


CHAPTER 1 - ORIGINATION - Aliens, Extra Terrestrials, External Biological Entities - ORIGINATION

by CMDR Gregory M Volz

Ancient Cultures & Civilization Studies
Alien Intelligence and Genetic DNA Modification of the Human Species
by Gregory M Volz MS JD PHD - Ancient Cultures & Civilizations / Ufology


My SUPPOSITION is that the BIBLICAL COVENANTS with GOD are TIMELINE markers and that Adam, SETH or SETI, ENOSH, KEENAN, MAHALEL, JARED, ENOCH, METHUSELAH, LAMECH, NOAH are genetically different than DNA in today's homo sapien.

There is prophetic linkage from the first paragraph in the BIBLE which talks of the coming of the SON of GOD or JESUS the CHRIST Emmanu-EL MESSIAH to the JEWISH who delivers ISRAEL JEWISH People Out of BONDAGE!


Adam died at the age of 930, making him the third longest living person next to Noah and Methuselah. With such numbers, calculations such as those of Archbishop Ussher would suggest that Adam would have died only about 127 years before the birth of Noah, nine generations after Adam. In other words, Adam's lifespan would have overlapped with that of Noah's father Lamech by at least fifty years. Ussher and a group of theologians and scholars in 1630 performed calculations and created a study that reported the creation of Adam on October 23, 4004 BC at 9:00 am and lived until 3074 BC. According to Genesis, Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old[1] "a son in his likeness and image."[1] The genealogy is repeated at 1 Chronicles 1:1–3. Genesis 5:4–5 states that Adam fathered "sons and daughters" before his death, aged 930 years. According to the Bible, Seth lived to the age of 912.[2]

I believe ADAM the 1st man was genetically modified in the City of ADAM which is Northeast of Bagdhad, IRAQ. The city of ADAM was established after the Garden of EDEN or EDOM.


Seth or Seti died at the age of 912. Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born[1] (but the Septuagint version gives 205 years[2]), and Seth had further sons and daughters. He was the grandson of Adam and Eve (Genesis 5:6-11; Luke 3:38). According to Seder Olam Rabbah, based on Jewish reckoning, he was born in AM 235. According to the Septuagint, it was in AM 435. 


Enos was the father of Kenan, who was born when Enos was 90 years old[3] (or 190 years, according to the Septuagint). According to the Bible he died at the age of 905. 


CAINAN died at the age of 910. Kenan (also spelled Qenan, Kainan or Cainan) Hebrew: ??????, Modern Keinan, Tiberian Kaynan ; Qên?n) was a Biblical patriarch first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible Book of Genesis as living before the Great Flood. He is also mentioned in the Genealogy of Jesus in Luke 3:36-37. A second, postdiluvian Cainan is mentioned in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Book of Genesis, in the Book of Jubilees and in the Genealogy of Jesus in Luke 3. According to Genesis 5:9-14, Kenan was a son of Enosh and a grandson of Seth. Born when Enosh was ninety years old,[1] Kenan fathered Mahalalel when he was seventy.[2] Other sons and daughters were born to Kenan before he died at 910 years of age. According to the Book of Jubilees, Kenan's mother was Noam, wife and sister of Enosh; and Kenan's wife, Mualeleth, was his sister. 


Mahalalel was a son of Kenan, son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was also the father of Jared. He appears in the Book of Genesis 5:12-17, and according to the book, he lived 895 years, placing him eighth in the records for the unusually long lifespans for the antediluvian patriarchs. Later references to Mahalalel include 1 Chronicles 1:1, Jubilees 4:14–15 and Gospel of Luke 3:37. Enoch’s first dream vision in 1 Enoch 83 recounts the dream that Enoch had in the house of Mahalalel his grandfather, and which Mahalalel explains to him.

JARED or IRID (also known as the JAREDITES) 2400BC to 600AD 

Jared - Enoch went on to marry Edna, according to Jubilees, and the sole named grandchild of Jared is Enoch's son Methuselah, the longest-living human mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 5:18, 5:21, 5:27). Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Jared's age was given as 962 years old when he died, making him the second-oldest person mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. In the Samaritan Pentateuch, his age was 62 at fatherhood and only 847 at death, making Noah the oldest and Jared the seventh-oldest.

And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." The names of the leaders are given as "Samyaza (Shemyazaz), their leader, Araqiel, Râmêêl, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Dânêl, Chazaqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Batariel, Bezaliel, Ananiel, Zaqiel, Shamsiel, Satariel, Turiel, Yomiel, Sariel."

Summit site of Qasr Antar

There is a sacred building made of hewn blocks of stone on the summit of Mount Hermon. Recently have been additionally discovered in 2003 the Qasr Chbib complex, made of two small Roman temples situated just a few hundred meters from the summit of Mount Hermon.[14]
Known as Qasr Antar, it was the highest temple of the ancient world, sitting at 2,814 metres (9,232 ft) above sea level. It was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869. Warren described the temple as a rectangular building, sitting on an oval, stone plateau without roof. He removed a limestone stele from the northwest of the oval, broke it into two pieces and carried it down the mountain and back to the British Museum, where it currently resides. An inscription on the stele was translated by George Nickelsburg to read "According to the command of the greatest a(nd) Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here." Nickelsburg connected the inscription with oath taken by the angels under Semjaza who took an oath together, bound by a curse in order to take wives in the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 6:6). Hermon was said to have become known as "the mountain of oath" by Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau. The name of God was supposed to be a Hellenized version of Baʿal or Hadad and Nickelsburg connected it with the place name of Baal-Hermon (Lord of Hermon) and the deity given by Enoch as "The Great Holy One".[15] Eusebius recognized the religious importance of Hermon in his work "Onomasticon", saying "Until today, the mount in front of Panias and Lebanon is known as Hermon and it is respected by nations as a sanctuary". It has been related to the Arabic term al-haram, which means "sacred enclosure".[14]


