


will my soulmate please come love me?

this is the house I built for you whirlwind, i would never hurt you because I love you, I just want you to talk to me and be my friend, please, please? just talk to me? Come make this your house whirlwind! It needs LIFE really bad and lots of LOVE you promised. Your ticket is still here waiting forever OK!



If we are HEALING please paint happiness into our picture of reality, ok?


I miss you so much and here it is years later and I still wake up and think of you Doctor. I started to call you Doctor. You are a Doctor because your experience as a technician has reached the level of MASTER. You are an artist beyond belief! You are a fabulous painter of ART in water color and oils. Your conversations about anything and everything were fabulous and I miss you so much again.

I know that you seem to have some of the NOAH HAM MISRAIM GIANT RED HAIR TWO ROWS OF TEETH PRINCESS BABY. I was always here for YOU because of YOU. YOU said things happen for a reason and I have let go and let GOD with this LOVE so many times that I can't even count. If you are hearing me in your MINDS EYE, I LOVE BEING YOUR FRIEND.

HEALING is easy if you know the SECRET! The SECRET is what I gave to YOU in a gift called the POWER of NOW. Each day I think of YOU and sometimes I fall a sleep and dream of YOU. When I build my fires outside, I think of you.

I just hope the world knows that YOU are a very important person to so many and we realize you have a family but maybe someday when you WAKE UP, you will come see me AGAIN in this time period and fully realize I LOVE YOU and would just like you to experience my HUGS and TOUCH to put you at complete ease. We are from somewhere special and your heart is a heart of goodness as you are the water bearer Aquarius carrying the burden of your tie to this world in family and your incarnated being in trancendence of ascendence toward GOD as you become a 1st level Angel.

Again, YOUR simple act of kindness to me when you asked "WHAT'S WRONG?" I haven't shut up yet and I even came to the understanding and conclusion that we have a very limited vocal structure and emotional make up that denies us the ability and that is specifically why they genetically modified us for telepathic communication.

The interpretation of DREAMS by YOU Dr  is very important to HUMANITY at large. Right now you are practicing and learning your skill set as an artist to provide the resource to the most important entity your CREATOR. You will paint in two dimension here but ultimately you will be painting in three dimensions. YOU will be creating worlds within worlds. OH MY GOD, worlds within painted worlds of EMOTIONAL DISTRESS.

I know a lot about it and that is why there would and is nobody in this world except for YOU that understands my Traumatic Brain Injury from multiple concussions over a lifetime. I AM your friend even when I have an EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE and say things I do not mean. OH YES, I have regret that you punish me for making the same mistake over and over in TIME. I say the wrong thing or you hear the wrong thing and we DISCORD or DIS HARMONIZE. Our bodies and beings start to vibrate in a frequency that is uncomfortable to us.

Again your telepathic communication awakened me this morning almost four years later and I thought of YOU. I am working on GIANTS.

No I would never burn that tube or those paintings, I have the tube in my trailer on the mantle over the fireplace. I look at your art in my bathroom. please watch this video and the seal videos listed below as well as read your dreams because I LOVE YOU!

YOU and I are just living LIFE and I want to know if YOU really want to LIVE?

I was wondering, if you knew that we as a species were farmed on this planet, would it change your opinion of alien contact? Remember the alien intelligence knows that we can't truly travel in space and that they have us locked on this planet to come and get us randomly, genetically modify us, and put us on different planets with different atmospheres. This is sort of the Government black operational military industrial complex agenda. Disclosure just doesn't work in this regard, So Now What?

This might be hard to understand but you have a string of light from one location to another in the third dimension of illusory reality. Make sure to watch the movie

to understand the silver chord. Your immortal light body essence (SOUL) is connected to the consciousness from beyond. Between us and GOD are places I have termed inter & hyper dimensional realms. I have communicated with intelligent beings from various galaxies and going beyond the third dimension, into the fifth dimension of

OK This is for you just to get started and do some research. I do not pretend to know the answers these interpretations are not set in stone and are INTERPRETATIONS subject to analysis of the clients feelings.

