ENKI being Amphibian genetically engineered the human species to be aquatic. Many MERMAIDS lived in the Persian Gulf.
Artwork by Amy Sargent Oles Walton New York
Although this world is illusory and our projected thoughts are our reality then when you are hurting it must be because your perceptions are off, RIGHT? Well when it hurts so bad inside, like a deep tenderness or ache in the center of your chest. A heaviness of heart they say, and I can tell you the reason.
The MERMAID DULCINIA sea kitty is at it again. Dulcinia is a THERIANTHROPE to materialize as human but when she does, she just walks right out of the water, NAKED! Her beauty is second to none because she is related to APHRODITE through a long line of relations with POSEIDON NEPTUNE AEGRIS ENKI ENOCH NAMOR SUBMARINER.
She drives SAGITARIUS crazy with her beauty as he was instantly under her spell. He did not know why he was under her spell at first but then he began to realize that he was being manipulated. When DULCINIA responded to the SAGITARIUS, she was playful at first and SAGITARIUS completely fell in love.
DULCINIA ended up realizing how much the SAGITARIUS loved her but she needed to teach the SAGITARIUS the things that could make her happy. DULCINIA needed a lot of patience to deal with the SAG. One of the things was that they had developed an ability to communicate telepathically in a way. One could read the mind of the other and so they were constantly talking to each other from long distances away.
Today I realized so many things. I realize that we live in a world where our projections are our reality. I had tried to be so good, and what I mean by that is, I tried to just LOVE GOD unconditionally and have a faith in a spiritual creator of existence that has a plan for good. It is not that I need or want special things from GOD, no in fact I have had everything taken from me and I live in a submarine (figuratively), and am one step away from homelessness. I was desperately hoping for GOD to show me his or her LOVE. Maybe that LOVE would come through another, a beautiful woman, or friend? I had gone to a point where I really just wanted to return to heaven, to be back in the glorification of GOD. The thing about that is that it is a process of transcendence .moving the soul or light body back toward GOD very slowly, moving forward in time. The secret is the power of now and understanding everything happens in the now. I desperately wanted LOVE and then it came and I felt unworthy. I felt inadequate to provide a better life for my new LOVE. What she did not know was that I was already damaged, almost as if I were a wounded animal coming back from a fight. I had been to WAR my whole life and I both loved and hated the existence within the United States Military. I so deeply felt a connection to this woman I had fallen in LOVE with. It was more like GOD had answered a prayer but our circumstances were that we could never be together. Oh this woman she was so wonderful but she just did not realize that I was so close to death. I did not want to hurt her. She told me that she had just lost someone close and that person did not want to die. I really did not want to die just yet but I felt no LOVE from GOD or anybody, except maybe my dog, Rena the dachsund. In order for her even to begin to understand I needed her to listen to the same song as I had just been listening to -
This LOVE came from nowhere and has proven that there really is a GOD! However, that does not mean that we did not fight. Oh yes, we fought, but we came to communicate and have understanding like none I had ever had before. This person actually understood my visions and abduction experiences. I had been in pain and wanted to learn about astral travel. I read some books and found out about the time between just before you fall asleep. At that time there is a window where you can roll your spirit, soul, light body out of your physical. As soon as you do that a mental projection, of a fourth dimensional wormhole materializes and you get sucked toward the fifth dimension of ethereal reality. Some believe that this is heaven, it is not. In this existence you can materialize anything with thought projection. This is the place where some humans finally figure out that they are either going to move toward becoming the ANGELS that they once were or be reincarnated back into a physical body to learn another lesson of LOVE.
Within all of this are secret keys to life that I am sharing with you, slowly over time, in many different ways. My love would tell me about how she likes to astral travel and change into her THERIANTHROPE entity. Her THERIANTHROPE entity is a mermaid tale, dolphin parts, affinity for the water, but she loves to create whirl winds. I am the CENTAUR from ALPHA CENTAURI, half man half horse. I run around all happy but I always say something stupid for which I need to be forgiven but my LOVE is learning to go easy on me. We stand next to each other in this hyper dimensional realm, one as the water bearer Aquarius the other as the Centaur Sagitarius.