Enoch appears in the Book of Genesis of the Pentateuch as the seventh of the ten pre-Deluge Patriarchs. Genesis recounts that each of the pre-Flood Patriarchs lived for several centuries, had a son, lived more centuries, and then died. Enoch is considered by many to be the exception, who is said to 'not see death". (Hebrews 11:5) Furthermore, Genesis 5:22–29 states that Enoch lived 365 years which is extremely short in the context of his peers. The brief account of Enoch in Genesis 5 ends with the note that "he [was] not; for God took him". Book of Genesis. D&C 104:24 (CofC) / 107:48-49 (LDS) states that Adam ordained Enoch to the higher priesthood (now called the Melchizedek, after the great high priest) at age 25, that he was 65 when Adam blessed him, and he lived 365 years after that until he was translated, so making him 430 years old when that occurred.

Lost Book of Enoch Watchers 1 of 3 Giants Nephilims & Fallen Angels 

Books of Enoch (AUDIO)





Genesis 5:28-31 records that Lamech was 182 years old at the birth of Noah and lived for another 595 years, attaining an age at death of 777 years, five years before the Flood in the Masoretic chronology.



Quran 29:14 states that Noah had been living among the people who he was sent to for 950 years when the flood started. And, indeed, [in times long past] We sent forth Noah unto his people, and he dwelt among them a thousand years bar fifty; and then the floods overwhelmed them while they were still lost in evil doing.
GENESIS 6 Noah's ARK Movie



HAM Genesis 5:32 indicates that Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth while he was still 500 years old. (Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood in Genesis 7.) The life of Ham is related in Genesis 9:20-27. Genesis 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. 24 ¶ And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. 27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. —Authorized King James Version
Death[edit] A tomb in Pind Dadan Khan, Pakistan has been claimed by local residents to be the site of Ham's burial since 1891, when Hafiz Sham-us-Din of Gulyana, Gujrat claimed Ham had revealed this to him in a dream. A plaque on the tomb since erected over the 78 foot long grave site states that Ham, locally revered as a prophet, was buried there after living 536 years.[11][12]



Kush, also spelled Cush (/k??, k??/; Biblical: ?????? Kûš), was, according to the Bible, the eldest son of Ham, who was a son of Noah. He was the brother of Mizraim (Egypt), Canaan (land of Canaan), and Phut, and the father of the Biblical character Nimrod mentioned in the "Table of Nations" in the Genesis 10:6 and I Chronicles 1:8. Cush is traditionally considered the eponymous ancestor of the people of the "land of Cush," an ancient territory that is believed to have been located on either side or both sides of the Red Sea. As such, "Cush" is alternately identified in Scripture with the kingdom of Kush, ancient Aethiopia, and/or the Arabian peninsula.[1]

ðîøåã NIMROD 

Ninus (Greek: Íßíïò)



Isaac (/?a?z?k/;[1] Hebrew: ???????, Modern Yitskhak, Tiberian Yi???q, ISO 259-3 Yiç?aq, "[he] will laugh"; Ancient Greek: ????? Isaak Arabic: ?????? or ?????[a] ?Is??q) as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, was the second son of Abraham, the only son Abraham had with his wife Sarah, and the father of Jacob and Esau. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born, and Sarah was past 90. According to the Genesis narrative, Abraham brought Isaac to Mount Moriah, where, at God's command, Abraham built a sacrificial altar to sacrifice Isaac. This event served as a test of Abraham's faith. At the last moment an angel stopped him. Isaac was one of the three patriarchs of the Israelites. Isaac was the only biblical patriarch whose name was not changed, and the only one who did not move out of Canaan. Compared to Abraham and Jacob, the Bible relates fewer incidents of Isaac's life. He died when he was 180 years old, making him the longest-lived of the three.






MeHeShiYA Mahasiah 

JESUS ????????? MeHeShiYA Mahasiah - To live in peace with everyone. Governs high science, occult philosophy, theology, the liberal arts. Learns easily, keen for honest pleasures. Influence time and dates 01:21 - 01:40 10th April until the 14th April inclusively MAHASIAH. His attribute is God saviour . He corresponds to the holy name of Teut or Theuth , after the Egyptian language. His ray begins at the 21st degree up to the 25th degree inclusive, corresponding to the third decade and the angel called Seket, under the influence of Venus; he rules over the following five days: 24th March, 4th June, 14th August, 26th October and 6th January. His invocation is performed from 1:20am till 1:40am. One invokes this angel to live in peace with the entire world; - Again, his disciples said: Tell us clearly how they came down from the invisibilities, from the immortal to the world that dies? The perfect Saviour said: Son of Man consented with Sophia, his consort, and revealed a great androgynous light. Its male name is designated 'Saviour, begett




ñîéøîéñ - SEMERAMIS

SEMERAMIS - Ancient history tells an very interesting story about a mother and child which eventually becomes a major motif throughout most world cultures. The mother’s name is Semiramis and her child’s name was Tammuz. In this article, we will focus on the identity of the mother: Who is Semiramis? According to the historian Eusebius, Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod. In the Sumerian language, her name is “Sammur-amat.” According to less trustworthy traditions, Semiramis was Noah’s granddaughter, and both the mother and wife of Nimrod.According to various legends, Semiramis became pregnant after engaging in an adulterous affair while married to Nimrod. Around this same time, Nimrod dies an violent and untimely death. In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. She publicly declares that upon Nimrod’s death he had been resurrected as the god of the Sun. As the Sun god, Nimrod used his sun rays to miraculously inseminate Semiramis with a child. This child was thus considered to be divinely conceived. The child’s name was Tammuz, which she claimed was the reincarnated Nimrod. (Thus, Semiramis was both Nimrod’s wife and mother.) After the scattering that occurs at the Tower of Babel, this story of the miraculous conception of this child disseminated throughout the world and led to the rise of the various birth-death-rebirth cults that are littered through history. These mystery religions of future generations adopted different names for Semiramis and her child, Tammuz. 