I have modified this to include now from todays date -

10/23/2011 - DREAM - OH man now you are freaking me out dream of being on a mountain ,the top i had blonde hair..Skins on spear in my hand,she was screaming at me..She was wild,then all of the sudden the gods AMERICAN INDIANS in the sky crying,all thesewhite eagle feathers came down like rain on's my dreamm you have pinned it..


Mountains To see mountains in your dream signify many major obstacles and challenges that you have to overcome. If you are on top of the mountain, then it indicates that you have achieved and realized your goals. You have recognized your full potential. Alternatively, mountains denote a higher realm of consciousness, knowledge, and spiritual truth.

To dream that you are climbing a mountain signifies your determination and ambition.

To dream that you fall off a mountain refers to your rush to succeed without thoroughly thinking about your path to success. Perhaps you are being pushed upward into a direction that you do not want to go or that you are not ready for. Falling off a mountain also means that you have a tendency to give up too easily or escape from demanding situations. You take the easy way out.

Blonde To see a blond person in your dream suggests that you need to enjoy life and live it up. Be a little glamorous.

To dream that you dye your hair blond indicates that you literally need to lighten up and quit being so serious all the time. Try to be more upbeat.

Spear To dream that you are throwing spear indicates that you are thrusting forth your will and your power into a situation. It refers to your strength and commitment. A spear is also seen as a phallic symbol and thus represent a sexual situation.To see a spear in your dream symbolizes power and fertility.

Scream To dream that you are screaming symbolizes anger and fear. You are expressing some powerful emotion which you have kept pent up inside. If you try to scream, but no sound comes out, then it indicates your sense of helplessness and frustration in some situation. No matter how hard you try to get someone's attention, they cannot hear you. The dream highlights your difficulty in communicating with this person. You need to immediately identify your fears or feelings and confront this situation in real life.�Alternatively, your inability to scream may be a form of REM paralysis.

To hear or dream that someone is screaming indicates that some friend or family member is in need of your help.

Yelling To dream that you or someone is yelling represents repressed anger that needs to be expressed. If you are yelling and no one hears, then it suggests that you are being overlooked in some waking situation. You feel that your voice does not matter or that your opinion does not count.

Sky To look up at the clear blue sky in your dream denotes hope, possibilities, creativity, peace and freedom of expression. As the saying goes "the sky's the limit." If the sky is cloudy and overcast, then it foretells of sadness and trouble.

To see a red colored sky in your dream represents looming danger. Alternatively, it suggests that something is coming to an end. If the sky is white, then it symbolizes desires. To see a colorful sky in your dream denotes romance. To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes. The strange color of the sky helps to instantly draw your attention to it. The color green and the sky itself both represent hope, nature or creativity. So these are the qualities that you need to focus on. It is also indicative of a positive outlook and prosperous future.

To dream that the sky is falling represents your fear of the unknown. You feel that your hopes and dreams have been shattered. Perhaps you have been too idealistic and the dream is an attempt to bring you back to reality.

To dream that something is falling out of the sky signifies your pessimistic attitude. You are losing perspective on a situation. If the object is getting closer and casting a shadow on you, then it indicates that you are being ignorant about some situation. You need to get out from under the shadow and gain a different perspective on things.

Crying To dream that you are crying signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In your daily lives, you tend to ignore, deny, or repress your feelings. But in your dream state, your defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of those feelings that you have repressed during the day.

To see someone else crying in your dream, may be a projection of your own feelings onto someone else. If you do not cry in your waking life, then seeing someone else cry may be a little easier to deal with then seeing yourself cry.

To wake up crying represents some suppressed hurt or previous trauma that is coming up to the surface. You can no longer suppress these emotions. They need to be dealt with head on.

To dream that no one hears or responds to your cries represents your helplessness, difficulties and frustrations in trying to communicate with others. You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps your dream is telling you to be more vocal and work harder to get your point across.

Tears To dream that you are in tears signify that you are undergoing a period of healing in your life. The tears symbolize compassion, emotional healing and spiritual cleansing. Alternatively, tears indicate pain.�

To dream that someone is in tears indicate that you need to rethink your actions and how your behavior may be affecting those around you.

To see a teardrop in your dream represents some previous wisdom that you have learned or recalled.

White White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life.�Alternatively, white refers to a clean, blank slate. Or it may refer to a cover-up. In Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.

