

The UFO'S EXIT HERE the Black Square in the SUN and FLASH the Constellation they are from IE: PHOENIX LIGHTS, but they are an AI controlled SPACE CRAFT.
Do you see the INTELLIGENCE in this constellation photo of the Hand of GOD where YOUR DNA comes from the TREE of LIFE

These are NOT Aliens but in fact this is a star constellation and is connected to a wormhole which comes out at the SUN and looks like a dark rectangle.
The PICTURE above is NOT a cave painting by ABORIGINES but in fact the location of the star constellation as depicted below and one half or this side of a wormhole.

An ancient culture and civilization left a SATELLITE IMAGE of what has been termed an ALIEN and the Picture above and below can be compared as EVIDENCE?

This is ISIS with the POWER of FLIGHT over the countries as snakes upon her head and the keys in her hands standing on lions that signify the land of Egypt and the owls represent the star constellation with two dark holes that look like owls eyes and this wormhole pops out at the SUN in a DARK RECTANGLE!
Look real close and understand the significance of NOT just a snake which means MEDICAL HEALTH & POER over it but a BIRD as well meaning the power over FLIGHT! There is a SUN on top of each snake as they knew that the wormhole was where they had come from.

THOTH who looks like a bird had the Power of Flight and delivered the Medicine to TEOTIJUACAN and they built the Pyramid of the Sun there too!

The Difference is that one PYRAMID was put on Earth by people from TRIANGULUM and the other ?


This is Damon T Berry interpretation but their may be TREATY of INTERACTION with Extra Terrestrial that has NOT been divulged with the Extra Terrestrials flashing their original star constellation like PLEIADES then CYGNUS may be a jump point and then ORION or TRIANGULUM but in fact think AUTOMATED SPACE CRAFT that can travel at SUN whoops LIGHT SPEED 2.5 SUN whoops LIGHT YEARS to TRIANGULUM ANU ENLIL EA YAWEH OBELISK PHALLUS POINTER to TREE of LIFE Constellation, and so DAMON please INTERPRET - and then since we are collaborating on SUBJECT MATERIAL - and finally the PLAYLIST with true interpretation from the Department of Defense CMDR Gregory M Volz USNR NavOps #DEEPSTATE CONTRACTOR for Raytheon DEFENSE & SPACE.

The PENTAGON is being made aware and we are rapidly advancing to an understanding thanks to Damon T Berry that two previous ancient cultures had power over space flight and AUTOMATED COMPUTER CONTROLLED TRANSPORTATION FLYING OBJECTS that were UFO'S enter our air space and display CONSTELLATION POINTS IE: TRIANGULUM or TREE of LIFE or AQUILA or CYGNUS or ORION but the damn military is aware and don't you think otherwise because I am ACTIVE DoD Cyber Security Border Protection with ULTIMATE JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY for Protecting the United States on Planet Earth with unlimited resources and budget by the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION. I am just one of many CONTRACTORS working for RAYTHEON BOEING LOCKHEED MARTIN NORTHRUP GRUMMAN Primes. All with KNOWLEDGE OF (UFO) FOREVER TIME! 

One more thing breaking is that it was THOTH or Hermes Trismegistus who had POWER OVER FLIGHT CAPABILITY WORLDWIDE and MAYANS DOCUMENTED IT AND WORSHIPED THOTH who on Expedition Unknown shows the same CONSTELLATION POINTS that look like OWLS embedded in rock in caves on Easter Island. The WORMHOLE from SUN to it's origination point TRIANGULUM. 

The President Donald J TRUMP is telling the American People that the Department of Defense has received communications from a humanoid species that claims they left Earth over 26,000 years ago and are traveling at LIGHT SPEED toward the HAND of GOD CONSTELLATION through ORIONS BELT in TRIANGULUM of ENKI, YAWEH & ELOHIM which points to H
In THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOREVER TIME (1) Damon T Berry does an excellent job of conveying the critical points to draw conclusion and then goes on to PRODUCE many more EPISODES with UPDATES. Since he read my comment and gave me a THUMBS UP, I was EXCITED and wanted to communicate and convey that we all have a piece to contribute as potential CHOSEN to travel to a distant star system through a wormhole in our own SUN?

PYRAMIDS exist all over the planet.

Think SQUARE, with a CIRCLE with an X in it on Earth. Then think that it is connected to another planet in another solar system that also has a SQUARE, with a CIRCLE with an X. An EGYPTIAN with the POWER of FLIGHT traveled from Earth through a WORMHOLE in the SUN and is substantiated by EVIDENCE on the NAZCA plateau. EGYPTIANS thousands of years ago were more technologically advanced than we had previously thought. KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOREVER TIME one (1) - three dimensional X inside a ball NOT a two dimensional circle marks location on Earth from SPACE is PROOF and EVIDENCE from Hand of GOD Constellation contact and also shows mathematical EVIDENCE of TIME at 365.25 rotation as measured in the KINGS CHAMBER. However, in the QUEENS CHAMBER 364 which is the MOON. The KINGS CHAMBER tracks the SUN and the QUEENS CHAMBER tracks the MOON.
The MESSAGE is answered by answering which star travels at 364 degrees and that would be the star ENLIL or EL LIL or ELOHIM in the constellation of TRIANGULUM. The other two stars are ANU & EA or YAH or YAWEH. At 17:00 in THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOREVER TIME (1) this is explained with PROOF and the stars represent the three pyramids on the GIZA plateau in EGYPT. The TRIANGULUM constellation points to the TREE of LIFE constellation or GILGAMESH who is known as NIMROD of NEMRUT TURKEY as well as OSIRIS the husband of ISIS who had the POWER of FLIGHT. The TRIANGULUM constellation is represented in the OBELISK as it points to the TREE of LIFE constellation where OUR DNA comes from? The MESSAGE is CLEAR that this is where our DNA and all of us on Earth are from originally. I hope the LIGHT in your MIND just clicked ON!