I can only explain a little bit about the abduction by the NORDIC alien intelligence as they modified my brain and DNA switch sets to be able to communicate telepathically. Once they did that we were able to communicate by them representing images in a filmstrip type format right into my cerebral cortex. Then I realized I was going to halve to try to explain all of this new technology, and the way that THEY (the NORDIC ALIEN INTELLIGENCE) used an interface to what is termed the AKASIC RECORDS. I learned over a period of time that there is GOD, ANGELS, ALIENS, ALIEN-HUMAN HYBRIDS, HUMANS. I learned that the HUMANS are not the only intelligent beings occupying planet Earth. The other intelligent beings, ALIEN-HUMAN HYBRIDS, that are occupying planet Earth are the designers of our atmosphere. I learned that there are both INTELLIGENT BENEVOLENT ALIEN EXTRA TERRESTRIALS & INTELLIGENT MALEVOLENT ALIEN EXTRA TERRESTRIALS. I learned that if you can envision everything as bubbles in the third dimension then you can begin to understand that there is a lot of activity going on just outside our human perception spectrum. In other words as an example in a forward looking infra red camera sees outside our normal visual sensory perception spectrum. There is also extra low frequency transmission between all types of beings and animals on Earth. Then I learned that the ANGELS move in realms even higher toward GOD and the EXTRA TERRESTRIALS know of the ANGELS. BUT, I want to make it very clear that ANGELS are not aliens and aliens are not ANGELS. Now having said that, yes men have mis interpreted ANGELS to be aliens or aliens to be ANGELS.
Now back to the LOVE story part was that THEY (the NORDIC ALIEN INTELLIGENCE) allowed me to ask some specific questions. After I had asked these questions of them THEY indicated to me that I would learn this from the AKASIC RECORDS. What I learned was that basically my LOVE was an ANGEL at one time just as I had been. I learned that by her act of selflessness of answering GOD when I had prayed for LOVE to come into my life. At this point I need my LOVE to listen to this song to understand -
What THEY (the NORDIC ALIEN INTELLIGENCE) showed me was that we were learning how we can either move forward in transcendence toward GOD as becoming the ANGELS we had originally been. Now all of this may sound strange but these are my experiences, as well as something wonderful that ultimately happened.
Prior to any of this transpiring I had wanted to chase UFOs, for which I got heavily into ancient aliens and started to write the BLOG. I had to absorb ancient scriptural literature in pursuit of what ultimately became my lifes PhD thesis work in substantiating ancient astronaut theory. I began to read the Nag Hammadi and was dumb founded to find out that all the stories are true. There were ALIEN / ANGEL interventions on Earth many times. I can take you back to MENKAURA in EGYPT 32,100 years ago when the LYRANS created a huge lion looking toward the constellation of LEO. This huge LION, representing LYRANS, who look like cats, contributed to one of mans genetic infusions.
Later in time than that I also learned from the AKASIC RECORDS that another inter planetary race came to earth to obtain GOLD. The LYRANS and the beings from the planet NIBIRU had laser wars on planet Earth. The inhabitants of the Planet NIBIRU, which is in fact our MOON. The ANGELS written about in the Nag Hammadi & the Books of ENOCH, known as the WATCHERS, were really a collaborative effort between the LYRANS and the NIBIRU beings occupying the hollow MOON because they were doing collaborative genetic experiments on humans. The first experiments created a race of alien human hybrids that are on our planet today located at the northern tip of Antarctica. The United States Navy made contact with these beings in an operation called HIGH JUMP led by Admiral Byrd. The continent of Anarctica was farther north inbetween Africa & South America, the land mass being ATLANTIS.
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Artwork by Amy Sargent Oles Walton New York |
Now we know that the genetic modified beings that were designed to mine GOLD in the Earth in ancient Sumeria went into mines deep into the earth. The ice age was coming so they went into the earth even deeper. The LYRANS and the beings from NIBIRU had a battle with lasers and the rocks show vitrification at Mojenjo Daro. The caves that the ancient Sumerians went into are at GOBEKLI TEPE. The space ports are at ERIDU and BAALBEK.