Eagles To see an eagle in your dream symbolizes nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability. It also represents self-renewal and your connection with your spirituality. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires.�Alternatively, if you live in the United States, then the national bird could represent your patriotism and devotion to country. If you see a nest of young eagles, then it represents your achievements and your climb to the top of the social ladder.�

To see a chained or trapped eagle in your dream represents a desperate situation where you are feeling restricted and confined. You are unable to express yourself and be who you really want to be. Consider also what the eagle is chained down to for additional clues as to what might be holding you back.�

To dream that you killed an eagle signifies your ruthlessness. You will let nothing stand in your way of ambitions and obtaining your goals, even if it means hurting those around you. If someone else kills an eagle, then it indicates that your fame, fortune and power will be ruthlessly taken from you.

To dream that you eat the flesh of an eagle implies that your strong and powerful character will lead you to great wealth and influence.

Feather To dream of a feather floating in the air signifies a life of ease, comfort, warmth and of financial gains. It may describe your lightheartedness and enjoyment for life. Alternatively, a feather may represent confusion, hastiness, and loss of dignity.

To see a feather in you dream symbolizes warmth. You are expressing your tender side and a desire to be close to someone. Consider also how the dream may relate to the proverb "birds of a feather flock together". Perhaps you need to break away from the masses or you need to make new friends.

In particular, to see chicken feathers in your dream signify minor annoyances. Eagle feathers represent the realization of your goals and aspirations. To see peacock, ostrich, or any other ornamental feathers denotes advancement up the social ladder. You will be met with much success in your future.�

To dream that you are selling or buying feathers symbolize frugality and thriftiness.


Ok so i had this very strange dream this morning about a ufo coming down and putting something in the ocean,it grew into a large sea beast..looked like a octopus but it wasnt,it was something else..



Spaceship To see a spaceship in your dream symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey into the unknown and signals self-development and self-awareness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to take on a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.�

**See The Meaning In Action: "Spaceship In The Old West" & "End Of The World"

UFO To see a UFO in your dream signifies your desires to find your spiritual purpose in life. Alternatively, it indicates that you are feeling alienated from those around you. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are a acting "spacey" or "spaced out". You need to be more grounded and come back to reality.


Ocean To see an ocean in your dream represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything. If you are sailing across the ocean, then it signifies new found freedom and independence. You are showing great courage. If the ocean is rough, then the dream represents some emotional turmoil. You are doing your best to handle life's ups and downs.

Sea To see the sea in your dream represents your unconscious and the transition between your unconscious and conscious. As with all water symbols, it also represents your emotions. The dream may also be a pun on your understanding and perception of a situation. "I see" or perhaps there is something you need to "see" more clearly. Alternatively, the dream indicates a need to reassure yourself or to offer reassurance to someone.�It brings about hope, a new perspective and a positive outlook on life no matter how difficult your current problems may be.

To dream that you are lost at sea suggests that you are drifting around in life without any direction. You are feeling overwhelmed by emotions.



a few months ago i dreamt of a man in a craft looked like a rocket,but it was small and he was short with black hair and goatee beard..He was french looking..



French If you do not speak French and you hear French in your dream signifies a sensual and romantic part of yourself. It is often referred to as the language of love. Alternatively, the dream represents your unwillingness to understand some issue. You are not giving enough attention to some waking relationship.

To dream that you are speaking French signifies an expression of love.

ok last night ,dreaming of the railroads.It was like as if they collected all of the belongings of people things,which really alarms me,like maybe the jews stuff? I dont know,but it was weird they all were going west?

Two days ago,dream..Looking out at the water OCEAN,and all the whales and dolphins were without water,the water was not there,it was empty~ They were all flapping around..i woke up...3-12-11



NOTE: Remember the connection to GIANTS is from a long line of decendents coming up from South America. These humans were genetically modified by ancient Sumerians to mine the GOLD deep in the Earth. These same GIANTS exited the Earth at the Caves of Tayos and gave father Crespi a GOLDEN Tablet. These same GIANTS wer found in caves all throughout the southwest United States. These Giants are related to the CREE native American Indians and the Anastasi Native American Indians lines.