THOTH - Hermes Trismegistus 

Éçóïýò - THEUTH - Ancient Greek: ?ñì?ò ? ÔñéóìÝãéóôïò, "thrice-greatest Hermes" 

- in the Books of ENOCH - the fallen Angels are put in ALSBEJAIL so my thought is that GOD coming down through the dimensions blasted some holes in some rock underground and well, The first section of the book depicts the interaction of the fallen angels with mankind; Sêmîazâz compels the other 199 fallen angels to take human wives to "beget us children". "And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.'. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." The names of the leaders are given as "Samyaza (Shemyazaz), their leader, Araqiel, Râmêêl, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Dânêl, Chazaqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Batariel, Bezaliel, Ananiel, Zaqiel, Shamsiel, Satariel, Turiel, Yomiel, Sariel." In Chapter 10 in the Books of Enoch - The one who brings FIRE and is put in the Earth by the LORD. And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening 5 in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may 6,7 not see light.

The Cross of Thoth

Searching for Extra Terrestrial Life seems so silly when you are ENLIGHTENED to the FACT that the message is coming in a band of LIGHT that is within YOU and YOU are connected to the SUN & the SUN is connected to the GALAXY and the GALAXY to the UNIVERSE of which ALL are swirling as in the GOLDEN RATIO but un - swirling the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM and the message is embedded within the LIGHT STREAM which is the RESONANCE WORD of GOD or also called the PRIMORDIAL HUM! So if you are here you are now ENLIGHTENED and the ANALYSIS of the LIGHT STREAM or WORD of GOD can begin! 



3. god(S) is EL-OHIM and OHIM = (s) so EL-ohim = god(s) 

4. SETH = SETI the THIRD son of Adam & Eve 

The ANSWERS come from GOD in LIGHT or the GREAT LIGHT STREAM which is embedded within the SUN and YOU. 

A Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Octagon or each represents a SYMBOL of LANGUAGE from GOD ! 

Your work is EXCELLENT.

EL = GOD but EL - OHIM = god(s) .

SHIVA = King Nemrut or NIMROD -

Speed of Light or Golden Ratio minus Pi = 3 x 10 to the eight which equals velocity divided by frequency or 3 x 10 to the eighth = velocity / 432 Hz or a musical note C# or F# frequency embedded within the SUN as the Holy Spirit and the MOON = MARDUK the WATCHER ! The 12 is significant in the rotation of the planet Earth as the SPHYNX looks off the HORIZON or HORUS as the earth spins and it sees constellations in time like TAURUS the BULL or BA - EL brother god then ARIES the RAM Ramses the II then PICSES the fish or Jesus the CHRIST to the age of AQUARIUS we are moving into now. CONSCIOUSNESS resides not within the host body but is a TIAMAT or NATIVE to SPACE travel element. BAAL the deceiver want the children sacrificed just as he demanded from the PHOENICIAN CANAANITES of which Abraham was going to sacrifice ISSAC but covenant with GOD stopped the ABRAHAM CANAANITE and those are the IS - RA - EL or RA means SUN EL means GOD IS from the DNA of ISIS. The brother of ISAAC is IS MA EL or MA means Moon Marduk GOD . There was a nuclear event between UR and CAIRO or ENLIL and ENKI. ENKI is ENOCH ! Golden tablets that were the battery source of the capacitor within the pyramid at GIZA! same tablets are given to Joseph Smith by MARONI.

The BONE DENSITY of NEANDERTHAL is what SHIVA or King Nemrut or King NIMROD was! KRISNA or CHRIST his brother also NEANDERTHAL. NEANDERTHAL = NEPHILIM There were NEANDERTHAL or NEPHILIM on the Earth in those days Genesis 6. KRISNA CHRIST ENKI was King NIMRODs brother the two were also known as ENKI and ENLIL. They lived for 1000 years and were blue! NOT HU - MANS. But their intelligence genetically created the HOMO SAPIEN or HU - MAN in the garden of EDOM or EDEN.

The same INTELLIGENCE has communicated with man in a covenant for fruit bearing SHRUBS & TREES in garden of EDOM with ADAM - U . then from SETH or SETI in the Halls of Amenti as statue today comes ADAMU SETH ENOSH KENAAN MAHAL- EL JARED ENOCH METHUSELAH LAMECH NOAH and the COVENANT for domestication of Animal DNA project IBIS in tubes in EGYPT today! Then third COVENANT ISAAC brother ISMAEL or all of ISLAMIC MUSLIM Fundamentalism identified in DNA. HINDU is KRISNA CHRIST brother SHIVA or King NIMROD also known as ENLIL and wiped out by NUKES! EVIDENCE at Mohenjo Daro! 

DID, The United States GOVERNMENT find these SYMBOLS inside an Alien Space Craft?

CURRENT EVENTS - the Atlantean THOTH HERMES TRISMEGISTUS and bringing LIGHT to the world of darkness as we progress in a 26000 year pre-cession cycle of the Earth's rotational orbit. To realize Ancient Cultures & Civilizations have come and gone within 26,000 year CYCLES is KEY!

The EXTRA TERRESTRIAL Fallen ANGELS of GOD come down during the Age of JARED.

There is the FACT that the EXTRA TERRESTRIAL Angel of GOD known as the Emmanu-EL Messiah Jesus the CHRIST was connected to the Angels by that EL.

THOTH tells us to keep the WISDOM a SECRET! 

The SPACE SHIP that traveled through multiple dimensions is buried under the SPHYNX on the GIZA plateau according to TABLET 5 of THOTH. 


ELECTRO-MAGNETISM at 299.792 where (c) equals the SPEED of LIGHT and (v) equals Oscillating Frequency and Lambda Character equals WAVELENGTH. 

