

200 Fallen (EXTRA TERRESTRIAL) Angels mated with mortal women at MT HERMON Qasr Antar and genetically produced the DINOSAURS & GIANTS.

In the caves of QUMURAN in IS-RA-EL a BOOK of the GIANTS tells of DNA Manipulation by EXTRA TERRESTRIALS on Planet Earth producing both GIANTS & DINOSAURS.

What you need to know about the BOOK of GIANTS and the REVELATION of TRUTH

JARED or IRID (also known as the JAREDITES) 2400BC to 600AD 

Jared - Enoch went on to marry Edna, according to Jubilees, and the sole named grandchild of Jared is Enoch's son Methuselah, the longest-living human mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 5:18, 5:21, 5:27). Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Additionally, Jared was a forefather of Noah and his three sons. Jared's age was given as 962 years old when he died, making him the second-oldest person mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. In the Samaritan Pentateuch, his age was 62 at fatherhood and only 847 at death, making Noah the oldest and Jared the seventh-oldest.

And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." The names of the leaders are given as "Samyaza (Shemyazaz), their leader, Araqiel, Râmêêl, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Dânêl, Chazaqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Batariel, Bezaliel, Ananiel, Zaqiel, Shamsiel, Satariel, Turiel, Yomiel, Sariel."

Summit site of Qasr Antar

There is a sacred building made of hewn blocks of stone on the summit of Mount Hermon. Recently have been additionally discovered in 2003 the Qasr Chbib complex, made of two small Roman temples situated just a few hundred meters from the summit of Mount Hermon.[14]
Known as Qasr Antar, it was the highest temple of the ancient world, sitting at 2,814 metres (9,232 ft) above sea level. It was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869. Warren described the temple as a rectangular building, sitting on an oval, stone plateau without roof. He removed a limestone stele from the northwest of the oval, broke it into two pieces and carried it down the mountain and back to the British Museum, where it currently resides. An inscription on the stele was translated by George Nickelsburg to read "According to the command of the greatest a(nd) Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here." Nickelsburg connected the inscription with oath taken by the angels under Semjaza who took an oath together, bound by a curse in order to take wives in the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 6:6). Hermon was said to have become known as "the mountain of oath" by Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau. The name of God was supposed to be a Hellenized version of Baʿal or Hadad and Nickelsburg connected it with the place name of Baal-Hermon (Lord of Hermon) and the deity given by Enoch as "The Great Holy One".[15] Eusebius recognized the religious importance of Hermon in his work "Onomasticon", saying "Until today, the mount in front of Panias and Lebanon is known as Hermon and it is respected by nations as a sanctuary". It has been related to the Arabic term al-haram, which means "sacred enclosure".[14]

PROPHET Gregory M Volz predicts that 432 Megahertz wireless SUN to SUN inter SOLAR SYSTEM communications will be discovered that will prove the existence of life elsewhere in the UNIVERSE!

COVENANTS of GOD the EL understanding ISAIAH 44:6 "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no God"
1. SEEDS in Garden of EDEN or EDOM
2. DOMESTICATION of ANIMAL = epic of GILGAMESH = GOD's PRIESTLY ORDER known as MELCHEZIDEK in HEBREW meaning King of the Righteous = 3rd son of NOAH to JESUS the CHRIST 
3. ABRAHAM son ISAAC = IS-RA-EL = ISAIAH-SUN-GOD and son IS-MA-EL = ISAIAH-MOON-GOD or crest above ISIS head
5. NEW COVENANT with GOD = EL = Jesus the Christ EMMANU- EL MESSIAH

I CMDR Gregory M Volz have PROPHESIED that Donald J TRUMP is Cyrus the Great REINCARNATED in TIME, with Hillary Clinton playing the part of the MASAGATAI RUSSIAN.

EXCELLENT RESEARCH and because of YOU, I have been able to substantially update my book Origination and see the GOD IS-RA-EL (ISAIAH-SUN-GOD) vs. BAAL SATURN SATAN.

