
RH- (NEGATIVE) Blood Factor Shows Extra Terrestrial ORIGINATION

All modern genetic DNA evidence points to an "out-of-Africa" origin for humanity. Hence, it is our view that Rh+ (Rh-positive) is the original Rh blood allele in humans, since black Africans in Africa who have not mixed either with white populations or with mixed-race persons have ONLY this Rh allele and no evidence of Rh- (Rh-negative).

Since Rh- (Rh-negative) is an allele which is found predominantly among white populations (ca. 40-45% in Europe), it must clearly be a mutation which followed after man's migrations from Africa to Europe.

This substantiates the BIBLE and indicates a time frame when man was genetically modified by GOD who was an Extra Terrestrial but the real reason GOD modified HOMO SAPIEN was for the ability to breathe the OXYGEN on planet Earth better.

Moreover, Rh-negative is found much more frequently among A and O blood groups, which are the major blood types in Western Europe, whereas Rh-negative is much rarer among persons with B and AB blood types.

Rh protein plays a significant role as a channel for CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) across cell membranes in the body: "Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells. CO2 can also pass through the cell membrane unaided (above right), but not quickly enough."

Hence, it would seem to be a likely hypothesis to this observer, presented here for the first time, that Rh- (Rh-negative) developed due to a (presumably beneficial) change mandated in our human breathing of the Earth's air in the more northerly European latitudes.

This would make sense since there is in fact a global air-sea flux of CO2 (carbon dioxide) which could correspond to the mutation we see in Rh from Africa (Rh+) to Western Europe (Rh-).

In the FUTURE the ability to modify DNA and the RH- (NEGATIVE) factor will allow humans to space travel and breathe the environments that our genetic biological life is placed upon. This means that in the FUTURE we will be putting our species on planets throughout the universe.