What is the WAVELENGTH and what message did GOD have for US?

Searching for Extra Terrestrial Life seems so silly when you are ENLIGHTENED to the FACT that the message is coming in a band of LIGHT that is within YOU and YOU are connected to the SUN & the SUN is connected to the GALAXY and the GALAXY to the UNIVERSE of which ALL are swirling as in the GOLDEN RATIO but un - swirling the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM and the message is embedded within the LIGHT STREAM which is the RESONANCE WORD of GOD or also called the PRIMORDIAL HUM! So if you are here you are now ENLIGHTENED and the ANALYSIS of the LIGHT STREAM or WORD of GOD can begin!

To see the world of ATLANTIS in your MINDS EYE is KEY to this exercise. FLOATING 200 TON BLOCKS by means of Electro Magnetism which is embedded within the RESONANCE WORD of GOD. Nothing else is needed since the SPEED of LIGHT is CONSTANT at 3.00 x 10 to the 8th Electro Magnetism hums at 299.792 kmps and the INVERSE Velocity represented as (v) can be obtained. These are but the beginnings of the extraction of information coming from the GREAT LIGHT STREAM! 

NIMROD = SHIVA = ENLIL and his wife SEMERAMIS illegitimate impregnation & TAMMUZ = MURUGAN their son reincarnated through the SUN LIGHT. 


When Enki ENOCH Sri Rama Krisna and Enlil NIMROD NEMRUT SHIVA fight in VIMANAS and the NUCLEAR fission is expelled they find the only thing that can clean the ATMOSPHERE is GOLD! 

BAAL the CANAANITE god married to ISHTAR ISIS.

That the CROSS with a circle becomes the ASTRONOMICAL TOOL in a video called the CROSS of THOTH. 

That the MITOCHONDRIAL DNA of the ISIS from the GEN - ISIS comes from EVE out of Africa and we followed her transition path along our Northwest UFO Chasers Historical Timeline.

"What WE and when I say WE, I mean the ones that think they own the world with a MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX or a DARK WING of the Pentagon and the Defense Intelligence Agency really knows is that each of us is a being that lives an indeterminate period of existence but we REINCARNATE human bio capsules for 100 year time periods. We also know that we have access to turning on in the DNA the ability for anybody to remember all of their past existences within a very lengthy time frame of existence. Pi - Golden Ratio = Speed of Light yes but T*VxD or Time Displacement of the concscious soul is the PROOF of the ENTANGLEMENT THEORY but between location points and a singular human CONSCIOUSNESS! ", stated CMDR Gregory M Volz 

PREMISE is the Correlation of the Biblical Literature to what transpired on Earth from an Ancient Alien Perspective! Northwest UFO Chasers CMDR Gregory M Volz is in Support of Dr Spencer Wells GENOGRAPHIC Project, Richard Dolans UFO Research, Georgio Tousakolos Ancient Astronaut Theory, Jordan Maxwell for interpretation. To understand that the ARCHEO ASTRONOMICAL calculations embedded within the Great Pyramid at GIZA to include Pi the Golden Ratio & the Speed of Light. 

Before you launch into the best BLOG you have ever experienced I want you to know this is all theoretical conjecture and we wish you to understand that we will be talking about three different time periods. The first time period will be when the GIANTS lived on the Earth. The second time period encompasses from Adam & Eve - SETH to NOAH in Hebrew Zisudra in Babylonian. The third time period will be after the FLOOD brought to Earth by GOD to wipeout the genetic line of CAIN or CANAANITES. The mathematical precision built into the great Pyramid at Giza or Pi minus Golden Ratio = Speed of Light or to envision a Square with a Ball inside with a Triangle inside the Ball and all three dimensionally and the representation of that are stonehenges which is the understanding of Archeo Astronomy in Stonhenges but the worship of BAAL the CANAANITE MOLOCH god. Even ISAAC the son of Abraham was going to be sacrificed to BAAL and the one true GOD said put your son ISAAC on a stone and sacrifice him to me. As ISAAC was about to bring the knife down to kill his own son, the one true GOD stopped him and covenented with Abraham the father of ISAAC ISRAEL and ISMAEL. We can then trace the lineage of ABRAHAM back to Adam & Eve and their third son SETH in HEBREW but SETI in Egyptian Babylonian. 


however our human species on earth is in a PARADOX by the ARCHONS !




SETH the third son of Adam & Eve, the GRANDFATHER to ENOCH, MATHUSELAH, NOAH becomes a PHAROAH in ABYDOS, was a NEANDERTHAL and lived 969 YEARS! 

for PROOF of what I have stated above -


The Ancient Advanced Intelligence and the FLOOD account is looking more and more like from 4.5 BILLION YEARS until 4.5 MILLION YEARS DINOSAURS, a FLOOD, then MAN, from 4.5 MILLION or until or a species of NEANDERTHAL was enlightened by eating of the TREE of KNOWLEDGE or was it the TREE of WISDOM? YES, ADAM & EVE were NEANDERTHAL. CAIN MURDERS his brother ABLE who's lineage is cursed by GOD for committing MURDER and the lineage become known as the CANAANITES.

BAAL the CANAANITE god was married to ISIS ISHTAR!

ABRAHAM a CANAANITE was about to sacrifice his son to BAAL the CANAANITE god when GOD stopped ABRAHAM and mad a pact or agreement called a COVENANT.