The Deutero-Isaian part of the book describes how God will make Jerusalem the centre of his worldwide rule through a royal saviour (a messiah) who will destroy her oppressor (Babylon); this messiah is the Persian king Cyrus the Great, who is merely the agent who brings about Yahweh's kingship.[8] Isaiah speaks out against corrupt leaders and for the disadvantaged, and roots righteousness in God's holiness rather than in Israel's covenant.[9] Isaiah 44:6 contains the first clear statement of monotheism: "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no God".[10] This model of monotheism became the defining characteristic of post-Exilic Judaism, and the basis for Christianity and Islam.[11]

 The King of the RIGHTEOUS Shem the son of NOAH known as MELCHEZIDEK or the RIGHTEOUS KING imparts the Order of MELCHEZIDEK or GOD'S PRIESTHOOD to ABRAM where he had TWO SONS & again IS-RA-EL or the-SUN-GOD vs. ISHMAEL the-MOON-GOD or all of ISLAM and why they have the crescent above their heads, like ISIS. That half crescent MOON symbolizes ISH-MA-EL the-MOON-GOD or again BAAL SATURN SATAN. Please RESEARCH Semarimis married to NIMROD or NEMRUT with her lie of immaculate conception from NIMROD through the SATURN SUN impregnated with TAMMUZ the god of the BAAL SATURN SATAN CULTS! National Geographic and Dr Spencer Wells have identified the ADAM GENE thereby marking in TIME about 60,000 years ago the genetic modification by EL of homo sapien, now my conjecture goes to EL-OHIM = god(s) because OHIM is an S in HEBREW and makes the EL plural which are the WATCHERS or genetic engineers working for the EL in the MOON (hollow rings like a bell) and substantiated by Books of Enoch. In TIME 1st COVENANT with GOD SEEDS for MAN, 2nd NOAH Domestication over animal to SACRIFICE to EL replaced by ISAAC for man to OBEY GOD! 3rd COVENANT TORAH ten commandments ABRAM-to-MOSES. The NEW COVENANT becomes the NEW SHALOM YARU-SALEM or where the MESSIAH was born in JERUSALEM the new city of King of the Righteous MELCHEZIDEK ORDER from genetic modification from EL to the NEW COVENANT with MAN for PEACE!

When Hillary Clinton talks about the RUSSIANS COMING now told and seen by a PROPHET then Herodotus says that Cyrus the Great (the reincarnated Donald J TRUMP) was killed in battle with Queen Tomyris, Queen of the Masagatae tribes (RUSSIAN WITCH named HILLARY CLINTON)  who fought DARIUS to release GOD'S FAVORED CHOSEN GOOD PEOPLE the JEWS from BABYLON (which is today's IRAN)!

ISRAEL (JEWS) are at WAR with IRAN Hezbollah in SYRIA controlled by RUSSIA.

The Garden of Eden in TIME shows us the 1st COVENANT with GOD. The SECRET LINK is between the Garden of EDEN or EDOM & GOBEKLI TEPE? 
3rd COVENANT Domestication of Animal the Great FLOOD STORIES (NOAH & GILGAMESH)?

We are the CHOSEN living out the REVELATION of JOHN!