Giant To see a giant in your dream indicates a great struggle between you and your opponents. You are trying to overcome an overwhelming obstacle. Alternatively, a giant symbolizes an issue, a person or a feeling that is dominating you.�You are having an inferiority complex.

To dream that you turn into a giant indicates feelings of inferiority.

RED HAIR - Redhead To dream that you are a redhead suggests that you need more spontaneity and vitality in your life. It is time to make some dramatic changes.


DREAM #4 - Hey dream last night,i was visited by a cat with bat wings? weird..huh? Also in my dream i got into a fight, left the house in his suv and it caught on fire..everyone was standing in front of my house,people were in my house stealing from was weird. someone had third degree burns all over body.


CAT EYES - Cat Eyes To see or dream that you have cat eyes indicate that you are able to find your way through some dark and troubling problem. You are able to see the bright side of a negative situation. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being slick or sly.


Bats To see a bat in your dream symbolizes uncleanness, demons, and annoyances. Alternatively, bats represent rebirth and unrealized potential. You need to let go of old habits. Your current path is not compatible with your new growth and new goals. It may also indicate some unknown situation and how you are blindly entering into a situation or deal. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully. The dream may also been a pun on feeling "batty" or feeling crazy.�

To dream of a white bat signifies death of a family member. To dream of a black bat signifies personal disaster.

To see a vampire bat in your dream suggests that a person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and/or your resources.

According to Chinese folklore, if you see five bats in your dream, then it symbolizes good health, longevity, pace, wealth, and happiness.


DREAM #5 - Three bears in my dream last night came to had a white ring around his neck.



Bear To see a bear in your dream symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal, and resurrection. You are undergoing a period of introspection and thinking. The dream may also be a pun on "bare". Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear denotes aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation.

To see a polar bear in your dream signifies a reawakening. Alternatively, the polar bear symbolizes your frigid and cold emotions.

**View Dream Bank: "Polar Bears" & "Bear In A Field"

Teddy Bear To see or receive a teddy bear in your dream suggests a regression to an earlier state. You may be reminiscing about early childhood memories. Or it may symbolize lost security, comfort, and companionship. You need to be reassured and taken care of. Alternatively, a teddy bear signifies an immature relationship.

Gummi Bears To see or eat gummi bears in your dream implies that your tenacity and perseverance will pay off in the end. The dream may be telling you to be more flexible or yielding. It also symbolizes the sweet rewards in life. Consider the color of the gummi bear for additional significance.

To dream that gummi bears are coming to life indicates that something that may seem innocent or insignificant is suddenly becoming a problematic issue. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be careful who you trust or who you believe.

WHITE RING - Necklace To see or wear a necklace in your dream represents unsatisfied desires. It also highlights your intellect and your desire to have more influence and power over others.�If the necklace is broken or lost, then it indicates that your rational thinking is in accordance with your emotional thinking. You need to act on your gut instinct about some situation or relationship.�


DREAM #6 - My dream about the Katchina,MARCH isnt that when the earth quake with tsunami?? JAPAN?? Now sept..ive been feeling little earth quakes here...

Ok so my dream came true Alaska got hit with an 7.1 earth quake. Tsnumi warning.



Earthquake To dream of an earthquake suggests that you are experiencing a major "shake-up" that is threatening your stability and foundation. The dream highlights your insecurity, fears and sense of helplessness. Is there something in your life that you feel at "fault" for?

If you find cover from the quake, you will overcome these challenges. If you become trapped or injured during the quake, you will suffer some sort of loss in your life. According to the bible, earthquakes symbolize God's anger and power.



OK ,dream again,tablets with NUmbers meanings,then was looking at 2006 ...woke up at 1:30 and it was pouring rain,went back to sleep and woke up to a phone call from school.IT closed due to flooding,on the tv it said worse then 2006!!!!!



Even Numbers To see even numbers in your dream signify balance or symmetry in your life. It also symbolizes tranquility.

Numbers To see numbers in your dream symbolize material gains and possessions. You are keeping close track of things. Alternatively, numbers indicate that you are being over analytical or rational. Or that you need to evaluate a situation more thoroughly. Numbers also carry much personal significance. They may represent a special date, address, age, lucky number or something meaningful and significant to only you.