BAAL or MOLOCH was the SUPREME GOD of the CANAANITES. ASHTOROTH was his wife and sister also known as ISHTAR INAANA ISIS ESTHER or

This DOCUMENTARY from the Video Library shows a connection to ISIS ISHTAR and the FLOOD account through the Epic tale of Gilgamesh

 A Tale of the Goddess Ishtar

On this next chart if we take the Y chromosome marker from father to son and establish a point on a TIMELINE then we can approximate the YEARS ALIVE accounting for the fact that from ADAMU to LAMECH we have high density bone structure and a DNA that shows YEARS ALIVE less than 1000. The Book of Moses is itself an excerpt from Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, which is published in full, complete with these chapters concerning Enoch, by Community of Christ, as the Holy Scriptures/Inspired Version of the Bible, where it appears as part of the Book of Genesis. D&C 104:24 (CofC) / 107:48-49 (LDS) states that Adam ordained Enoch to the higher priesthood (now called the Melchizedek, after the great high priest) at age 25, that he was 65 when Adam blessed him, and he lived 365 years after that until he was translated, so making him 430 years old when that occurred.The MAGIC or MAJI K came when I found out that CUSH the son of HAM the son of NOAH had a son named NIMROD or NEMRUT and also while researching ANGELS that THEUTH greek THOTH egyptian an Atlantean who is immortal and came back to us as the CHRIST. We have a new AGE CONVERGENCE in Ancient Astronaut Theory with both MUSLIMS & CHRISTIANS to include the GNOSIS or Secret Gnostic Knowledge of more than the KUHNDALINI being on the inside for what I am conjecturing here is the transportation of the human soul external to the body as a outer space transport subject! If you look closely at the TABLE above and watch the videos to substantiate what I am saying and the messages are being broadcast loud and clear by the extra terrestrial ANGELS of GOD! 


The ancient MAJI of Sumeria wore pointy caps and knew astrology. The word MAJI is a derivative of the word MAJIK or today we say MAGIC. However this was an understanding of what had transpired and was embedded within the human DNA. What I am saying is that we were on to a linkage of a shared belief system through multiple ancient cultures and civilizations. 

It is extremely important to understand that the knowledge that the MAJI at NEMRUT under King NIMROD was ARCHEO ASTRONOMICAL in nature. The same mathematical calculations show
Pi - Golden Ratio = Speed of Light in calculations that are represented in STONEHENGES all over the planet. The STONEHENGES became the sacrifice alters to BAAL the CANAANITE god.

GOD or GOD(s)?

The ELOHIM for which EL means god and OHIM means plural, see first part of video below to substantiate, so GOD's or the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence had created the atmosphere on planet Earth as well as a RE-CREATION of man in the GOD's images. The pieces of the puzzle come together when you understand that NEANDERTHAL was the design and lived much longer because of their bone structure.

ADAM, SETH or SETI, ENOSH, KEENAN, MAHALEL, JARED, ENOCH, MATHUSELAH, LAMECH, NOAH may have been Neanderthal or at least before translation or genetic engineering of ENOCH to create man in GOD'S image as homo sapien living for an estimated 100 years. Now the Earth is in a natural eliptical orbit lasting about 26,000 years and at one end closest to the sun FIRE or ARMAGEDDON and at the other end ICE ENCAPSULATION. The ICE encapsulation of the Earth is what is meant by the GOD's when the true PHONECIAN CANAANITE HEBREW translation of the bible is understood

This is probably the most important DOCUMENTARY to watch and at the end will show a CLOCK on the Giza Plateau. Without preconceived notions WATCH the Video. The stars of which are one set being MANS HEAD on LIONS BODY or SPHYNX. As the Earth would rotate the SPHYNX could project up into the night sky a lighted pointer. The ANCIENT builders of these pyramids and maybe NOT the Egyptians had the following mathematical precision formula, Pi minus the Golden Ratio equals the Speed of Light embedded within the design leaving those seeking spiritual GNOSTIC knowledge definitive answers.

after watching the DOCUMENTARY and following the line around the Earth starting from Easter Island to Peru to Petra to Damascus to Ankor Wat, in other words, pyramids built along this line around the Earth leads to a conjecture, "DID a PYRAMID with NUCLEAR CAPABILITY BLOW UP on PLANET EARTH by CMDR Gregory M Volz of Northwest UFO Chasers"?

GOD our LORD or the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence was genetically modifying hominid species. The point of communication was the story in CAIN & ABLE! The LORD or the Intelligence, after finding out CAIN murdered ABLE, the LORD CURSED the DNA Lineage of CAIN the CANAANITES and or (GOD the Lord or the EXTRA TERRESTRIAL Intelligence blessed the third brother SETH or SETI from Adam and Eve. 

There is a TIME BLOCK from the ADAM & EVE to CAIN, ABLE, SETH or SETI to ENOSH to KENAN to MAHALALEL (the name of an Angel) to JARED to ENOCH to METHUSELAH to LAMECH to NOAH who has sons one of them being SHEM the other HAM and then we get ABRA - HAM or the DNA lineage after HAM! The two sons of ABRAHAM are ISAAC & ISMAEL. One becomes the Jewish people the other the people called ISLAMIC MUSLIM Arabs today. Then ISAAC has two sons one ESAU the other JACOB. ESAU becomes the EDOMites and JACOB the ISRAELites. Remember ESAU has the RED HAIR DNA MARKER that links us back with evidence and PROOF of infusion from GIANTS.

Historical Northwest UFO Chasers TIME

Geneology of 

 or the GEN-ISIS or Genesis the first chapter of the Bible.

remember the four stars in that special geometry built into the great pyramid at giza one being the EASTERN STAR (giggle....) , remember SUN rises in the east and sets in the WEST? But those stars are navigational points on the horizons of earth looked at by the great Sphynx who represents two sides of that zodiacal constellation LEO and AQUARIUS (by the way a Therianthrope!) the other two were Scorpio or the eagle in ancient times and its zodiacal counter part representing an eliptical orbit of either the moon or the sun. So the animal resresentations = constellations = star points = rotational eliptical orbit an d the clocks are the stone works in and at Stonehenge. The thing is BAAL & ISHTAR are worshipped ( KEEP OPEN MIND I DO)

Baal (Allah) and Ashtaroth (Easter) in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
So the SUN rises in the EAST or EAST STAR or EASTER or ISHTAR INANNA ISIS ? The CHRIST Jesus represents, to the Christians, resurrection and re-birth of the SPIRIT within man returning to GOD!