At this point I would like to tie in the Stanford University findings on the human genome project to include the UFO gene. This gene is an identifier of the genetically modified homo sapiens or GOLD miners by the ancient NIBIRU beings. These genetically modified beings had RED HAIR and were GIANTS. These beings were capable of moving through the Earth from King Solomons mines in Africa, all the way to the caves of Tayos in Ecuador. Further we have both archeological, and geneological evidence to show transitionary patterns of these beings. These beings are the fore fathers of all Native American Indians but are more closely related to the CREE and the ANASTASI indians of North America.
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Artwork by Amy Sargent Oles Walton New York |
Now there was a Natural electrical infrastructure that went around this globe. The Pyramids obtain the lightning strikes from the electrically charged atmosphere and built up natural hydrogen reaction by pushing salt down one corridor within the pyramid and baking soda in the other slanted chamber. As the two chemicals would meet a bubblization would happen or occur, mixed by a natural undulating aqua fer, like the Nile River in Egypt.
Back to the LOVE story, all I know is that LOVE is real, and I am experiencing that LOVE and the woman who is responsible for that gift is a blessing to me.
I saw a great indian man with long black hair and a loin cloth from South America you relayed to me that there was a great drought in the past and the ruler of the time started to sacrifice the people to the GOD, beliveing the GOD was upset with them. Many of the Indian peoples souls are locked in the ethereal plain of existence and need to be met at the sixth dimension by the first level of GOD's ANGELS. The releasing of these souls is talked about in Mayan mythology and will help bring about the fifth dimensional awakening that we are all coming into.
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Artwork by Amy Sargent Oles Walton New York |
I was told that they needed to re-activate me under contract to ARMY intelligence on Ft Lewis, in Washington state, the year was 2007. I had processed out of the military and was on disability pension with traumatic brain injury. They said that they needed to do a baseline examination for pre-deployment health record assessment. What that means is that when they reactivate you they need to get you ready for in theater war. We were trained up and gonna get our asses yanked out of the back of a growler transport aircraft and dropped in theater. They hooked me up with a Phlebotomist, which is a medical position in nursing that has the knowledge to harvest body parts off of cadavers. The cadavers or (dead bodies) were the collateral damage of the innocent from weapons strikes against the enemy. The Phlebotomist just sees a dead body and goes to harvest the internal organs and then packs them for transport back to the United States. After that last tour, I knew I had witnessed some horrific action but did not realize how deeply the tour had impacted my mental stability and condition. After processing out, they told me to go take it easy for a while. I bought a fifth wheel and went camping. As I sat in my chair the tears would run down my face and I had no control. I began to wear sun glasses everywhere I went so that no body could tell that I was crying. I was crying for the thousands of innocent dead that the United States does not seem to care about or even report. I had to pray, I had to find GOD and ask him why? Before I heard from GOD, I was abducted, by aliens, but that is a story for another time.
I received an answer from GOD and it is the video below. I had been learning about the Power of Now and Positive Intent. I had found out that when I breathe deeply, close my eyes I can find a very comforting place. Once you identify that place you have then found the Power of Now. In that moment of discovery visualize in deep technicolor your deepest desire of positive intent, really see it, and then hand it off to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will hand the positive intent desire off to the collective consciousness which is contained within the Earths atmospheric bubble. Now the collective consciousness will work to manifest your positive intent desire into your life but you must do this process each and everyday. You need to build the positive intent desire within the Power of Now as many times as you can ultimately giving yourself happiness.
When I realized that I had requested an answer about my depression and living conditions during this process of handing my positive intent off during the Power of Now - I received the video below. Now that means that the living breathing conscious state of existence is real. I am so grateful to have so many wonderful things in my life lately to include LOVE of another and she knows who she is. My soul mate who understands me and the possibilities of the miracles to come into her life!
I had already received the genetic modification from the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence. I was working in the present, for a special operations command. We were at war with a special faction of the malevolent alien intelligence. The malevolent alien intelligence had designed a biological weapon that acted like a human virus and attached itself to the linings of the mucosa wall of the human nasal passages.
