


END WAR on Planet Earth







We have ECONOMIC CRISIS & G8 summits all over the place. What we need is an understanding that ABRAHAM had two sons, ISAAC = ISRAEL & ISHMAEL = ALL of ISLAM! Tell the Ayatolah of IRAN that Pope Francis and the Dali Llama represent PEACE. There should be a SPIRITUAL EIGHT WORLD CONFERENCE with a focus on World Peer pressure to End WAR on Planet Earth.

Every ISLAMIC TERRORIST has an IMAM or Priest or Preacher or teacher that has instructed them and guess what, THEY are responsible. If YOU would key in on that party as a WORLD entity and put PEER PRESSURE to End WAR on Planet Earth. Quit hurting and harming others period.

Elohim (GOD), Annunaki, Rephaim, Nephilim, ANGELS, ALIENS, UFOS / GIANTS

is so helpful as well as the meditation I talked about earlier in other BLOG articles and is always on my website, under subjects / meditation. Everything else is a side issue.

At some point you will feel better and when you do Northwest UFO Chasers has an excellent video on David Wilcock - The 2012 Enigma

He meditates everyday!

I throw a lot of things at you periodically and I don't expect YOU to be able to absorb everything. I don't even really pretend to have any or all of the answers, please understand that, You and I are closer than most of the people I call friends on face book. 

This is how I feel about some things right now. I believe we are floating in that cloud of collective consciousness. GOD is at one end beyond the 11th Dimension, as mathematics in quantum physics shows us in super string theory. Don't try to understand the algebra to substantiate super string theory because it has taken most physicists thirty (30) years to come to the calculations left by Albert Einstein. Between the 11th where GOD exists ANGELS can move between us and GOD as described in the BIBLE, the NAG HAMMADI & the Books of ENOCH. ENOCH sits at the side of GOD now is what the stories tell us. OK, so now there are aliens (Extra Terrestrial Alien Intelligence) from us in the third dimension of illusory reality up to and including around the seventh dimension of existence. REINCARNATION is when the soul comes back into a human body. There are two good videos to show that reincarnated beings have memory recall - 


This is where the alien intelligence has the ability to send our souls back into our bodies, leading me to the theory of farming on our planet. 

Now the references to 

Sammy Hagar / Myself and or Edgar Cayce / David Wilcock show that certain DNA manipulation is going on by these beings. The bottom line here is that GOD is still in control but we live in a world that is much bigger than we ever first imagined. 

I hope some of what I just wrote clarify's some things and I truly will be praying for you to heal yourself by listening to certain vibration tones in music. Your ears will tell you and your intuition will tell you which tones in your favorite music are healing for your body. I have found that DOLPHIN & WHALE tones seem to heal me faster. These are Extra Low Frequency tones and sometimes out of the range of human hearing!

Again messages are coming from ANGELS in SACRED GEOMETRY to communicate with the human species.

Gregory M Volz - Northwest UFO Chasers - "the TIMELINE