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The United States has heard the great Hassan Rouhani about the WAVE RESOLUTION! 

Thank You for denouncing Violence & Terrorism!

The financial investigations by the Department of Justice show that your country IRAN is financing Violence & Terrorism so the way the United States looks at it YOU SIR are a LIAR!

Somebody is lying or we need to formally have two groups looking into this funding of the IRANIAN militant groups. Hassan Rhouhani looks silly and like a liar when HAMAS or HEZBOLAH use weapons to behead, rape and murder. 

What most of the People and yes we are CHISTIANS is a common understanding that ABRAHAM had two sons, ISSAC & ISMAEL. These names represent over 10000 years of combined brotherhood and history to include ISRAEL & IRAN! Come on lets grow up and force the terroristic violent IRANIANS some manners and some lessons. We in the United States take care of our own through the Department of Justice. I truly believe that we need a new world PSYCHOLOGY that existed when we all were just trying to sell our goods. We should have an inalienable right to sell our produce or our hand making to anybody in the world. This creates sharing and interchange among faiths. 

GOD BLESS IRAN even though I do not agree with everything you are saying!

It is by the intelligence of the Iranian Persian people, which you underestimate continuously, like I said before Alexander the Great already lost to Persia once over five thousand years ago! Do you want to go to war and lose to Persia again or do you want them as your ally against China Korea and Russia? when the war does come read on here 

I will start off by saying that I truly believe that we are repeating time and there are several indicators of this and ultimately I will be talking about a nuclear explosion that happened in mohenjo-daro Pakistan which is very close in this region. My main point that I am trying to make is that we become allies with Persia Iran immediately and understand and push that we are similar people in the belief under God who gave us Abraham who had two sons one ISAAC one ISMAEL.

The deal with Iran is not so important but to understand the world politics in the implication of the past is very important. The Crusades themselves started because the greatest fighter from the West at the time which was Alexander the Great came up against the Persian armies and was ultimately defeated just as the United States is a great super power now if we go to war with Iran we will no longer be a superpower we will no longer have the prestige in the world and the opportunities that we have in the United States. It is time for the Pentagon and the Department of intelligence agency to start looking at war solutions outside of the normal parameters. We need to set a tone and that tone needs to be that we need to find other countries interesting and that we have special opportunities to trade goods that are only made in those particular regions nuts fruits spices. The sale of items on the table like at a garage sale in the United States by a person or a poor person in Africa on a little table selling their fruits and vegetables that they grew all year or a person in Persia Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan that grew their special flowers and crops and spices wants to sell those things to the rest of the world but if we don't find their things interesting and build them up and give them opportunity what good are we as a human species. I say that we need to reach out to the Ayatollah through politics ask him the questions are we not a people under Abraham is the Bible in the scriptures not real? These are the elements that I hope that the intelligence community picks up on and that we push for these types of things because if we don't have Persia as an ally we are never going to continue to be like I said the super power in the United States. We have Russia and China to think about and yes Iran is going to be a nuclear state so we need to accept the deal that the president is asking us to accept because that's the only alternative otherwise we're going to war with Iran.

I believe that we are getting serious in the United States in the Senate and the Congress but what it is that's causing most of the problems is that the Republicans feel offended because they cannot get their issues that they feel are so important that the president is taking executive action on away from them. They are like children not looking at the big picture they are always in fighting and the big picture is do you want the United States to continue to deteriorate or do we want to make the United States great again. Last night on the debate stage I witnessed many Republican man with very much passion to go forward and I hope that some of them also pick up on the fact that we are repeating time and we do not need to have the Crusades again the Christians versus the Muslims we fought that battle and in many ways that battle is still in existence in Israel today. At the location where Christ was crucified is the same location as the Dome of the rock why is it that people cannot get along. It is time people it is time for the world to unite in brotherhood and understand that it that we can live together in harmony I am talking about the Palestinians and the Israel lights. Just because you hear a news bleep that says that they want to wipe Israel off the map that is not the case because they are as big as the United States in the Middle East I'm talking about Iran Persia and they have so many different opinions coming out from so many different groups from hating and wanting to kill Americans to the other side completely for which we need to foster the ones that are saying we are truly brothers Under Abraham and unite and become allies in the world and work toward positive solutions for opportunity and prosperity for humans and mankind.

I urge you to contact your Senators and your Congressman come up with a pound tag start a social media campaign let them know as a Christian that you were tired or as an Islamic Muslim that you were tired of this political b******* talking about people not being able to get along. We can get along with Persia Iran and the people the Ayatollah the government and we can work on solutions for the world for the planet Earth in a positive direction thereby we can grow our own vegetables in her own gardens have clean air to breathe and live in our own gardens of Edom & Eden.