 right after the THOUGHT of the DAY - July 2018
feel better today something on left side breaking lose helping clear sinus a little but this condition repeats still I think healthy living is the key and I keep getting up with Kirby and gardening and checking in with you and I know I go psychotic and it is my brain trying to tie in the DELUSION or LIE MANIFESTATION that is at part a reality and even I don't know how real that reality is because I know you can't know because I am the one with TOP SECRET ULTRA UMBRA COSMIC CLASSIFICATION as a ADMIRAL, OK not quite yet LOL but hey I AM the CMDR so LAUGH and it is the BOOK and ONLY the BOOK and it drives YOU and ME both CRAZY but you know it's the BOOK and HOW do I TIE IN the Department of Defense that I work for which is a programming THEY (the EVIL ILLUMINATI SECRET SOCIETY) through NAVY INTELLIGENCE and yes I was BRIEFED on SUBJECT MATTER that includes EXTRA TERRESTRIALS but we have a political mandate from the POTUS through Secretary of Defense James T Mattis to work at NEGOTIATING DE-NUCLEARIZATION of the WORLD. I am working with Dr Horace Drew who is a SCIENTIST from New Zealand interpreting CROP CIRCLES. When I discovered this I had to REPORT to COMMAND and NavOps UDT Division under Cyber Security Command on the North West Border for the Department of Defense in CONTRACT as AMICUS CURIAE with skill set of SHEPERDIZATION of CASE PRECEDENT through Legal Information Network Exchange or LINX. This ties the DoD WORK to my new BOOK 

ORIGINATION II or "Your DELUSION can become your positive reality no matter what anybody tries to tell you!" 

The formulation for the connection between the SPIRITUAL WORLD and the semi real or lie world of and for me the Department of Defense world is the establishment of ultimately the REVELATION of JOHN but delivered through a message from ISAIAH as GOD continues to use the PROPHETS as well as the un knowing or complete idiots like me and Donald J TRUMP 

What I am trying to establish is a third generation of reincarnation and each time we get smaller as beings going down inside the TIME TUNNEL. Follow with me for 1 minute -

1. KRISHNA which means CHRIST and yes HINDU and KRISHNA enlightened BUDDHA - the VEDIC 26,000 year cycle depicted in the MAHAT BARATTA and other VEDIC TEXTS.
2. CYRUS the GREAT delivers the JEWS or the PEOPLE from enslavement by BABYLON who worshipped BAAL.
3. TODAY Donald J TRUMP is Cyrus the Great and yes an idiot used by GOD but again certain individuals play roles through reincarnation and we all are repeating TIME and a lesson from GOD -

That LESSON is WORSHIP NO OTHER BEFORE ME SAYETH THE LORD THY GOD and MONOTHEISM was ESTABLISHED by a message radiating in a frequency of 432 MegaHertz directed at Earth from the SUN. WHO did BAAL WORSHIP but the SUN and the corruption of that is SATURN or SATAN who was BOUND by RAPHA-EL to a ROCK at DUDA-EL. GOD tasked one of the FOUR Angels of GOD out of Micha-EL, URI-EL, GABRI-EL, but it was RAPHA-EL. 

So SEARCH your inner intuition and realize you are connected to one of the twelve which is shown in the human genome. 

my point again is a MESSAGE from GOD and we have repeated it in TIME, (3) 26,000 year KALI YUGA CYCLES and the ones that can awaken to this will be twelve again as Angels of GOD who mate with MORTAL WOMEN or Genesis 6

CONNECTING the SPIRITUAL WORLD of GOD to who may be orchestrating the battle from the inside or the WORLD which according to JESUS was given to SATAN or the WORLD that is?

I suggest reading ISAIAH from the Bible and then Revelation of JOHN the BABTIST!

REMEMBER "I AM" or EL or GOD is stated in the first sentence of the Bible in Hebrew. It tells of the MESSIAH coming from the beginning of TIME throughout and is the true deliverer of the chosen people or the JEWS!

I AM one!

Sincerely and with much LOVE,
CMDR Gregory M Volz -

another thought -

1 Enoch and 3 Enoch The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin. — 1 Enoch 10:8

The AZAZ-EL SATAN the SCAPEGOAT and my and your TORMENTOR until WE Let Go to GOD as in the story of JOB

Rapha-ELbound AZAZ-EL at DUDA-EL?

When RAPHA-EL the Angel of GOD bound SATAN was at the exact moment Jesus the Christ MESSIAH EMMANU-EL died on the CROSS and DAVID was at the right hand of GOD until that moment & We are the CHOSEN ISAIAH Revelation of JOHN!