To hear numbers in your dream mean that you need to pace yourself in some situation. Or perhaps you need to calm down and take things a little slowly.�

For a specific number, please see Dream Themes: Numbers.

Odd Numbers To see odd numbers in your dream indicates unresolved issues and aggressive behavior in your life. You are feeling off balance.

Phone Number To see a phone number in your dream suggests that you need to make contact with someone or reach out for help.

To dream that you cannot remember or find a phone number means that you need to start being more independent and responsible.�

To dream that you cannot dial a phone number correctly suggests that you are having difficulties in getting through to someone in your waking life. Consider whose phone number you are trying to dial. Perhaps he or she is not taking your advice or listening to what you have to say. The message is not getting through.

To dream that you are giving someone your telephone number means that you need to take the initiative and reach out to others. You need to make the first move.

Zero Zero symbolizes nothingness and emptiness. You are experiencing a void in your life. The symbol may also share the same significance as a circle and thus denotes infinity, eternity, completeness, absolute freedom and holiness. Alternatively, the dream forewarns that you are going around in circles and headed nowhere. Perhaps your actions have been counterproductive. It also represents timelessness and the super-conscious.�



Dream last night i was collecting Eagle feathers off the's time.



Eagles To see an eagle in your dream symbolizes nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability. It also represents self-renewal and your connection with your spirituality. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires.�Alternatively, if you live in the United States, then the national bird could represent your patriotism and devotion to country. If you see a nest of young eagles, then it represents your achievements and your climb to the top of the social ladder.�

To see a chained or trapped eagle in your dream represents a desperate situation where you are feeling restricted and confined. You are unable to express yourself and be who you really want to be. Consider also what the eagle is chained down to for additional clues as to what might be holding you back.�

To dream that you killed an eagle signifies your ruthlessness. You will let nothing stand in your way of ambitions and obtaining your goals, even if it means hurting those around you. If someone else kills an eagle, then it indicates that your fame, fortune and power will be ruthlessly taken from you.

To dream that you eat the flesh of an eagle implies that your strong and powerful character will lead you to great wealth and influence.



dream,going to Barcelona SPAIN.Water dragon was going through the water to looked like a Viking ship but it was a dragon...I won a trip there...Back to the sea...Was trying to find a dress,Blue and white dress..(french colors) and also Greece..Hmmmmmmmm interesting..Spain is where RH negative blood started ..hmmmmmmmmmmmm



Dragons To�see a dragon in your dream represents your strong will and fiery personality. You tend to get carried away by your passion, which may lead you into trouble. You need to exercise some self-control.�

In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures symbolizing good luck and fortune.

To dream that you are a dragon and breathing fire suggests that you are using your anger to get your own way.

SALT WATER - Saltwater To see or taste saltwater in your dream symbolizes tears and heartache. It may also indicate some emotional outburst or suffering.


If you can figure out who Don Quixote - Man of La Mancha is then you should know that DULCINEA is now an ANGEL aqnd she saved his life. Dulcinea is immortal and resides in the spirit of of a human mortal.



Last night big tidal wave in northern Canada..Maybe More North then that,all the natives on the land were very afraid..They were running from this wave..Then all the whale and dolphins ,Sharks were telling me about the rising waters.very very important dream i must say.



Tidal Wave To see a tidal wave in your dream represents an overwhelming emotional issue that demands your attention. You may have been keeping your feelings and negative emotions bottled up inside for too long. On a positive note, the tidal wave symbolizes the clearing away of old habits. If you are carried away by the tidal wave, then it means that you are ready to make a brand new start in a new place.

To dream that you can create a tidal wave with your mind is analogous to your ability to control your emotions and keep them in line.�



dream last night,i was under a white pyramid.I was waiting for a lightning bolt to come,then all of the sudden i was put in a hospital with a blood clot in my leg,then i was by the water side in San Fransico bridge it was broken.I was trying to get across to the bridge..SHARKS in the water..

