

I suggest several things -

1. read CHAPTER ONE in my book click here Origination get your SUBSCRIPTION HERE - click NOW!
2. understand the POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT to Make America Great Again #MAGA
3. get EXCITED about SOLUTIONS & provide IDEAS.
4. Save these links, absorb the VIDEOS, and share the links with friends and family.
5. We are called Northwest UFO Chasers
6. VIDEO of a true Extra Terrestrial
7. try to understand the TIMELINE tool
8. is GOBEKLI TEPE Evidence of SACRIFICE Altars that GOD had us build?


What THEY, and when I say THEY I mean (Modern Academia & the United States Government) haven't told you so far is that an ADVANCED ANCIENT CULTURE & CIVILIZATION built a spaceship and left the Earth for which their own descendents are to return. These are the NEPHILIM NEANDERTHAL humans that inhabited the Earth and built the Great Pyramid at GIZA! These same beings that are NEANDERTHAL NEPHILIM inhabited the planet MARS, our MOON and built incredible Earth Ship living environments out of ROCK with exacting precision. The entire ANCIENT CULTURE & CIVILIZATION is known as the ATLANTIS CULTURE.

The INCREDIBLE part is that OUR DECENDENTS from these NEPHILIM NEANDERTHAL are the children of ISIS and then we become the Children of ISIS or the Geneology of ISIS for which the BIBLE is our reference guide. CHAPTER ONE in my book Origination and you will want to get your AMAZON KINDLE SUBSCRIPTION to be able to read the updates on Google BOOK play. In the mean time I have added a few ATLANTIS videos with some information that you are probably not receiving from the WORLD at large through the media.

When the EXTRA TERRESTRIALS arrive and they step off of that ship and they are US you might then say How did CMDR Gregory M Volz know?

Well it is the Secret Space Corps COMMAND or SSPCom. SSPCom has been prepping UDT Navy Soldiers for AQUATIC SPACE for years. Our ADVANCED Capabilities within the New Department of Defense is incredible. World Command, Atlantic Command, Pacific Command, Cyber Security Command, Central Command, Africa Command, Joint Operations Command, Naval Operations Command and many more parts to the entire global Command structure. The Satellites are pointed down upon the Earth collecting data but the INTELLIGENCE from that data that is being collected is not being provided to YOU the American Citizen.

I suggest several things -
1. read CHAPTER ONE in my book click here Origination get your SUBSCRIPTION HERE - click NOW!
2. understand the POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT to Make America Great Again #MAGA
3. get EXCITED about SOLUTIONS & provide IDEAS.
4. Save these links, absorb the VIDEOS, and share the links with friends and family.
5. We are called Northwest UFO Chasers
6. VIDEO of a true Extra Terrestrial
7. try to understand the TIMELINE tool
8. is GOBEKLI TEPE Evidence of SACRIFICE Altars that GOD had us build?

ATLANTIS - which means the ISLAND of ATLAS

Atlantis: The Lost City