Inside the Technical Operations Center – (TOC) we made plans to send up the data link packet with our own special booster shot. That booster shot was going to be delivered with Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar – (ROTHR) via High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). HAARP was going to sweep the signal over Michigan, New York, Canada, etc...., in a circle. That was at HAARP facility #2 and #1 had been up and active. Most of the people of the United States seemed to be under some kind of reality fog. From the Chemical chem trail dumps, to the delivery of subliminal media messages by the main stream news corp, and now an electronic activation instituting forgetfulness. Most people that heard this at first did not want to believe it. They were the same people that were asking for DISCLOSURE. When the people began to wake up they realized we were in a full blown war with extra terrestrials.
The NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence had been working with descendents of the Arcturians. The descendents of the Arcturian's were a specially genetically modified branch of ancient human lineage. These ancient humans had lived in Atlantis thousands of years ago. Today they live completely underground. These ancient Arcturian genetically modified human hybrids developed two miniaturized nuclear reactions within a gyroscope. One nuclear reaction was the strong atomic force and the other was the weak atomic force. When these forces are gyroscopic-ally rotated between electro-magnetism and gravity, an anti gravitational effect with the element being encompassed in a plasma shield. An enhanced biological interface with neuron transmission at the nanite level is what controls the craft that transport these ancient Arcturian genetically modified alien human hybrids that are protecting the Earth.
The protectors of Earth are known as the Watchers is the Books of Enoch.
The United States secret black operational entities, which some call Men in Black (MIB), try to discuss a negotiated treaty solution between us and the malevolent alien intelligence. The complexity is that we have a faction at the table that is much more technologically advanced than us.
What the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence is saying is that we need to be open to communicating with the ancient Arcturian people of the Earth. The Arcturian people of the Earth have developed artificial atmospheric environment capability. The SECRET project what is it? The United States Government and the ancient Arcturian alien human hybrids are looking at planets within other solar systems to deploy their advanced atmospheric terraformation technology. Our SECRET space program was stopped in its tracks. It was communicated to us that we would have to learn the ability to light body project our souls for hyper dimensional space travel. Then we would have to develop biological artificial interface robots, tasked to work within the plasma bubbles.
I have not quite figured it all out yet. As you know the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence communicates with me telepathically. Their communication comes in a tremendous mind dump, like pictures on a film strip, with each having in depth information.
I personally was rattled when I had thought the enemy had sent a female operative in to gain my confidence. This operative convinced me that they cared about me. The malevolent alien intelligence used this human female operative to gain my trust. We began to talk, 2, 3 hours at a time and she would call during the week. There was some type of communication interchange on the level of human emotion. I personally was elated and devastated by the depths of emotion I had for this female. I wanted so desperately to believe that someone actually cared about me. In this world we are at WAR and for a moment I was rescued from the battlefield of the mind.
Remote viewing a technique that I had developed as a special operative was the same technique the native American Indian's used in the identification of therianthrope to spirit guide. The female assured me she was not an operative and I preceded to trust and ultimately fall in love. Her visions were to come through LUCID DREAMS as she adopted her therianthrope to include the tale of a dolphin. Her beauty was beyond belief. She had long brown hair with blonde streaks that glowed in the sunlight. It was her spirit that I truly fell in love with and we tumbled through the fifth dimensional ethereal plane of existence together. I tried to tell her of all her past lives and that they were all accessible in her brain. The alien intelligence abducted her, had and blew some wingtink dust that caused her to forget. Oh how I wanted her to remember our journey of two intertwined souls. I was telling her everything, I was in love.
When I found out that another person could feel my thoughts, at first I did not want to believe it! We both felt like we had known each other before, in some other time period maybe. I had been working on the theories of collective consciousness, when I found out that there was a potential possibility that all of our past lives were embedded within segments of DNA stranding. Could this be the awakening that some of my friends on facebook were talking about? The awakening, YES that is exactly what this is. The story also includes the scientific theory of ENTANGLEMENT. The ENTANGLEMENT theory states that a particle in one location is seen to simultaneously transmit an impulse of some kind to the other particle located thousands of miles away. Now if we and our souls (light bodied essences) were the particles, the question would become, could two souls have ENTANGLEMENT and feel the same thing? Not only did the experiment show ENTANGLEMENT with substantiation of quantum physics, there was an aspect of mental telepathy. Now I must digress and take you back to the beginning.