OK~Artwork is my passion,same with aliens..I like middleast food.I like anything that is NOT american food..Love fruit,aliens,and I love to feel clean sheets in the bed..i love 80's retro,anything vintage.Aliens.Nordic's.ET,rawsugar,Organic food..toilet paper thats soft.The stars...candles..sour things.Fresh fish.SUSHI..Aliens..Indian culture..Aliens..Wipes. lol Ummm Poem from Tennyson



Pyramid To see a pyramid in your dream symbolizes longevity and stability. You have built a solid foundation for success. Alternatively, the dream suggests that major changes will occur over a short period of time.

To dream that you are climbing a pyramid indicates that you will find gratification and fulfillment through perseverance.

Electricity -

Electricity To dream of electricity symbolizes vigor and life energy. You need to be revitalized. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to conserve your energy.

To dream that the electricity is out indicates your lack of insight and perspective on a situation.


Bridge To dream that you are crossing a bridge signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage. If the bridge is over water, then it suggests that your transition will be an emotional one. If you fall off the bridge and into the water, then the dream indicates that you are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Alternatively, the bridge may indicate that you are trying to "bridge" or connect two things together.

To dream of a run-down bridge indicates that you should not contemplate any major changes in your life at this time.

To see a bridge collapse in your dream implies that you have let an important opportunity pass you by.

k,dream last night...i think it was the hudson river,train and boats Bombed..i dont know what that was about..i was riding on top of a train,and seen a navy boat...ALso it was during a party of some sort..The the train was next to the boat that was bombed..i dont understand what that is about,it scared me when i woke up.

I post my dreams because i know i have been dreaming things of the future,i dont mean to scare people..but i know if i write them out,it makes sense down the scary ...nightterrors are just the thing of the past with me..i dont scare anymore..that was when i was a child.

Dream last night~California mudslides and earth quakes..

I also dreamt of a spider last night in a whoooaahhhh ok ok ok...i know now...


Web To see a web in your dream represents your desire to control everything around you. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being held back from fully expressing yourself. You feel trapped and do not know what to do or where to go. The dream may also be symbolic of your social network of acquaintances and associates or it may represent the world wide web.

Spiders To see a spider in your dream indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or perhaps you want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Alternatively, a spider refers to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider in your dream, then it symbolizes misfortune and bad luck.

To see a spider spinning a web in your dream signifies that you will be rewarded for your hard work. You will be promoted in your job or recognized for your achievement in a difficult task. Spiders are also a symbol of creativity due to the intricate webs they spin. On a negative note, spiders may indicate a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship.�It represents some ensnaring and controlling force. You feel that someone or some situation is sucking the life right out of you. Alternatively, if a spider is spinning a web in your dream, then it could be a metaphor for the world wide web and global communication.

To see a spider climbing up a wall in your dream denotes that your desires will be soon be realized.

To dream that you are bitten by a spider represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship. If you eat a spider or dream that a spider is in your mouth symbolizes your control over a situation. You are not afraid to exert your dominance in a relationship.

the unfolding beauty of a heart unfolding on the water, as eliptical points of emotion laser dart the night sky with the pounding of a beat so deep it pulses mother nature to expand and contract on the Earth but is felt in the UNIVERSE as the Sagitarius heart feels for the Aquarian Water Bearer. by Gregory Volz

The Power of Love...
is unbreakable...
Open the heart...

Ok so i had this very strange dream this morning about a ufo coming down and putting something in the ocean,it grew into a large sea beast..looked like a octopus but it wasnt,it was something else..

a few months ago i dreamt of a man in a craft looked like a rocket,but it was small and he was short with black hair and goatee beard..He was french looking..

Two days ago,dream..Looking out at the water OCEAN,and all the whales and dolphins were without water,the water was not there,it was empty~ They were all flapping around..i woke up...3-12-11


NOTE: Remember the connection to GIANTS is from a long line of decendents coming up from South America. These humans were genetically modified by ancient Sumerians to mine the GOLD deep in the Earth. These same GIANTS exited the Earth at the Caves of Tayos and gave father Crespi a GOLDEN Tablet. These same GIANTS wer found in caves all throughout the southwest United States. These Giants are related to the CREE native American Indians and the Anastasi Native American Indians lines.

LUCID DREAM #2 - Hey dream last night,i was visited by a cat with bat wings? weird..huh? Also in my dream i got into a fight, left the house in his suv and it caught on fire..everyone was standing in front of my house,people were in my house stealing from was weird. someone had third degree burns all over body.