ISIS is married to BAAL and who the CANAANITES were worshiping to then to correlate the switch in ESTHER of the new testament that says PURIM is the act of ESTHER that saved an entire village but the story is debated today!

In the DOCUMENTARY they say PURIM is the act of ESTHER that saved an entire village but the story is debated today. I thought you might be interested to know that your true name stands for the defiance of women to have oppression by men in the story of Esther. 

I was researching ISHTAR / INANNA who as a goddess called on her father ANU to give her the BULL to fight ENKIDU & GILGAMESH. This is funny because of the story of GILGAMESH being the NOAH FLOOD account. The key here is the sacrificing of the BULLS parts that were thrown at ISHTAR by ENKIDU & GILGAMESH after they killed the BULL. CULTS during age of TAURUS sacrificing BULLS parts in large bowls all over outskirts of Egypt!

My connection in my science fiction novel is the ISIS link to ISHTAR. ISIS and OSIRIS & THOTH. ISHTAR INNANNA ISIS ? Geneology of ISIS.

We have the DNA of the third son of EVE in HEBREW or ISHTAR INANNA ISIS Egyptian used in the Geneology of ISIS or the GENESIS of mankind, but Eve's son SETI of ABYDOS a MENKAUREN told of by KHEMETICS! SETI or SETH in HEBREW

I started this research years ago at the Rosecrucian in San Jose.

Scientific Evidence of Ancient PHOENICIAN HEBREW found in North America has led the Advanced Intelligence Community to believe that the Phoenicians are the CANAANITE'S with genetic markers in their human genomes to show specific ascendancy.

During the formation of LIFE or CREATURES by GOD our LORD or the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, according to the books of Enoch, the LORD was sitting in a DIMENSION and because of our human nature in a place beyond CORRUPTION. An entity known as the PISTIS SOPHIA was watching as an Angel named Sama-EL a extra terrestrial working for GOD created and boasted about LIFE inside a LION. The PISTIS SOPHIA criticized the worker for boasting saying that there was no SOUL or SPIRIT within the Animal. 

The ancient Sumerians talk of this ISIS that could fly to the MOON? The genetic engineers on a team of twelve and ISIS was the name of one of them. ISIS also was the daughter of ANU, the lead genetic engineer from the ORION BELT? This is the same individual that the team took genetic material and made both LILITH and EVE. This process was referred to as the GENEOLOGY of ISIS or GENESIS.

On account of the reality of the authorities, (inspired) by the spirit of the father of truth, the great apostle – referring to the "authorities of the darkness" – told us that "our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the universe and the spirits of wickedness." I have sent this (to you) because you inquire about the reality of the authorities.

Their chief is blind; because of his power and his ignorance and his arrogance he said, with his power, "It is I who am God; there is none apart from me." When he said this, he sinned against the entirety. And this speech got up to incorruptibility; then there was a voice that came forth from incorruptibility, saying, "You are mistaken, Samael" – which is, "god of the blind."

His thoughts became blind. And, having expelled his power – that is, the blasphemy he had spoken – he pursued it down to chaos and the abyss, his mother, at the instigation of Pistis Sophia. And she established each of his offspring in conformity with its power - after the pattern of the realms that are above, for by starting from the invisible world the visible world was invented. read HYPOSTASIS of the ARCHONS

GOD our LORD or the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence was genetically modifying hominid species. The point of communication was the story in CAIN & ABLE! The LORD or the Intelligence, after finding out CAIN murdered ABLE, the LORD CURSED the DNA Lineage of CAIN the CANAANITES and or (GOD the Lord or the EXTRA TERRESTRIAL Intelligence blessed the third brother SETH or SETI from Adam and Eve. 

There is a TIME BLOCK from the ADAM & EVE to CAIN, ABLE, SETH or SETI to ENOSH to KENAN to MAHALALEL (the name of an Angel) to JARED to ENOCH to METHUSELAH to LAMECH to NOAH who has sons one of them being SHEM the other HAM and then we get ABRA - HAM or the DNA lineage after HAM! The two sons of ABRAHAM are ISAAC & ISMAEL. One becomes the Jewish people the other the people 
called ISLAMIC MUSLIM Arabs today. Then ISAAC has two sons one ESAU the other JACOB. ESAU becomes the EDOMites and JACOB the ISRAELites. Remember ESAU has the RED HAIR DNA MARKER that links us back with evidence and PROOF of infusion from GIANTS.


METHUSELAH was the great great grandson of ENOCH. Was MATHUSELAH a NEANDERTHAL that lived to 969 years old? According to the Hebrew Bible, Methuselah was the oldest person to ever live. Extra-biblical tradition maintains that he died on the 11th of Cheshvan of the year 1656, at the age of 969, seven days before the beginning of the Great Flood. 


We are all related to METHUSELAH by GENESIS. Genesis is the geneology of ISIS. ISIS is ISHTAR INANNA the wife of ANU. ANU is the lead genetic engineering scientist that came to planet Earth from the Orion belt at least once during a complete rotation of the Earth's precessional rotation cycle of 26,000 years. We found the sacred geometry built into the structures on the GIZA plateau in EGYPT. The EGYPTIAN PYRAMID is a HYDROGEN high to low frequency resonating chambered water pump! The man that built the SECRET chamber for his father ENOCH was METHUSELAH. Two GOLDEN tablets that were inside the ARK of the covenant were hidden in a VAULT nine levels deep under MT MORIAH. The ARK however was transported from and to EGYPT periodically to invoke the NUCLEAR (the two golden tablets with something SECRET in-between) power source to make the HYDROGEN WATER PUMP run forever.

after watching the DOCUMENTARY and following the line around the Earth starting from Easter Island to Peru to Petra to Damascus to Ankor Wat, in other words, pyramids built along this line around the Earth leads to a conjecture, 


by CMDR Gregory M Volz of Northwest UFO Chasers.