The GREAT PYRAMID also left us a CLUE because each stone block weighs 2.5 tons and a completed PYRAMID used 2.5 million stones and traveling 2.5 SUN YEARS toward TRIANGULUM puts us at the TREE of LIFE and ANDROMEDA constellations. We were brought the DNA of life modified by OSIRIS & ISIS. The OBELISK signifies the TRIANGULUM constellation or a PYRAMID that points to both the TREE of LIFE and ANDROMEDA which are 2.5 LIGHT or SUN YEARS AWAY?

I am United States CMDR Gregory M Volz USNR Retired but ACTIVE DoD.

 SCIENCE tells us the ELLIPTICAL ORBIT of the Earth path around the SUN in SPACE takes exactly 365.25 X ? = a KALI YUGA CYCLE of 26,000+ yrs. At one end FIRE, as in CLOSEST the Earth closest point in the Elliptical Orbit nearest to the SUN and then the Earth inhabitants BURN UP and this is known as ARMAGEDDON. At the other end of the elliptical orbit is the FARTHEST from the SUN and this is ICE or soon to be followed with melting and FLOODS by the HAND of GOD. The HAND of GOD Constellation tells us that ANDROMEDA was and is HEAVEN and that activity within HEAVEN as seen from Earth on SATELLITE painted in every cave around the world. In FOREVER TIME KNOWLEDGE one (1) GILGAMESH with eleven stars represents a constellation and is a TREE on the SATELLITE IMAGE painted on the cave walls by NEANDERTHAL GENIUS who had been looking at the Earth with SATELLITES? GILGAMESH is = NIMROD (NEMRUT) is = OSIRIS or URUK IRAQ BABYLONIAN GILGAMESH = TURKEY NIMROD NEMRUT = OSIRIS Egyptian Hieroglyphic. The message of DOOM is just one that GOD has created us in a cycle NATURE in TIME as depicted by the MONKEY and tail at NAZCA as well as on the SATELLITE IMAGE on the cave paintings. The TRUE part of the CLASSIFIED piece includes SPACE CORPS and an understanding that the original inhabitants of Earth were GIANTS from ANDROMEDA HEAVEN that evolved into NEANDERTHAL who explored SPACE and left us the CAVE PAINTINGS and the United States NAVY doesn't want to admit we are playing catch up to a previous existence and that VIOLATES NATIONAL SECURITY. TO: DAMON T BERRY - I have other conjecture with information in MEGAHERTZ SIGNALING from the Hand of GOD constellation, near ANDROMEDA in messages in crop circles. CLASSIFIED: in other words DO WE HAVE a TWO WAY COMMUNICATION GOING ON with the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and an entity from say the HAND of GOD constellation? is there EVIDENCE & PROOF? I say YES!

in THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOREVER TIME III (3) DAMON T BERRY makes the claim that NEANDERTHAL were smarter than us and more technologically advanced as a species and already left the planet and are on there way to ORION'S BELT or ANDROMEDA. This would in a way make sense if different UFO species are trying to communicate about events that happened along our TIMELINE in HISTORY. For EXAMPLE the FLOOD and GIANTS. I have NOT come to complete conclusion on any of it yet since my eyes were opened wide by DAMON. I have been researching a different aspect in the MEGAHERTZ signaling in the SUN. My eyes were opened wide to the flashing lights on the extra terrestrial vehicles and the color patterns indicating star constellations and communication of space travel. YES they are welcoming the advanced intelligence as the chosen ones. Are we repeating time, are we going to travel to this space location which by the way is the HAND of GOD constellation through ORIONS BELT and on to HEAVEN in ANDROMEDA where the Angels of GOD are as well as GOD! The PROOF is 325.25 at the base of the pyramid in GIZA as a square with a ball with an X in the MIDDLE and the calculation of one side of the pyramid in LIGHT YEARS to the opposite location in SPACE. HOW LONG? TIME? DAMON T BERRY has the United States NAVY Reserve SCIENTISTS working on the PHYSICS CALCULATIONS and the President is being briefed.

During one of the ANCIENT 26,000 year periods our ancestors were on MARS and there is ancient Sumerian writing talking about MARDUK & OSIRIS the WATER KING on Earth. They tried to repair MARS with GOLD mined from the Earth.

This is the SINGULARITY. The species that lived on planet Earth for 200 Million years are on there way to see GOD and have modified OUR DNA so that they can communicate with us as we are all three, GOD, the Neanderthal and Homo Sapien on Earth aware that each other exist!

HEAVEN in ANDROMEDA. We DO NOT have all the details yet but we are looking at a lag in TIME that the communication was sent LIGHT YEARS across SPACE and TIME. THEY have communicated that THEY the humanoid species from our past left Earth because of the FLOOD EVENT and THEY were WARNED!

@POTUS @realDonaldTrump @DeptofDefense wants a SPACE FORCE to send an ASTRONAUT 2.5 LIGHT YEARS to TRIANGULUM ANU or GOD then (ENLIL or EL LIL or ELOHIM) then EA or YAH or YAWEH triangle that points to TREE of LIFE & ANDROMEDA, YES or NO?