

CHAPTER 23 - Golden Tablets CAVES - Father Crespi  Caves Tayos Ecuador

Ancient Cultures & Civilizational Studies
Alien Intelligence and Genetic DNA Modification of the Human Species
by Gregory M Volz MS JD PHD - Ancient Cultures & Civilizations / Ufology

Father Carlos Crespi was a Silesian-monk who lived in Ecuador. He did missionary work among the Indian population in remote valleys during his lifetime. Crespi received or bought many artifacts from the indigenous people in Ecuador.

When questioned, they told him they had found them in subterranean cave systems in the jungles. As time progressed, many of these relics were brought together and kept in the courtyard of the church Maria Auxiliadora. Unfortunately, many of the artifacts were destroyed in a fire in 1962. Also, many were lost or wound up with treasure hunters.

After Father Crespi passed away, the remaining artifacts of the original collection were removed and made inaccessible to the public. Some may still be stored in the cellar archive of the church Maria Auxiliadora. The age and origin of these items is still unknown today. Father Crespi never tried to classify them. The picture motifs are strange, their meaning not understood. The most well known pieces are tablets made of silver, gold foil or other alloys with unknown letters and mysterious symbols.

Here are some SECRET linkages, GOLDEN TABLETS coming out of the Caves of Tayos and shown to father Crespi that are the same GOLDEN tablets that the ANGEL Maroni showed to Joseph Smith which are the same GOLDEN TABLETS with SYMBOLS of ANUNAKI SUMERIAN CUNEFORM MINING GOLD IN IRAQ 10,000 years ago.


The slave race, mining the GOLD, was living under ground as well as working underground. The entire planet Earth was eventually flooded (known as the Deluvian event) and followed by a great ICE AGE on the planet. The Annunaki left thinking everything was going to die off. The underground slave race made it back to the surface and came out at several locations. One location is in Ecuador at the caves of TAOS. One of the other locations is in ancient Mesopotamia in Sumer. The mythological stories of ELDORADO and the GOLD are of a city deep within the Earth. see Father Crespi Project. This priest was brought GOLD mined and guilded for the ANNUNAKI left in the hidden city of ELDORADO.

Now our past lives, embedded within our DNA, are of the lives of the original slave race and many other ancient cultures and civilizations that lived throughout time.

There is a portal in ancient Peru along an axis of cities. Starting with TIWANAKU & PUMA PUNKU to the edge of lake TITTICACA. Then the underground tunnel runs under the water in the lake down to SACSSAYHUAMAN and the PYRAMIDS of CARAL. The Anunaki used this portal to transport back to the OTHIRION in ORION.

Then right in the middle of it all I was abducted by aliens. These were NORDIC alien intelligence. Actually I was abducted by a grey alien that is a biological robot for the NORDIC alien intelligence. The modified my DNA switch sets so that I could both communicate with them telepathically and have total recall of all my past lives. The communicated that our species is really encapsulated within a distributed cloud of collective consciousness. In other words what we perceive are all the light bodied essences, floating within an atmospheric bubble on planet Earth. Well guess what? The Annunaki also have a consciousness bubble on the planet Othirion. The ANDROMEDANS have a atmospheric bubble on a planet within the PEGASUS star system.

The NORDIC alien intelligence was communicating that human alien hybrids, which are humans that have been genetically modified, are capable of mental telepathy. Not only that but they can heal others bodies, levitate, and matter manipulate (MAGIC?).

The zodiacal astrological symbolism represented in the great 26,000 year rotation cycle of the Earth represents the linkage between say AQUARIUS and SAGITARIUS. Now where this becomes important is that we are at the dawning of the age of AQUARIUS. But we have lived through the ages of LEO the LION which is the Sphynx, TAURUS signified by the MINOTAUR at Knossis on the island of Crete, the age of the RAM as in ARIES the age of the great RAMSES the II, PISCSES the age of the fish or the symbol of CHRIST, and the age of Sagitarius the centaur the age we are in today.

Now AQUARIUS will let the fire sign of Sagitarius breathe which makes perfect sense when you put this all into context. The energies that are being impacted on the two souls that I talked about earlier, are again having ENTANGLEMENT. They are feeling neuron telepathic transmission and having SYNCHRONICITY of event. This is not MAGIC but how advanced human alien hybrids that have been genetically modified advance or walk toward the new multi dimensional awakening.