According to the Hebrew Bible, Methuselah was the oldest person to ever live. Extra-biblical tradition maintains that he died on the 11th of Cheshvan of the year 1656, at the age of 969, seven days before the beginning of the Great Flood. 

Spouse: Edna

Parents: Enoch, Edna

Children: Lamech, Rakel

Some how I seem to know METHUSELAH the son of ENOCH. Methuselah had a son named LAMECH. LAMECH is the father of NOAH. 

post GIANTS is NOAH since GOD flooded the Earth to eradicate a wicked species according to scripture. Now NOAH had three sons but HAM is the important DNA lineage in that there are four sons MISRAIM, CAANAN and two others. The MISRAIM line is ANAK and ultimately type King Og of Bashan mentioned in the bible. the line of CAANAN ite is GATH or GOLIATH a PHILISTINE HITTITE! The line of decendent under MISRAIM sailed to the AMERICAS and are the 7-9 ft GIANTS with two rows of teeth. 

Now NOAH had three sons but HAM is the important DNA lineage for GIANTS in that there are four sons MISRAIM, CANAAN and two others. The MISRAIM line is ANAK and ultimately type King Og of Bashan mentioned in the bible. the line of CANAAN ite is GATH or GOLIATH a PHILISTINE HITTITE! 

King Og of Bashan was an Amorite.

The CANAANITES circum-navigated the globe and are the same people in North America that the Mormons talk about. They are also the GIANTS with double rows of teeth and the taste for human blood as in cannibalism. This is the same line of ascendancy and genetic defect that the Intelligence or LORD wanted to wipe out on planet Earth. We that now live in this generation need to realize that this is a spiritual war that has been going on for all of eternity since the duality occurred. The duality was the eating and awakening in the garden of Eden or the laboratory in the genetic manipulation and modification of hominid or human species.

The first three CLANS to Transition Out of Africa from a place known as EDOM in Babylonian EDEN in Jewish Hebrew are the CANAANITES, EDOMITES, AMORITES (King Og of Bashan was an Amorite). The ones National Geographic is calling the SOLUTREANS are the CANAANITES who came to North America and are talked about by Written record. Script of ancient Phonecian Canaanite text has surfaced which becomes EVIDENCE as we present our table of authority to the one true GOD who sits in a realm of incorruptibility. It was the Pistis Sophia who united with the Emanuel to deliver mankind and she came from the two levels toward GOD. Samael had boasted about putting LIFE inside an animal. The GNOSTIC knowledge is clear from the Books of ENOCH. 

The Babylonian Sumerian, EGYPTIAN, Jewish Hebrew ISRAELITE are the three ancient cultures and civilizations that shared the knowledge about where we come from. If you look at the following picture please NOTICE SETH the third son of EVE is SETI of EGYPT, NOT SETI the First but an older ABYDOS Megalithic contruction Pharoah named SETH or the third son of Adam & Eve. ENKI is ENOCH. 

Was Seth the Egyptian the same as Seth the son of Adam or are the names false cognates?

Alexander Seinfeld, degrees in Classical Studies, ancient Jewish history and Rabbinic texts

Interesting hypothesis. 

The earliest representations of what may be the Set animal comes from a tomb dating to theNaqada I phase of the Predynastic Period(3790 BC–3500 BC), though this identification is uncertain. If these are ruled out, then the earliest Set-animal appears on a mace head of the King Scorpion, a protodynastic ruler. The head and the forked tail of the Set animal are clearly present.[9]

According to Jewish tradition, Adam's son Seth was born in 3631 BCE. 

Therefore, at first glance, the dates support your hypothesis.

According to what is noted in my research and in Wikipedia, Seth (Hebrew: שֵׁתֿ, Standard Šet, Tiberian Šēṯ; Arabic: شيث‎ Shith or Shiyth or Sheeth; placed; appointed"), in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, was the third son of Adam and Eve and brother of Cain and Abel, who were the only other of their children mentioned by name. According to Genesis 4:25, Seth was born after Abel's murder, and Eve believed God had appointed him as a replacement for Abel.

The Biblical Seth is an Egyptian god.

Shid(t)h or Seth is a Hebrew name which is translated 'substitute' because of the fiasco involving the death of Abel by Cain, or Khyan.

There is a faint whiff of Egyptian about this name and of Biblical Seth because in Egyptian the name Seth is writtenst (Set, Sut, or Sety). Now, the name of the goddess Isis is written asAst (meaning 'throne'), which contains the name of Set or Seth. Was the Egyptian Set a 'substitute' for the goddess Isis? We know from historical records that the earliest religion in Egypt was the mother goddess and her son the heir to the throne. In the Bible Seth is the son of Adam, and in ancient Egyptian religion at Heliopolis (the original Jerusalem!) the all-father of Set was Atum or Atum-Re in the solar aspect. Set was originally a stellar god associated with the never setting stars of the North along with his mother, thus the throne of Egypt was brought down from the heavens.

Going back to the meaning of the name Seth. I am told that there is a root name in the wordChet. This must be the Egyptian Khet, another name for Set. In Greek Khet is cognate withKad, that is, Kadmus ("the east" and "to shine"). In Egypt Set was known as 'the Dazzler' or "shining one".