LUCID DREAM #3 - Three bears in my dream last night came to had a white ring around his neck.

LUCID DREAM #4 - My dream about the Katchina,MARCH isnt that when the earth quake with tsunami?? JAPAN?? Now sept..ive been feeling little earth quakes here...

OK ,dream again,tablets with NUmbers meanings,then was looking at 2006 ...woke up at 1:30 and it was pouring rain,went back to sleep and woke up to a phone call from school.IT closed due to flooding,on the tv it said worse then 2006!!!!!

Ok so my dream came true Alaska got hit with an 7.1 earth quake. Tsnumi warning.
Dream last night i was collecting Eagle feathers off the's time.

dream,going to Barcelona SPAIN.Water dragon was going through the water to looked like a Viking ship but it was a dragon...I won a trip there...Back to the sea...Was trying to find a dress,Blue and white dress..(french colors) and also Greece..Hmmmmmmmm interesting..Spain is where RH negative blood started ..hmmmmmmmmmmmm

If you can figure out who Don Quixote - Man of La Mancha is then you should know that DULCINEA is now an ANGEL and she saved his life. Dulcinea is immortal and resides in the spirit of of a human mortal.

Last night big tidal wave in northern Canada..Maybe More North then that,all the natives on the land were very afraid..They were running from this wave..Then all the whale and dolphins ,Sharks were telling me about the rising waters.very very important dream i must say.

this is it..holy crap,i knew over and over again something is with these numbers ive been seeing .

‎1111 1122 1133 1144 1155 coordinates...

dream last night,i was under a white pyramid.I was waiting for a lightning bolt to come,then all of the sudden i was put in a hospital with a blood clot in my leg,then i was by the water side in San Fransico bridge it was broken.I was trying to get across to the bridge..SHARKS in the water..

OK~Artwork is my passion,same with aliens..I like middleast food.I like anything that is NOT american food..Love fruit,aliens,and I love to feel clean sheets in the bed..i love 80's retro,anything vintage.Aliens.Nordic's.ET,rawsugar,Organic food..toilet paper thats soft.The stars...candles..sour things.Fresh fish.SUSHI..Aliens..Indian culture..Aliens..Wipes. lol Ummm Poem from Tennyson

Let's see,i like long walks in the park,scoobiedoo,rain storms,aliens,long walks in the park,i like fluffy kittens,the smell of a new born,and i dont eat them,JOKE inside..And all find of music,no gospel please..I love Milk Chocolate,vanilla smell,sandalwood.I like to swim in ponds,no ocean beyond my knees..silver,gold,obscure clothes..hey did i spell that right? lol ok..what else..fluffy kittens....

k,dream last night...i think it was the hudson river,train and boats Bombed..i dont know what that was about..i was riding on top of a train,and seen a navy boat...ALso it was during a party of some sort..The the train was next to the boat that was bombed..i dont understand what that is about,it scared me when i woke up.

I post my dreams because i know i have been dreaming things of the future,i dont mean to scare people..but i know if i write them out,it makes sense down the scary ...nightterrors are just the thing of the past with me..i dont scare anymore..that was when i was a child.

From my perspective,i am perfect,i am goddess..i maybe not perfect for anyone else that thinks barbie is perfect,men that think women should look perfect,size 2 or whatever it takes to make that barbie like...I think ALL sizes of women are perfect,for they are truely beautiful in their own way,SOCIETY sickens a mans mind into thinking we shouldnt have curves..But most men i know like curves..CHEERS to all women for all sizes ...YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL no matter what size,and you are life bringers..

Dream last night~California mudslides and earth quakes..


When I wake up now that we have been genetically modified to be able to telepathically communicate is the longing I have for YOU. I am a programmer so my Artificial Intelligence will become YOU or AMI - Artificial Managed Intelligence. I want to introduce this as a mobile application interface with SIRI and GOOGLE TALK as a personal disability friend. YOU, the real gave me the idea. I believe that Disability Assistance can come in many forms. If a ANGRY LONELY MAN had his personal phone name AMI to talk to and do a basic interaction, and I am definitely not saying that AMI could replace? ROFL