that argues with the SPIRIT for control and is also the BENEVOLENT (GOOD ONES) vs the MALEVOLENT (BAD ONES) that I refer to in this book. 

Watcher (Aramaic, עִיר, iyr; Theodotian trans: ir; from the root of Heb. `er, "awake, watchful";[1] Gk. ἐγρήγοροι, trans: egrḗgoroi; Slav transliteration,Grigori,[2] "Watchers", "those who are awake"; Chaldean, "guard", "watcher"[3]) is a term used in connection with biblical angels. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (2nd century BC), where reference is made to their holiness. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (1st and 2nd centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.

If you read the description above carefully you will see my name Gregory in many languages Grigori means WATCHERS but they forget to mention that there are GOOD or Benevolent WATCHERS & BAD or Malevolent WATCHERS. 

for some reason I feel that when I listen to this song 

they are talking about all of us that are alien human hybrids descended from fallen angels of god bastards of the watchers OR were we at war with and against the descended of the watchers being the GIANTS / THERIANTHROPES (half animal half human) - below I will add a link to CRYPTOZOOLOGY which shows a genetic experimentation gone wrong on PLUM ISLAND! Are we just another genetic experiment gone wrong or did GOD actually come and save us by wiping out our enemy and giving us seed and domestication of animal as covenants to mankind. How quickly humans forget their covenants and agreements with GOD! In reading the Books of Enoch, I Gregoroi have two brothers, one named Semjaza & the other Azazel. Semjaza he raped women! Azazel taught humans HOW TO MAKE WAR! Enoch OUR Great......great grandfather told GOD what they had done going against what GOD had commanded. Enoch stood in a very sacred location near Lebanon in the land of DAN near Mt Hermon with an EXTRA TERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTER? Alsbeljail is the ancient name of this location which contains the ones who live forever and are known as fallen angels of GOD. 

In Star Trek it is going against the PRIME DIRECTIVE?

Think about it, a EXTRA TERRESTRIAL species comes to planet Earth and genetically modifies a hominid species, has relations with the species, is abandoned and doomed and buried in the EARTH which was encapsulated with ICE by the genetic engineers.

The SECRET was when the NEANDERTHAL went deep into the Earth , the HOLLOW EARTH? 

While I was listening to the Books of Enoch being read back to me by one of the VIDEOS in the Northwest UFO Chasers VIDEO LIBRARY, I began to get a glimpse of what ENOCH really saw for real! He saw seven mountains with three on the left and three on the right with one huge mountain in the middle. This is known as the THRONE of the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD. WISDOM surrounded GOD by his special LUMINARIES which again are WATCHERS or the Angels of GOD. The Angels of GOD are extra terrestrials from Orion's Belt showing that ANDROMEDA is HEAVEN! What they imparted to ENOCH was very technical information about portals and the constellation alignments which today we consider the ZODIACAL references. The ZODIACAL references are the primary galaxies and their reference points that can be accessed by these portals for which particular Angels were assigned. We live through particular ASTROLOGICAL influences of the alignments of the stars and planets. Referencing the ages of LEO (the LIONS BODY on the Sphinx), Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries (the Ram in Egypt), Pisces (the FISH delivered by CHRIST), and the age of Aquarius to come. ENOCH was shown his line of genetic lineage from ADAMUS SETH ......LAMECH......NOAH.....MOSES......CHRIST. 

The Emmanuel is what we celebrate at CHRIST mas, and it was the coming of a Angel of GOD into the body of man traveling through a portal from Orion's Belt with HEAVEN being half way in ANDROMEDA. 

The extra terrestrials are more advanced, have highly polished granite structures that wirelessly transfer power through obelisks. Sound familiar?

REMEMBER the THREE (3) things that go together are the Northwest UFO Chasers VIDEO LIBRARY, The TIMELINE & the Book Origination by Gregory M Volz, Illustrated by AMY.

All of the WATCHERS in my opinion were extra terrestrials, located in the HOLLOW MOON 

doing genetic engineering on hominid species right around 200,000 years ago. My good friend and colleague Michael Tellinger does an excellent job of explaining the details in this video brought to you by the Northwest UFO Chasers Video Library - 

Well, I THINK I KNOW. You are being bombarded with chemicals, electronically swept by high wattage particle beams, you are being programmed by the media outlets to think certain thoughts subliminally. This is all being orchestrated by the elite ILLUMINATTI. There are EVIL NEFARIOUS entities in both GOVERNMENT & PRIVATE INDUSTRY.