In the Bible Seth has a son, Enosh. This confirms Seth as an Egyptian god. Enosh is the Egyptian wolf-hound or Anush. The Bible says that at this time people began to call upon the name of the Lord. Anush was considered the first prophet in Egypt, with the meaning of "to call out" or "announce". Anush is also Anubis, the jackal-god, who was the "Anouncer of the Ways". Isaiah's prophecy of making a way in the wilderness for the one crying out has to be the Anubis animal, whom in the Egyptian myth used honey as a libation of annointing. Anubis was said to feed on the locusts in Deshret (wilderness or desert) which completes the motif.

There is yet more tantalising evidence that the Hebrew Seth really was the Egyptian god Seth. The Gnostic Sethians regarded Seth as the first of the perfected race, which in Egypt could have been either Atum or Atum-Re or even Seth himself, the race of those who principally worshipped Seth alone. But the Gnostic Seth was associated with the serpent, which in Egypt was a form of Apophis, and then later Seth, or Sutekh according to King Apophis of Egypt. Everything to do with the desert in Egypt became associated with Set or Seth. The image of Seth as the desert dwelling god stuck in Christian times when Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness. The motif of Jesus being tempted to turn rocks into bread is an obvious allusion to Seth's evil power over that of Horus, whose power is of the leavened bread.

I hope this helps explain the connection of the Biblical Adam and the Egyptian god Seth.

My premise is not just alien substantiation at all though, what I had to do was something impossible and that is to make sense of the Nag Hammadi, Books of Enoch, Bible. What Origination really tries to accomplish and I am going to be doing rewrites continuously is, to make sense of what happened. We have different sciences at play Archeology, Geology, Egyptology, but most important GENEALOGY, or the extraction of a species GENOME. Today Dr Spencer Wells funded by Watson & Crick grants at Stanford secret NEANDERTHAL GENOME project which was the genetically engineered slave race to mine the gold, however my recent research is bleeding edge and if I could just share the vision it is incredible, OK they found GIANTS in stone structures all across the United States of America and the Smithsonian Institution is keeping it all buried and secret but the GENOME proves beyond doubt a separate lineage but here is how. 

Assume we have pre or before and post or after DELUGE or FLOOD. So we then have evidence of pre and post GIANTS. 

post GIANTS is NOAH since GOD flooded the Earth to eradicate a wicked species according to scripture. Now NOAH had three sons but HAM is the important DNA lineage for GIANTS in that there are four sons of HAM, MISRAIM, CANAAN and two others. The MISRAIM line is ANAK and ultimately type King Og of Bashan mentioned in the bible. the line of CANAAN ite is GATH or GOLIATH a PHILISTINE HITTITE! The line of decedent under MISRAIM sailed to the AMERICAS and are the 7-9 ft GIANTS with two rows of teeth.

Mysterious Stone Chambers & Giants Discovered in New England- Jim Vieira 

The genetic engineering enhancement shows up in Archeological evidence as well as writing with passage here in the bible.

JUDGES - Sampson fought GIANTS known as the PHIILISTINES. In the biblical book of Judges, Lehi (Lehy) is a place name, denoting the location where Samson defeated a squad of Philistine warriors using a donkey's jawbone or lehy hamor as a weapon (see Judges 15:9—15). It must have been quite a fight! So remarkable was it that in later Judean memory the place was also calledRamat-lehy, spelled "Ramath-lehi" in our KJV Bible, meaning "Jawbone Height." The biblical meaning of the proper place name Lehi, then, was unquestionably "jawbone." The term was used to mean either "jaw" or "cheek."

The Beginning,

What is so fantastic is that in GENESIS of the BIBLE it mentions ENOCH. So after GOD creates then we are left with ADAM & EVE. EVE gives birth to CAIN & ABLE. CAIN murders ABLE but EVE conceives again and SETH is born. 

To SETH was born a son named ENOSH. This is where I believe that ENOCH, ENOSH ENKI SUMERIAN may be the same genetically enhanced modified being. ENOCH was taken by the ANGEL URIEL and after the genetic modification of ENOCH, not only was he able to communicate with them through the interpretation of musical notes but was inserted with advanced designs for TEMPLES on Earth. This is where this individual was TRANSLATED. To be TRANSLATED means to gain the ability to telepathically communicate with the advanced ANGEL extra terrestrials.

Giants - 

Genesis 6:2- the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. Then the Lord said, “My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. This results in the creation of the Nephilim (Genesis) or Anakim/Anak (Giants) as they are described in the book: "And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells[62]: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood." It also discusses the teaching of humans by the fallen angels chiefly Azâzêl: "And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon."

Deuteronomy Chapter 3, Verse 11 - "For only OG King of Bashan remained, of the remnants of the Rephaim"


We will come back to POST DELUVIAN / GIANTS. Lets discuss

PRE DELUVIAN / GIANTS or beings on planet earth prior to NOAH. 

its looking like the Sumerians, Egyptians & IS-RA-EL ites all had a trinity story about the ORION's BELT location. The correlation of the books of ENOCH, Nag Hammadi & Bible actually showing the genetic lines back to the EDOMITES or the people from the garden of EDOM or EDEN. These EDOMITES are decended from SETH the son of EVE the second wife of ADAMU who's first wife was LILITH or EN-LIL's daughter. EN-KI & EN-LIL each was given KI = Land and LIL = OCEAN. EDOM or ED-EN and the EN references the EN in EN-LIL's & ENKI's name. That's why we have these stories of Namor the Submariner who is ENLIL also known as Aegris or Neptune or POSEIDON. They all came originally from ur.....ANU....(s) or URANUS. So if you follow they came from Orions belt to our local solar system ended up on URANUS then to Mars terraforming and then moved to the MOON became the watchers mentioned in the BIBLE. Genetically Engineering Neanderthal, Australo Ferensis which are not HOMO SAPIENS = HUMANS, they are completely different species. We are a proven genetic hybrid of YES Extra Terrestrials but a long history of space travel and development over BILLIONS of years.

Please watch the following to get an understanding - This video tells us THEY the Solutreans, Canaanite Phoenician followed the ICE across