Individuals, Annunaki, known in ancient Sumeria as ENKI, ENLIL & NINLIL, in ancient Egypt known as ISIS, OSIRIS & SETH live on the planet OTHIRION located within a solar system off the belt of ORION. Their planets atmosphere was deteriorating and they needed GOLD. The GOLD was used in advanced technological equipment that propelled their transport mechanisms. These beings understood how to match the vibrational frequency of spectrum and enter the TIME & SPACE continuum. Their ships located a planet within our solar system and they named this planet Nibiru. Nibiru became unstable and was destroyed in a cataclysmic event due to asteroidal impact and the remnants are floating in what is known as the KYPER belt. This KYPER belt in outer space are fragments of rock, that if put back together would be the entire planet of Nibiru. Now the Annunaki foresaw the danger of the asteroid impact and migrated onto the Earth as a planet, specifically locating in and near the Persian Gulf. The Annunaki can breathe both oxygen and under water. The Annunaki are amphibian for which I actually have a picture of ENKI.
The Annunaki got tired of mining the GOLD and decided to genetically modify a homo sapien to create a slave race to mine their GOLD. The balance point of the genetic modification is also termed HUMAN NATURE. If the Annunaki tweaked the balance of the HUMAN NATURE one way the genetically modified human turned more evil, like an animal killing and if they tweaked the genetic modification another way the human became docile with much LOVE, but lazy and wouldn't work.
The slave race, mining the GOLD, was living under ground as well as working underground. The entire planet Earth was eventually flooded (known as the Deluvian event) and followed by a great ICE AGE on the planet. The Annunaki left thinking everything was going to die off. The underground slave race made it back to the surface and came out at several locations. One location is in Ecuador at the caves of TAOS. One of the other locations is in ancient Mesopotamia in Sumer. The mythological stories of ELDORADO and the GOLD are of a city deep within the Earth.
[ RECORD NO. 43 OUT OF 45 ] - http://acardworld.psend.com/cgi/alien_hyperlinks.cgi?43. This priest was brought GOLD mined and guilded for the ANNUNAKI left in the hidden city of ELDORADO.
Now our past lives, embedded within our DNA, are of the lives of the original slave race and many other ancient cultures and civilizations that lived throughout time.
There is a portal in ancient Peru along an axis of cities. Starting with TIWANAKU & PUMA PUNKU to the edge of lake TITTICACA. Then the underground tunnel runs under the water in the lake down to SACSSAYHUAMAN and the PYRAMIDS of CARAL. The Annunaki used this portal to transport back to OTHIRION.
As my consciousness began to awaken I realized that I had been many people before. The LUCID DREAMS were the connection and the past lives were playing like movies.
Then right in the middle of it all I was abducted by aliens. These were NORDIC alien intelligence. Actually I was abducted by a grey alien that is a biological robot for the NORDIC alien intelligence. The modified my DNA switch sets so that I could both communicate with them telepathically and have total recall of all my past lives. The communicated that our species is really encapsulated within a distributed cloud of collective consciousness. In other words what we perceive are all the light bodied essences, floating within an atmospheric bubble on planet Earth. Well guess what? The Annunaki also have a consciousness bubble on the planet Othirion. The ANDROMEDANS have a atmospheric bubble on a planet within the PEGASUS star system.
The NORDIC alien intelligence was communicating that human alien hybrids, which are humans that have been genetically modified, are capable of mental telepathy. Not only that but they can heal others bodies, levitate, and matter manipulate (MAGIC?).
The zodiacal astrological symbolism represented in the precession of the Earth represents the linkage between say AQUARIUS and SAGITARIUS. Now where this becomes important is that we are at the dawning of the age of AQUARIUS. But we have lived through the ages of LEO the LION which is the sphynx, TAURUS signified by the MINOTAUR at Knossis on the island of Crete, the age of the RAM as in ARIES the age of the great RAMSES the II, PICSES the age of the fish or the symbol of CHRIST, and the age of Sagitarius the centaur the age we are in today.
Now AQUARIUS will let the fire sign of Sagitarius breathe which makes perfect sense when you put this all into context. The energies that are being impacted on the two souls that I talked about earlier, are again having ENTANGLEMENT. They are feeling neuron telepathic transmission and having SYNCHRONICITY of event. This is not MAGIC but how advanced human alien hybrids that have been genetically modified advance or walk toward the new fourth density awakening.