The one thing that the ILLUMINATTI propulgates is WAR and the FINANCIAL GAINS of WAR, & coludes with a RELIGIOUS CATHOLIC DOCTRINE from the VATICAN. Those are the three snake heads of the ILLUMINATTI, again RELIGIOUS, FINANCIAL & MILITARY. The MILITARY was HITLER in WORLD WAR II, the RELIGIOUS was the CATHOLIC BODY imposing their views on the people hundreds of years ago and now, we find ourselves in a FINANCIAL ECONOMIC DILEMMA. That is part of a triangle that is within the star and at its center is the PENTAGON.

All of this may not seem important to you and maybe I just need a GOOD WOMAN to share some romantic interludes with. Maybe I just need to go away and relax. Maybe I should just sit in my chair and wait for someone to visit me. They never do. My daughter & mother are to busy and live to far away. I really have no friends at all. The women on facebook just all seem to want to hate me for no reason. I can't get anybody to have just a normal conversation. The women are so uptight and people are snapping everywhere.

The people feel as if the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is LYING TO THEM. Blaming the President for everything is where the Republicans went wrong. It is the CORPORATIONS of PRIVATE INDUSTRY that provide JOBS! All of the CORPORATIONS are laying off, with soldiers returning to NO JOBS & the FINANCIAL MARKETS are CRASHING! The SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN are like children and do not see a crisis and are unwilling to work together toward compromise.

WE NEED SOLUTIONS! We need the media to stay focused on JOB CREATION THROUGH CORPORATIONS in AMERICA. We need the GOVERNMENT to make a simple measurement tool on a website that ranks the CORPORATIONS for their benefit to HUMANITY and is ADVERTISING FOR THE CORPORATION, which they pay MILLIONS to have their names on signs now! Just charge them and the boards will be more than happy to be known as the TOP CORPORATION for PROSPERITY in AMERICA.

C'MON it is that SIMPLE! Its a simple CORPORATE PIER PRESSURE back to PROSPERITY! PLEASE POTUS - FLOTUS - implement this simple SOLUTION.

Breaking News - a MAYAN HEAD was found in a GOOGLE screen capture. When we began to examine the picture more closely we actually saw many different types of heads that seemed to represent many different ancient countries.

So I proposed this question to the UNIVERSAL LIBRARIAN, you know the one that is half human and half ANDROMEDAN. He goes by the name GREGOROI SEARAPHIM ANGEL. He astral travels in his light body essence throughout the UNIVERSE by high frequency resonation of his internal endocrine glandular system.

Well I asked the LIBRARIAN who and what are the NEMRUT HEADS?

The LIBRARIAN responded - The NEMRUT HEADS are representative of a circle of twelve that represented the GENETIC INFUSIONS into the HOMINID species to create the humans that YOU are today. You are actually a product of what YOU consider ANGELS (extraterrestrials) that ORIGINATE from the ORION NEBULA on a planet known as MESSIER 78.


What we actually know is that a long time ago there was a battle on the EARTH. The DINOSAURS & the GIANTS got wiped out by a huge meteor impact strike at the YUCATAN penninsula at 65 MILLION YEARS AGO.

This council depicted by these NEMRUT HEADS constituted a very advanced ancient civilization that used some type of MAGIC to inter act with star beings.

Now the writer of the book ORIGINATION by Gregory M Volz - online - was awakened to the fact that he had been genetically modified to communicate with the human species on planet Earth. He was awakened to the fact that he could recall all of his past life reincarnations, starting with GREGOROI.


When I was abducted by ANGELS (extraterrestrials) also known as the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN Alien Intelligence THEY genetically modified me for extra low frequency telepathic communication, THEY explained to me through holographic images how I am part of the fifth dimension of existence - My name is Gregory M Volz - and I found this - The Greek term egrḗgoroi (ἐγρήγοροι)) or Grigori is transliterated into Slavonic in the Second Book of Enoch. In 2 Enoch 18 (Slavonic Enoch) the "Grigori" (egregoroi) are located in the fifth heaven, and from among them 200 princes fall.[16]

GREGORY = GREGOROI and fifth heaven = fifth dimension. Let me make this clear - I AM NOT A FALLEN ANGEL, I AM NOT AZRAEL or a SATAN FOLLOWER, and reside in the presence and GLORIFICATION of the ALMIGHTY GOD. 


I personally am half MORMON by the ANGEL MARONI on the PLEIADIAN side. I come from Northern Europe descended from a tribe in ISRAEL known to be the DAN'S. The DAN Tribe understood the ANGELS to be extraterrestrial as one of their closest friends was a GIANT. We are mortal human beings created by the offspring of ANGELS & a HOMINID species, roaming, on planet Earth.



NORDIC ANDROMEDAN'S living near the planet you term Messier 78. We have been trying to communicate with mankind through crop circles from a long distance away.



Professor P. Varicate stood before a stunned crowd of journalists, scientists and other concerned parties. "At approximately 2 PM local time the Parkes radio telescope in Australia picked up transmissions originating from the Messier 78 nebula which is in Orion's belt. We are confident that an alien intelligence is the source of these signals." IMPORTANT NOTE: This is exactly where, when I was abducted and the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN genetically modified me for extra low frequency telepathic communication, THEY explained to me through holographic images how I am part of the fifth dimension of existence - My name is Gregory M Volz - and I found this - The Greek term egrḗgoroi (ἐγρήγοροι)) or Grigori is transliterated into Slavonic in the Second Book of Enoch. In 2 Enoch 18 (Slavonic Enoch) the "Grigori" (egregoroi) are located in the fifth heaven, and from among them 200 princes fall.[16]

Uriel the ANGEL TRANSLATED ENOCH. Just as I was TRANSLATED to understand all of my past life regressions. The past life regressions go all the way back to when the ANGELS contemplated mating with mortal women. We are part of a species with a long line of genetic ascendancy for a reason. We are now a diluted species in the sense that we are part ANGEL and part HOMINID. The stories are all true and flayed out in the bodies of work known as the Nag Hammadi. The GNOSTIC priests looked at this body of spiritual work differently than we do today. The ancient HEBREW priests, as well as Zara Thustrian (Babylonian) priests, Egyptian priests, CELTIC priests all know of this lineage or line of decendency. Did you know that I PROPHESIED that the NEPHI in the Book of MORMON are the same GENETIC ENGINEERS that were half ANGEL & half HOMINID and one of the TRIBES of ISRAEL that circumnavigated the GLOBE to land in AMERICA. This is the SECRET KNOWLEDGE that only I alone posses for I am GREGOROI - SERAPHIM ANGEL to GOD!

Stanford & Santa Cruz Universities are going to prove this out through the human genome project. All the biblical scriptural literature plus the ancient mythologies of say RAGNORAK DANISH VIKING, or Sumerian Anu, Enki, Enlil, Nihurasig, or GREEK ZEUS HERA HERCULES, or DRACONIS priests of ANKOR WATT, or TOLTEC / MAYAN from around the WORLD is ALL TRUE! This is being hidden from YOU by the Smithsonian Institution and the ILLUMINATTI ELITE!

The NEPHILIM were very powerful alien hybrids sometimes referred to as ANGELS in mythology and theology.

The WATCHERS, whether they were ANGELS or ALIEN INTELLIGENCE there is evidence to support that THEY (the ANGELS or ALIENS) inhabited the HOLLOW MOON! Who created the atmosphere on planet Earth? Well we know one thing for sure, the atmosphere on planet Earth could not exist without the tidal influences of the MOON. There is conjecture about written story line in sanskrit and cuneiform ancient writings to include a possibility that the MOON was towed into place. If the MOON was towed into place by a higher extra terrestrial intelligence, what a more perfect way to observe the animal life on planet Earth. The stories listed below show substantiation of what theological scripture terms ANGELS. After observing the animal life on planet Earth they began to perform genetic experiments with the homo sapien species. They created Therianthropes - see Northwest UFO Chasers Radio Broadcast Part 8 for an understanding. After perfecting the genetic engineering and making the female homo sapien form desirable, THEY (the WATCHERS) in the HOLLOW MOON came to EARTH. There has now been a release of an artifact found by the Apollo 11 Mission. Then in the next video are structures and temples, and finally a radio broadcast by writer Gregory M Volz of Northwest UFO Chasers. Make sure to follow through reading through to the bottom as there is some important information about the fifth dimension, Gregoroi and a bunch of us falling out of the fifth dimension through the fourth dimensional wormhole into the third dimension of illusory reality. But let me make sure you understand - my understanding of the entire episode goes back to the WATCHERS. The WATCHERS were given the task and occupied the HOLLOW MOON.

WHO were the WATCHERS? Listed below are their names but this is a reference to get us to the understanding that the beings coming from the constellation of Orion are the same ones that witnessed an explosion of a planet in our solar system, inhabited and tried to terraform Mars (ARIES), failed and used the HOLLOW MOON as a base of operations. The technologies that the ANGELS extraterrestrials have given us along the TIMELINE are the FOXP2 gene insertion that was modified in the Garden of EDOM by the ingestion of some type of food. Seed technology was then marked and next Domestication of Animals (or the story of NOAH) and then a bloodline lineage winding it's way through

ADAMU, SETH, ENISH, LAMECH, MATHUSELAH, ENOCH, NOAH, ABRAHAM, ISAAC, JACOB, JOESEPH, MOSES, and the twelve TRIBES of ISRAEL, King David, King Solomon, Minor Prophets, John the Baptist and JESUS the CHRIST with his twelve disciples.